Wednesday, July 17, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Tombs and Treasure - Part 1 of 4

After watching Saxcat play this one, I had to play this one myself. If you know what to do, this is a fine game, although it can be a little difficult concerning some things.

June 10th. Prof. Imes sets out for Chichen Itza with seven men.

June 22nd. One man disappears while studying El Castillo Pyramid.

July 9th. Three men disappear while researching the Well of Sacrifice.

July 14th. Prof. Imes and two others vanish mysteriously while excavating the Ball Court. Only the guide returns.

July 17th. The professor's notes and a few artifacts are found in the Well of Sacrifice.

Prof. Imes was an expert on Mayan writing. He read in an old book that the mythical Sun Key was hidden at Chichen Itza and set out to discover it.

Prof. Imes' daughter was a close friend. Since it was summer vacation, we decided to go to Mexico to solve the mystery of his disappearance.

When you start a new game, you'll be able to name The Boy and The Girl (who I will refer to as The Boy and The Girl, respectively). There are some default names that the game will use if you don't put in a name, but I will just refer to them as "The Boy" and "The Girl."


The game starts in The Girl's father's laboratory. Anne, Prof. Imes' secretary, will be there.

The circle at the top shows what time it is, but you'll need a certain item for that to work. To left is the current location in the Location Window, and a Message Window below the Location Window. Below the Message Window is your list of commands. To the right of all that is the Action Window, where you can see where you are and who and what you can interact with. At the bottom is the Text Window, where you can read what is currently going on.

From here, you'll have several commands to choose from (as mentioned in the manual).

Go: Moves you in a certain direction.

Look: Lets you examine in the Action Window (with A) or in your inventory (with B).

Take: Lets you select an item in the Action Window and add it to the inventory.

Put: Lets you choose an item in your inventory and place it somewhere. Your inventory will appear in the Action Window, and you use the D-Pad to select the item. Press A to put that item somewhere.

Use: Lets you use an item from your inventory. Your inventory will appear in the Action Window, and you use the D-Pad to select the item. Press A to use that item.

Move: Lets you move things in the Action Window. Use the D-Pad to move the pointer to the thing you want to move, and press A.

Push: Lets you push things in the Action Window. Use the D-Pad to move the pointer to the thing you want to push, and press A.

Pull: Lets you pull things in the Action Window. Use the D-Pad to move the pointer to the thing you want to pull, and press A.

Smash: Lets you smash things in the Action Window. Use the arrow keys to move the pointer to the thing you want to smash, and press A.

Join: Lets you join together two items from your inventory. Move the pointer to the first item and press A, then to the second item and press A again to join them.

Wash: Lets you wash an item in your inventory. Your inventory will appear in the Action Window. Use the arrow keys to select the item. Press A to wash that item.

Wait: Allows time to pass.

Fight: Puts you in fighting mode. Press A to strike and watch the Text Window for instructions.

Change: Lets you change the active player from The Boy to The Girl to Jose. Whoever appears in the Text Window is the one you will be performing whatever other actions you choose.

Look at the desk, and Anne will thank you for coming. She will tell you that Prof. Imes' notes were found in the Well of Sacrifice to the north of the ruins, and that the well had been emptied of water but was rapidly filling up again. There were some treasures, but only a few items and the notes could be recovered. These things are all on the desk. She will also tell you that Jose, the guide, can tell you more, and that he is on his way now.

From here, you can look at the items. If you look at the sword, you'll find out that it is a 16" sword with a place in the hilt for a jewel to be fitted. If you look at the notebook, you'll find out that some of the pages are torn and that only some parts can be read. One part reads "I must have the Sun Necklace to continue. I found it in the Warrior's Temple, but it was too dirty to show the sun's position...Who would have guessed there was a trick like that in El Castillo pyramid. There's a mountain of treasure...There are demons in the ruins, three men have already been killed...the demons, I must get the sword of...lost another man. We seem to have accidentally released demons that were sealed in here by the ancient Mayans. My only chance is to defeat the demon Tentacula, but first I must find the Sun Key." You won't be able to take the notebook; you can only look at it, so copy down what you read in the notebook if you need to.

If you look in your inventory, you'll find out that you have a Bandage. The Bandage could be useful in case of a minor injury, or something else.

From here, take the Silver Key, the Lighter, and the Sword. From here, select go and go Down to go backwards. You'll meet Jose, who will tell you about what is going on and the Sun Necklace, then join you on your way to the ruins. He will tell you to go to the the High Priest' Tomb to find the mosaic tile that will open the door to the treasure room. He also tell you that before you do that, you should go to the Nunnery and find the Ixmol Jewel. You'll need to find the Ixmol Jewel and then look into it to get a password that you can use to save your spot in the game for later.

From here, go up to go forward. You'll be on the world map.

You'll start at the Laboratory, which is at the bottom center of the map. Directly north of the Laboratory is the Nunnery. You'll want to go there first.


There will be three statues standing in a low-ceilinged room. Look at the warrior on the right, and you'll notice it once held something. Look at the Man Statue in the center to notice it is the old man and the tallest of the three statues. The left statue will be holding the Ixmol Jewel. Look at it, and you'll get a password. The statue on the left is the girl statue. From here, you can take the Ixmol Jewel.

Go backwards to leave. From here, you'll need to head to the High Priest's Tomb. It is the pyramid-shaped building northwest of the Nunnery, and it will be a fair distance away.

Tomb of Hi-Priest

If you look at the floor, you'll be met by Skorpor, a scorpion-like monster. From here, you'll want to fight it as The Boy. Just keep using the Fight command, and watch the Text Window. Thankfully, Skorpor is not that much of a match for you, and you can defeat it.

Look at the wall, and you'll notice something odd. Change to Jose, then push the wall. You'll move the right-hand wall and find an opening. Go right, and you'll find a stone coffin. There is a pattern on it, and there is a lid with a mosaic tile on it. You'll need this to open the treasure room in El Castillo Pyramid. Take the Mosaic Tile, and you'll open the stone coffin. On the skeleton is a One-eye mask, which you can take.

You can also move the skeleton inside to find a keyhole, but you do not have a key that will work with it yet. From here, go backwards, then go left and then backwards again to leave.

Your next destination is El Castillo Pyramid (called Castillo Pyramid) by the game. It is directly east from the High Priest's Tomb.

Castillo Pyramid

If you try to go anywhere, you'll face Two-Beak. You'll have to fight Two-Beak as The Boy. Thankfully, you should be able to beat Two-Beak at this point.

After beating Two-Beak, look at the Hollow. You'll find a hole in the plaster on the ground, and it seems like something could fit into it.

Go forward, and you'll find a dead end. Look at the Hollow in the wall. The Girl will mention that if you have something that fits in the hollow, the wall just might open up. Use the Mosaic Tile to open up the wall and end up in a treasure room. Take the the Shallow Bowl, the Gold Mirror, the Gold Stand, and the Silver Globe.

If you look at the Gold Flask, you'll learn it's empty. If you look at the Flask on the right, you will notice it is covered with iron sand. If you look at the Tall Flask, you will notice that something is inside, but you won't be able to get it out due to the neck of the flask being too narrow. If you smash the Tall Flask, you'll find a ring with a stunning jewel that fits The Girl's ring finger perfectly. Jose will note that this is the Ring of Itza, which is said to have the power to defeat evil. You'll then take the ring.

If you move the pile of gold, you'll find a red jewel. Jose will mention that the professor was looking for that jewel, and The Girl will tell you that when fitted in the one-eyed mask, it would make secrets become visible. Jose will also tell you that you can use it on the sword to create a magical power.

If you look at the Stone Box, you'll open the box to find three stone tablets. They seem to have pictures on them, but they cannot be made out. There must be some way to see them...

Join the Red Jewel with the One-eye Mask to fit it in the mask, then use the mask. The pictures will become clear. There will be a picture of men digging up the censer at dusk, a picture of a trumpet at noon and a jaguar becoming a statue, and a picture of men drinking a potion at night and shrinking. To solve this riddle, you'll need to find the Sun Necklace and find the position of the sun.

There's nothing else to do here, so leave. Your next destination is the Well of Paradise, which is a small lake two screens south and one screen east of Castillo Pyramid.

Well of Paradise

At the Well of Paradise, wash the Gold Mirror. The mirror will shine brightly, and you'll find something in the water that looks like pan pipes. Take the Golden Pipes to put them in the inventory. If you look at the Golden Pipes, you'll find there is a hole in them. You can join the Bandage with the Golden Pipes to cover the hole to fix them, and you'll need to do this to use the Golden Pipes later on.

From here, go backwards to leave.

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