Monday, July 22, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Pink Panther in Pinkadelic Pursuit - Part 2 of 9

Getting through these levels can be done pretty quickly if you know how.

The Railway Line

The Railway Line is the first of three auto-scrolling levels where Pink is on skates and you'll have to jump over pits and obstacles to survive. If you bump into anything, you're taking damage, and if you lose all your health, it's back to the beginning for you, as there are no checkpoints.

X lets you jump, while holding Down lets you crouch. Crouching makes you go faster, however, and you won't really need it until the third and last skating level, but it can help you beat the best time and get extra coins multiple times if you know what you're doing.

If you hear a guy yelling, a guy carrying lumber will be coming right at you. Jump over him. Also, jump over the rock bending the power lines down. And watch out for the train!

When you reach the end, you'll get the key.

After getting one key, you'll unlock the door leading to the basement, which is right outside and leads to two more levels. We'll play one of them right now.

The Construction Site, Part 1

You'll be blowing up a stack of lumber that is in the way, giving a burger to a dog, getting a roll of toilet paper to an outhouse, and then getting the key to the exit. After the bomb part, you'll be chased for the remainder of the level objectives.

The metal ducts will take you from one end to the other. Wrecking balls will hurt you. Mattresses act as springboards. Barbed wire and buzzsaws will hurt.

You'll need to get to the sandy floor below to get the bomb. Once you get it, you'll need to take it up and around and to the right to get rid of the lumber barrier and clear the path.

After that, you'll need to get the burger, which is just above where you found the bomb. You'll need to get past where the barrier was, then keep going right to get to the dog and give the dog the burger. A construction worker will chase after you, so you'll need to be fast.

You'll then run through the locker room before finding the general store, where you'll need to get the toilet paper and avoid the store worker catching up with you as you take the toilet paper upwards to where the outhouse is. Avoid the slippery oil, and if you need to, use the piles of dirt and the pink paint on the walls to hide from the guy.

Past the outhouse is the climb leading to the exit door. The guy in the outhouse will leave the key when you get the toilet paper to him, but if you grab the key, he'll chase after you! (And here we are thinking he was helping us.) You'll need to head further to the right when you get the key, then make your way to the exit door at the top. There are a few places where you can hide if you really need them.

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