Sunday, June 23, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Part 31 of 54

Time to bust out of prison...

First | Previous | Next | End

1:22 - The Hammer Bot. We'll need this guy to smash the containers with the electrical charges in order to spring Ratchet out.

2:19 - Have the Hammer Bot use the hammer on the see-saw to get in the vent.

3:01 - We have some Microbots to fight some enemies with in order to get the Hammer Bot back with us and open up the next section.

4:15 - Get to the elevator and get the Microbots to sic on the larger robots, as the larger enemies will definitely hit you.

5:41 - Hitting the switch to cause a power failure throughout part of the ship, which will free Ratchet and switch control over to him. From here, get to the weapons vendor and refill on weapons, then get rid of everyone who shoots at you.

7:27 - Playing with gravity, causing the enemies to fall sideways into the lava and die.

8:55 - You'll need to jump across these platforms to continue and switch back to Clank.

11:13 - Build another bridge and hover jump off the edge to reach the next area. It won't be long until you're Ratchet again.

13:28 - A new wrench, and more platforms.

14:04 - The Synthenoids are really useful against all the enemies here.

14:26 - Good thing we had a Synthenoid army with us here.

16:20 - More platforming.  We have two wall jumps before Ratchet and Clank reunite, but we're not done yet.

18:03 - Gliding down near your ship leads to the area's lone Platinum Bolt.

18:41 - This Levitator section leads to the plumber from the first game, who finds a Qwark action figure. For 20,000 bolts, you can buy it off of him and bring it to that guy on Todana.

22:17 - Another Infiltrator area. The solution is left, up-left, left, down-right, down-left, down, down-right, down, down, down-right and then up.

22:27 - We have some more Levitator segments here. Watch the white lasers while passing through. 

23:58 - We intercept a message from Angela Cross, who warns us that that Thugs-4-Less has returned from a Megacorp distribution center before getting caught. We now have coordinates for Planet Gorn as well as access to our ship again as soon as we hit the nearby switch.


As Ratchet:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

  • Jump and double jump (hold button after double jump to use Heli-Pack or Thruster Pack)
  • Wall jump (near certain walls)
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently equipped weapons/items
  • interrupt on-screen messages

Select: open map
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

  • center camera behind Ratchet (tap button to center)
  • first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
  • R1/R2: zoom in and out (Pulse Rifle only)
L2/R2: strafe (hold while moving)
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • X: high jump
    • long jump (hold crouch button and jump while running to perform)
R3: open map

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend
  • R1: accelerate with Hydro-Pack

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

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