Sunday, February 12, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain - Part 10 of 41

In this entry, we finally get through the awful, plague-ridden maze that is Coorhagen and find a way to fly to Malek's Bastion.

0:59 - There's a few pick-ups in this tavern.

1:57 - A hidden church! You'll need to get through here to continue on.

3:01 - Hit the switch to open the door to the north. Watch out on the ice; tap the D-Pad instead of holding it to move more easily.

3:57 - Following the path through her is pretty easily. Be sure to kill the robed men that summon specters so you aren't fighting enemies forever. Also, enemies cannot walk on ice.

5:07 - Be ready to use Repel so you don't get blasted. 

6:07 - Use the wolf form to get past the protruding spikes in the wall, and use Repel to avoid getting blasted. Again, tap the D-Pad on the ice. After all that, you have two enemies summoning skeletons.

7:48 - Get the rune pyramid and the Bone Armor. The latter makes it so that some enemies think you are undead and therefore not fight you (unless you strike them first). It is useful in the next room.

8:52 - The Bone Armor in action.

9:19 - There's a blood vial near the end; make sure you get it.

10:24 - Be prepared to use Repel and Energy Bolt here. Get the rune triangle and the health, and you'll be good to go.

11:34 - From here, head to the house to the north. Here, you'll find the Antitoxin spell for the first time. If your blood vial turns green, use this to get rid of the poison that you have.

14:17 - Go down the stairs. Hit the switch, then go through the door in the southwest corner. Hit the switch in that room to open up the northeast room. Hit the switch in that room to open a path to two chest in the southeast and the room in the northwest that has two chests. Hit the first switch again to open a path north to a teleporter. This counts as a secret (see below).

16:28 - It's now time to go for the Inspire Hate spell, which is optional but useful.

17:30 - Getting the Inspire Hate spell and putting it into action. With this spell, you can get your enemies to kill each other. When you use it here, the zombie enemies that show up when you go back down the stairs will pop up immediately. As long as the room glows red, your enemies will tear at each other.

19:16 - The mace makes it easier to get around here.

20:16 - *Lance Archer's "Everybody Dies" theme plays here*

21:09 - Once you hit the switch at the start, there's no turning back.

21:57 - You just need to fight your way through here; that's it.

22:39 - Use Inspire Hate in this room to destroy nearly everybody. Don't forget the blood vial, which you need the wolf form to get.

24:09 - I should have waited a little bit for my magic to recover so I could use the Inspire Hate spell again. Thankfully, this is the last room.

27:40 - I head back to the southeast room to take some stairs up to a house. This is where you need to go.

28:20 - More hidden stuff!

29:14 - Note to self: villagers aren't out in the open at night. Also, we've escaped Coorhagen! Termogent Forest is to the east. For now, head north with the wolf form to unlock Malek's Bastion for the bat form and trigger a beacon.


19. -  Hitting this switch a second time after hitting all the others in this area allows you to access a teleporter. Going towards the teleporter triggers the secret.

20. - Now that we have the mace, we can break this menhir for some spell items as well as a secret.

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