Saturday, October 8, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Jurassic Park for Super Nintendo AGAIN - Part 9 of 9

We're done! Again!

Now that we're out of the Raptor Nest, we can work on getting the crap out of here.

Before we go, here's the location for all the eggs! Since we're so close to the end, I'll finally show off the entire list of egg locations. They're all outside, so don't worry about missing any in the buildings or anything like that.

You have to get all the eggs, or else the game won't let you get on the helipad and you'll just get the "XX eggs left" message for as long as you stand on the helipad.

Eggs? Eggs!

1. southern edge of map near Nublar Utility shed in some trees
2. in the northern secret area near the helipad
3. on the mountain near the Nublar Utility shed
4. northwest corner of western forest
5. southwestern corner of western forest
6. eastern edge of western forest at the top of triceratops corridor
7. between the starting area and the east mountain range
8. on east mountain range
9. on north mountain range
10. eastern edge of map along eastern edge of east mountains (walk up along the sea cliffs)
11. near the southwestern base of the eastern mountains
12. on top of the ship
13. northwestern corner of northwest forest
14. south of North Utility shed right above Visitors Center
15. on top of Visitors Center
16. north of North Utility shed
17. southeastern edge of northeast forest, in front of raptor nest hole
18. northern edge of northeast forest, near raptor nest hole


Thanks to zeldadomer for this list.

Now that we're done with that, we can finally head back to the ship and call the mainland. Go back to the dark room in the third Sub Level and use the computer to call the mainland. To do that, go to Communications and select Mainland Comms. Your SOS will be sent. Now it's time to open gate 3 and head back to the helipad near the Nublar Utility Shed.

In case you were wanting to see something slightly epic for beating the game...guess what? You don't. Sucks to be you.

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