Saturday, March 12, 2016

Kikoskia plays Ninja Gaiden Shadow - Part 3 of 4

We're nearing the end of the game!

All maps by Will Mallia.

Stage 4

When you make your way to the end, walls will close both behind you and in front of you before the floor collapses beneath your feet. You'll drop down and continue your quest from there.

Before you do that, break the item orbs to your left. You'll refill four units of health and gain another use of Ninpo.

When you start climbing upwards in the third section, you'll also be dealing with lava flowing upwards from the bottom of the chasm! Don't even take any of the power-ups as you make your way up, avoiding electrical shocks that move back and forth across the platforms and delay you if you touch them.

The boss here is the Japanese nobleman Fukisai. He flies around, throws his fan at you like a boomerang, and tosses ninja stars at you. When he stops and move towards the ground, move away. When he's next to you, duck and stab him as much as you can as he throws his fan, then jump over the fan when it returns.

Whatever you do, don't stay still. If you do, he throws shurikens until you do.

Stage 5

Ninja Gaiden 3 music! Yay!

The flamethrower guys will fire their weapons when they get close, and it can be quite annoying. If you can climb underneath the rope platforms to get past, do it. Otherwise, wait for them to come at you before slashing at them.

The flamethrower guys are also probably the nastiest enemy in the game. They make it difficult for you to get close and get the kill, and they also turn around if they hit the edge of a platform. If you're hanging off the bottom of a platform, they actually keep walking. This makes for some interesting abuses of AI but also interesting ways to take unnecessary damage.

The cyborgs here jump up and throw bombs every few seconds.

The large flying robots here will fire three very avoidable shots. They move up and down between shots, and you can simply wait for them to come down to your level so you can slash them. Some of them actually dip down from above the screen. Take those down with your ninjitsu.

The second section takes you inside a building. The laser turrets can be destroyed only if they are opened. Let them fire first, then hit them.

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