Friday, June 7, 2024

Rainiac plays Kickmaster - Part 2 of 8

There's a magic spell here that's easy to miss. Also, things get a little more interesting with the knee drop move.

Sector 2: The Caverns of No Return

The Grim Reaper enemies hanging from the ceilings will drop down when you get close enough, allowing you to easily kick them. As for the blue blob-like enemies that slowly move towards you, you can either kick them or hit them with the knee drop. Just watch out for their projectiles. 

If you see a group of small boulders leading to something, attack them to break them. You may find some power-ups and EXP.

There will be frogs in the water as well as bats circling around platforms. Anticipate where the frogs will land before kicking or knee dropping them.

On the first set of breakaway platforms, drop down and go all the way to the left, into the wall. You'll find the Magic Boots, which protect your feet from danger. For just 20 MP, you can walk on ground that would otherwise hurt you, such as spikes.

After you get the Magic Boots spell, you'll face the armadillos from the first boss battle as normal enemies. Be careful not to fall down as you make your way up.

At Level 2, you'll learn the Slide Kick. Hold Down and Left or Down and Right and press B to slide into low-lying enemies. 

The boss here is some sort of woman riding on six wolves. Avoid the projectiles as well as the wolves as they move around, and use the knee drop and slide kick to take out when they reach ground level. When all four wolves are dead, jump up and kick the woman in the head, and grab what you can once she's taken down. You'll then get the Twin Power magic. For 20 MP, you can create a shadow decoy of yourself to distract enemies and make them easier to defeat.

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