Thursday, August 8, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Wizard Adventure

It's been a while since I played a BBC Micro let's play another text adventure, shall we?

Wizard Adventure is a text adventure for the BBC Micro and is also one of eight games in The Soft Centre Collection. In this game, you have been turned into a troll by a witch, and you'll need to enter a valley where quite a few adventurers have been killed in order to find two items for a wizard who lives in the area and turn back to normal. It's a pretty short text adventure, and while nothing here will kill you and getting lost is more or less impossible, you actually have the luxury of more than one ending and it's a fine text adventure game for beginners.

After choosing whether to play as a male or female character (which doesn't affect much of anything in the game), you'll get the story and the instructions. The game takes the usual adventure commands such as TAKE, DESCRIBE and DROP. The function keys will act as NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, INVENTORY, LOOK, DESCRIBE, TAKE, DROP and HELP from Function Keys F1-F9 followed by F0, respectively. You can also type them out, which I do throughout the playthrough, anyway. HELP takes you back to the commands and function key shortcuts if you need them.

You'll start near a demon. Despite the island being dangerous, the demon does not hurt you. Go NORTH to find a large rock. EXAMINE ROCK to find out that the rock has writing on it. READ INSCRIPTION, and you'll find out that the word "WALROG" is on it. Go back SOUTH to the demon, then head WEST to the huge wall and SAY WALROG. You'll open the wall up to reveal a cave with some bones inside. TAKE BONES.

Go EAST and NORTH back to the rock, then go EAST again. There will be a piece of fresh, raw meat on the ground. TAKE MEAT. Go EAST to find a pile of leaves. EXAMINE LEAVES to find a shovel. TAKE SHOVEL. Go NORTH from where you found the SHOVEL to find a bronze sword. TAKE SWORD.

Head back to where the demon is (SOUTH, WEST, WEST, SOUTH) and KILL DEMON with the sword in your inventory. You'll kill the demon and drop the sword. The demon will also drop a bangle, which is completely useless.

Go NORTH back to the rock, then go NORTH again. There will be a sack here. DESCRIBE SACK to find out that something is in it, then EXAMINE SACK to find out that that something in the bag is flour. The flour is useless, so don't take it. Go NORTH to find an ordinary stretch of bare ground. DIG with the shovel in your inventory to find a bottle of rum. You'll also drop the shovel. Leave the shovel and the rum; they're both useless.

Go EAST from the rum to find a wild dog, which much like the demon, is also incapable of killing you. FEED DOG with the fresh, raw meat in your inventory to pacify the dog and also drop the meat. The dog will drop some herbs, but the herbs are actually useless. Go NORTH from here to find a bucket full of water. TAKE WATER, as the game does not recognize "take bucket" for some reason.

Go back to the sack of flour (SOUTH, WEST, SOUTH), then go WEST again. You'll meet a fire-breathing dragon. THROW WATER with the bucket of water in your inventory to extinguish the dragon's flame. The dragon will cower in fear and drop some black jet. TAKE JET.

Go back to the rock (EAST, then SOUTH), then go EAST, EAST, and SOUTH. You'll meet the wizard, and you'll be ready to turn back to normal. Type "GIVE ITEMS" to start giving the items. The two items you need to give are BONES and JET, as those are the two items that will turn you back into a human again. Any other combinations will turn you into a dragon and give you the bad ending. You've just completed Wizard Adventure!

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