Monday, February 13, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - Part 11 of 41

We head to Malek's Bastion to face Malek himself, but Malek quickly overpowers us.

0:55 - We fly straight to Malek's Bastion, as there is nowhere else left to go. Get the Iron Armor and Iron Sword out, then go through the door on the right.

1:53 - Malek's been expecting us. Step on the grate on the right side to open up a door and continue on. This is a secret (see below).

2:47 - Hit the switch and watch out for the spiked balls and wall blades. I should have used Repel here.

3:24 - Be ready to swing your swords at these guys and quickly.

4:11 - After going up a couple of floors, go to the back and hit the second and third switches to open the door at the back. Hit the switch in the next room, and you'll destroy the machines in this room. This gets rid of the guards with the blue blood you fought earlier.

6:29 - Take this teleporter and go south to get two Hearts of Darkness and a rune triangle in the corner to the north, then go southwest for another rune triangle. Kane will mention that there are no humans to absorb life from, and that the guards are frozen to death.

8:10 - Look around for switches as you watch out for the spikes and the spinning blades. The next place to go is the stairway to the far north.

9:00 - More traps. Again, using Repel helps a lot here. The switch in the second room gets the spikes out of your way, but only for a few seconds. You may need to be in wolf form to speed your way to the stairs.

9:56 - Go west and hit the switch, then go back north. Hit another switch, get out, then go through the door that was blocked by the spikes to the south. 

11:20 - Stay to the right as you travel north, and watch the spikes. Use Repel to get past all the arrows.

11:56 - After taking care of some guards, you'll be going up some flights of stairs again.

12:45 - You'll finally meet Malek. The two teleporters to the sides will take you to some useful items (left) and a save spire (right).

14:35 - The battle with Malek. Equip Repel. When you approach Malek, cast Repel and use it to bounce the energy bolts that Malek shoots at you as you keep hitting him. Eventually, you'll do enough damage that Malek will shoot an energy wave that covers the room as it travels southwards. Head southwest to the teleporter and get on it immediately, before this energy wave kills you.

17:10 - The axe allows you to climb trees, and if you keep tapping the attack button rapidly, you can perform a spin attack that razes through enemies. While you have the axes equipped, you cannot perform magic. From here, you'll be able to exit through another teleporter to the south, which takes you to another beacon. Be sure to activate that beacon before you do anything else, then use the axes to destroy the trees to the east.

20:15 - You don't have to do this, but if you go back to the Pillars, Ariel will tell you to look for the Oracle. The map will show you where the Oracle is.


21. - Turns out opening this door up was a secret the whole time. Who knew?

22. - By shattering the machines here, we trigger another secret.

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