Thursday, October 6, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Jurassic Park for Super Nintendo AGAIN - Part 7 of 9

We further increase our security clearance in this episode, then get back on the ship and tear up the rest of the dinos.

Now we can go back to the locked door at the Raptor Pen that required Level 1 Security. This door leads you to a computer, and this one is a satellite comlink with the ship.

Now that we have Level 1 Security, we can go back to the computer on the second Sub Level of the ship and get Level 2 Security, which we will need to get further into the ship and complete the "kill all dinos on the ship" mission. This will also be necessary to access communication with the mainland and clear the game.

Since he's going over to the locked Raptor Pen computer early, let's cover that as well. Go through the door on the Ground Level of the Raptor Pen that required Level 1 Security and access the computer. From here, go to Communications, and go to Ship Comm. The ship's auto pilot will engage and the sailing procedure will be cancelled. From there, he does the whole Level 2 Security thing I mentioned in the last entry.

Go ahead and head back to the third sub-level of the ship.

The dark room on the third Sub Level has a computer terminal. You won't be able to use it until near the end of the game, when you have to contact the mainland. At least it's in a dark room, so it's pretty easy to remember where it is. Make a mental note of it for now.

When you're done with all the dinosaurs in the second Sub Level, go into the dark room and use the elevator there. You'll be able to enter the third Sub Level. One of the rooms here has Ellie Sattler's ID Card. Grab that, and you'll be able to enter the Raptor Pen from inside the Visitor's Center and vice versa.

There isn't much to the fourth Sub Level. All you have to do is go into all the rooms and kill every last dinosaur. That's it, really.

When you kill all the dinosaurs, you'll see a message saying "Good Alan...The ship is clear of dinosaurs." You have no more business here. Get off the ship.

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