Thursday, October 13, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays DuckTales (Game Boy) - Part 5 of 5

In this entry, we head to The Moon to beat up a giant rat before facing a vampire, a magician and an angry Scotsman to get all our treasure back.

The Moon

The layout here is very different. Instead of having to go up to enter the UFO and to the right to face the boss, you have to go through the UFO on both trips in order to get to the boss. You'll have to go all the way up and to the left to get the UFO Key (be sure to pogo off those spikes!), then go back down to the second floor and go all the way to the right to get the remote control for Gizmoduck. Amazingly, the layout for the UFO is a lot more linear than on NES.

And yes, you have to go all the way up and to the right to get the hidden treasure. Once you get it, though, you can climb down and use the platforms and the topes to get to the boss. You can also take a shortcut to the right of where you found the remote control to get to the boss faster.

Enemies here include the octopi that move back and forth, the aliens that walk back and forth on the ground and the cyborg ducks that fly in, drop down, then hop forward to try and punch you. Yes, they'll also try to get in your way on the narrow areas on the Game Boy version, too. You also have the floor and ceiling spikes that you'll have to pogo across and avoid, respectively.

The boss you'll face after a couple of Beagle Boys is a moon rat. Be ready to jump on it with the pogo attack and stay away from it as it flashes. Sometimes it will run to the end of the room; other times, it will jump to the side platforms and then back down. After a couple of hits, the moon rat will go down and you'll get a million dollars.

The Final Showdown

If you want all your treasures back, you'll have to head to Transylvania face Dracula Duck.

At the start, go up, then go left and take the next rope (or use the mirror to teleport upwards. From here go down and take the mirror to the right, then drop down.

To beat Dracula Duck, give yourself some distance and stay on the ground so that the bat he throws can vertically track you, then pogo attack off the bat and onto Dracula Duck's head. It doesn't look like you can hit him as he is blinking before teleporting away, but you can. 

After hitting Dracula Duck enough time, Magica de Spell and Flintheart Glomgold show up. Just like on NES, climb up the rope and drop down to the chest at the top before they go up there to beat the game. You just beat DuckTales on Game Boy!

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