Monday, July 15, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Part 53 of 54

We have two more Platinum Bolts to grab, and once we do...we truly get everything.

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We're finally heading to Yeedil. Here we go.

3:02 - There is a Platinum Bolt above the bridge at the start. Cross the bridge, then grind down the left side to get it.

4:21 - The Hypnomatic will get you from one robot to another in this makeshift maze. Making it to the end brings up some Swingshot targets, which leads to another maze-like area. Thankfully, you can get through this area on foot. Just ready yourself for the tanks.

8:00 - You'll have to switch from one robot to another with the Hypnomatic here in order to survive and eventually open the path to the teleporter to Megacorp HQ. 

9:30 - Let's check our stuff, lock and load, and...uh...

10:41 - Good thing the game saved our progress before the lock-up, because now we can return to where we left off.

13:08 - It was at this moment that I feared the game would break again.

16:01 - Not again.

17:24 - Bust out the Dynamo and watch your shadow as you jump and glide. Make sure you have the Kilonoids at your sides.

19:31 - For this final Infiltrator puzzle, you'll want to go up, down-left, down-left, down, down-left, up, up, down-left, left, down-left, down-left. Afterwards, use the Thermanator to take out all of the Protopets on the icy floor all at once. Afterwards, use the Tetrabomb Gun to wipe out the two tanks.

At this point, we're near the end. Use the Electrolyzer to get the platform up and running after one more mini-game involving those sparks on the circuit paths.

24:23 - Pulling this bridge down with the Swingshot leads to the end. We're not heading there yet.

Instead, there is a column you can move with the Tractor Beam. Grind on the rails and jump over the flashing rings to get the 40th and final Platinum Bolt of the game.

27:05 - With all 40 Platinum Bolts in hand, we play through the grinding section at Clank's apartment in Endako to get to the third and final weapons mod station. Thankfully, this grinding section is surprisingly easy and doesn't have a Skill Point attached. 

Here are all of the mods, what they do, and where you can get them. Thankfully, you can buy all of the mods with all 40 Platinum Bolts.

Acid Mods have acid rounds attached to the weapons they are for, and they will do poison damage when shots connect. The poison does eventually fade away, but it does damage until it does.

Lock On Mods allow you to lock on with the weapons that have them by holding L2 and R2 simultaneously. With lock-on, all shots will be directed at that enemy, and Ratchet will also be able to strafe while holding the button. You'll also be able to see how much health an enemy has left.

Shock Mods allow weapons that have them to shock enemies that are nearby the enemies that has been shot at, much like the Plasma Coil and Plasma Storm.

Tabora Vendor

  • Chopper/Multi-Star Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Pulse Rifle/Vaporizer Shock Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Blitz Gun/Blitz Cannon Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Minircket Tube/Megarocket Cannon Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Lancer/Heavy Lancer Lock On Mod (3 Platinum Bolts)
  • Bouncer/Heavy Bouncer Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Miniturret Glove/Megaturret Glove Shock Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)

Endako Vendor

  • Chopper/Multi-Star Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Seeker Gun/HK22 Gun Shock Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Seeker Gun/HK22 Gun Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Blitz Gun/Blitz Cannon Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Lancer/Heavy Lancer Shock Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Gravity Bomb/Mini-Nuke Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Gravity Bomb/Mini-Nuke Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)

Boldan Vendor

  • Hoverbomb Gun/Tetrabomb Gun Acid Mod (3 Platinum Bolts)
  • Hoverbomb Gun/Tetrabomb Gun Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Minirocket Tube/Megarocket Cannon Lock On Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Plasma Coil/Plasma Storm Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Plasma Coil/Plasma Storm Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Lava Gun/Meteor Gun Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)
  • Lava Gun/Meteor Gun Lock On Mod (1 Platinum Bolt)
  • Bouncer/Heavy Bouncer Acid Mod (3 Platinum Bolts)
  • Spiderbot Glove/Tankbot Glove Acid Mod (2 Platinum Bolts)

There is also a Lock On Mod for the R.Y.N.O II, which you can buy at the Gadgetron Store in Barlow. You can buy this at any of the three weapon mod vendors.

Also, for some reason, you can buy all of the mods from the Endako vendor on Tabora, and vice versa, which threw me for a loop.


As Ratchet:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

  • Jump and double jump (hold button after double jump to use Heli-Pack or Thruster Pack)
  • Wall jump (near certain walls)
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently equipped weapons/items
  • interrupt on-screen messages

Select: open map
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

  • center camera behind Ratchet (tap button to center)
  • first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
  • R1/R2: zoom in and out (Pulse Rifle only)
L2/R2: strafe (hold while moving)
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • X: high jump
    • long jump (hold crouch button and jump while running to perform)
R3: open map

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend
  • R1: accelerate with Hydro-Pack

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

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