Friday, October 28, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays GG Aleste - Part 8 of 8

It's now time for the final bosses! If you can destroy them, you'll save the colonies!

Round 8

The final round of the game is nothing but bosses. You'll be able to get any weapon you need (except D) one last time before the rush of bosses begins.

The first boss is some sort of mechanical skeleton. Keep firing at the face. As for the red orbs it shoots, they will bounce around at random angles, but they can be shot down. 

The second boss is a series of turrets that fire green lasers. Stay far back and on the center of the screen and shoot the "face" at the top center of the screen. This lets you avoid the green orbs that are fired by the side turrets while taking out the shots from the "face" itself. This works best if you have the H weapon, otherwise; you'll have to avoid the green orbs while shooting down the cannons and avoiding the lasers that come out of the smaller green shots shot by the "face" which split into two when they are are horizontally aligned with you.

The next boss is some machine with two faces: one of a human, one of a wolf. You'll be shooting the wolf face first. Concentrate all your firepower on it. You'll then be shooting the human face. Avoid the red shots that fan out, and when the face opens to reveal the machine gun, keep shooting at the face while avoiding the mortar shots. Hang all the way back for best results. After enough damage, the human face opens up even further. You'll have mortar shots, shots that fan out and blue orbs that home in on you. The blue orbs can be destroyed, but your best bet is to shoot at the face whenever you can. Again, the special weapons make this easier.

After you destroy the four forms of the third boss, you'll fight one last boss, which is some weird cyan -colored baby looking thing. This boss will switch between the orbs: red, green, blue, green, red, green, blue, green, so on and so forth. As long as you keep the pattern in mind, you can easily shoot down the boss as it moves back and forth on the screen. Take out red and blue; leave green alone. Also, never line yourself up with it vertically and keep firing.

Once you beat this final boss, you'll return home, with Moon Child having been beaten once and for all. Congratulations!

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