Tuesday, July 30, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays The Ring of Time - Part 1 of 3

Another BBC Micro text adventure? Another BBC Micro text adventure.

Legend speaks of a ring that controls time that belongs to a wizard known as Zor, an evil magician from the Middle Ages...and you're looking for it.

N, S, E and W take you north, south, east and west, respectively. U and D go up and down where applicable. QUIT saves the game, and INVEN checks your inventory. Your inventory has a six-item limit. The top part of the screen shows a description of where you are, while the bottom part is where you'll be typing out your commands.

At the start, head south twice to reach the intersection. Going west takes you on a route leading to a cottage. Go west, then north, and you'll be in the cottage garden. ENTER COTTAGE, then go up. TAKE PENKNIFE ("GET" does not work as the game does not recognize it), go back down and go south to leave the cottage. From here, you'll want to go back to the intersection.

West of the cottage is a large oak tree. If you try to CLIMB TREE or SEARCH TREE, the game tells you that you will need a rope to do that. Remember that for later.

Back at the intersection, go north until you are back at the open plain, then go east to find a supply shed. ENTER SHED. The shed will be empty, but if you SEARCH SHED, you'll find a box of matches. TAKE MATCHES. 

Go south to leave, then go north from the open plain. Keep going north until you are outside some stables, then ENTER to go inside. TAKE CANDLE. KILL DOG with the penknife in your inventory, CUT DOG with the penknife to get meat, then TAKE MEAT to get the meat. SEARCH STABLES to find a jug. TAKE JUG.

Go south to leave, then head back to the intersection. This time, go east and keep going that way to find a large monastery. ENTER MONASTERY, then go north to enter the chapel, then go north again to the altar. Head to the east to the chamber where the abbot prepares for mass. TAKE PARCHMENT. You can READ PARCHMENT for an advertisement for another Kansas City Systems game, Dracula Island, but it's not required to beat the game.

Go west, south and south, then DROP PENKNIFE before going south to leave. Go west back to the intersection. Go south, then go east at the green rolling field. You'll find a large opening in the ground. Go down to enter the hole, then LIGHT CANDLE. POUR WAX to pour the wax into the jug, filling a hole that you'll need to fill later. Go south two times until you reach a lake, then THROW MEAT to get the crocodiles out of your way. (If you don't throw the meat before swimming, you're dead.) FILL JUG here to fill it with water (make sure you POUR WAX first!), then SWIM LAKE.

The candle will go out when you reach the other side, so LIGHT CANDLE again. Go east, then north. You'll encounter a locked door. DROP PARCHMENT, PUSH PARCHMENT to slide it under the door, PUSH KEY to push it out from the other side, then PULL PARCHMENT. TAKE KEY, then TAKE PARCHMENT. UNLOCK DOOR, then DROP KEY. Afterwards, BURN PARCHMENT. When you do this, the parchment will reveal secret writing when it burns up, and it reveals a secret combination that is random with every game (I got 50-27-35 on both the Let's Play and the Longplay).

Go east to enter a cave. SEARCH CAVE to find a sword. TAKE SWORD, then go back west, south, and west. SWIM LAKE, then LIGHT CANDLE and go north twice. DROP CANDLE to snuff the candle out, then DROP MATCHES and go back up.

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