Monday, May 1, 2023

NintendoCapriSun plays Kid Icarus - Part 2 of 7

In this video, we see the dungeon that makes up the end of the world, which shakes things up a little bit.

World 1-3

The red water is lava, and it will hurt if you land in it.

Halfway up the level, you'll be dealing with the little blue snake-shaped demons and the red octopi at the same time. If you can find a spot where you can somehow shoot down a good amount of enemies and avoid getting hit a lot, you can get a lot of points here.

You'll also see brown spikes coming out of the sides of the green platforms and walls. Touching those will hurt you.

Near the end, you'll find a training room. In the training room, you'll have to shoot down tiles as they fly around. If you stand left of the center of the room, most of the tiles won't hit you, and if any do, it will be from the side. If you get the "Well Done" message, you'll be able to choose between one of three items: the Fire, which gives you flaming arrows that do more damage; the Sacred Bow, which increases the speed and range of your arrows; and the Protective Crystal, which spawns two crystals revolve that around Pit and destroy enemies while also acting like a shield. You'll need a certain amount of health in order to get these powers to work, or else they won't work.

If you can reach 56,600 points, you'll get a third unit of health for the health bar.

World 1-4

The fourth level in every world is a labyrinth, and these will play differently from the first three levels. Here, you'll be going in a bit of a maze. On the lower-left corner, you'll have your current weapon and the amount of soldiers that you currently have free. In the bottom center, you'll have your hearts and current health. On the lower-right, you'll have the current level that you're on and the amount of hit points that the boss has left.

The one-eyed white skulls that fly around will go around the room. Shoot them down for hearts. The ones with the bluish hue will drop five hearts each, while the ones with the reddish hue drop ten hearts each.

11:58 - The "Tennis Shoes at Church" story.

The one-eyed bugs slowly move back and forth, and the blue ones drop one heart each and the red ones drop five. The red upside-down vases will drop down the blue snake-like enemies, which you can grind hearts off of as they drop down.

The gray statues of the statues with the spears are soldiers that you can free. If you have any mallets, you can switch between those and the arrow with the Select button, then hit a statue with a mallet to free the soldier inside. The soldiers will then help you with the boss, but they will go down in one hit.

The blue, one-eyed men with the white capes and the staffs are the Eggplant Wizards. They will throw Eggplants up towards you at an arc, and if an eggplant hits you, you will be turned into an eggplant with human legs. When in eggplant form, you cannot attack, and all you can do is move around and try not to get hit a lot. Stay low and close so that the eggplant projectiles don't hit you. If you do get hit with an eggplant, you'll have to find the hospital inside the dungeon and go inside to get cured and turned back to your normal self.

The gray T-shaped pipes shoot spikes out. Watch them carefully so the spikes don't hit you.

The pool of orange water is a hot spring. If you find it, jump in and stay in there to slowly refill your health.

There are also stores in the dungeon, if you can find them. Use them to stock up on stuff you need before you fight the guardian of the labyrinth, because once you enter that boss battle, you can't back out and you'll have to fight your way out.

The fortress also have their own stores containing their own items. While you'll have to find the map somewhere in the dungeon, you'll have to buy the torch and the pencil. The torch lets you see your current position on the map, while the pencil lets you see which rooms you've visited (which will be in green) and which ones you haven't. If you draw your own maps while playing, or if you're using one off the Internet, however, it's pretty pointless.

The boss is Twinbellows. Twinbellows will slowly move from one side of the room to the other while shooting their fireballs in an upward arc. When you shoot and hit Twinbellows, he will go up slightly, and if you can time it right, you can avoid being hit by the low fireball that way. Having any soldiers accompanying to the fight can help, as they can do a little bit more damage and make the battle go slightly quicker, even if they go down in one hit. When you beat Twinbellows, you'll get the first sacred treasure.

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