Tuesday, June 4, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 50 of 53

At last: the fight against Giygas.

The Bionic Kraken is the hardest enemy to find. It can breathe fire (which is basically Fire Gamma), emit a pale green light that debuffs everyone, use a Crashing Boom Bang attack (which is basically Thunder Beta, which does a bit of damage to two party members), and hit the entire party with a tornado. There is a 1 in 128 chance that it will drop a Gutsy Bat. While it is slightly less powerful than the Legendary Bat, it brings Ness' Guts to the roof.

Once you enter the gap in the wall, you'll encounter Giygas, who produces a head similar to Ness', at the end. You'll also see Pokey, who is wants to make sure that Giygas wins, as Giygas is now the embodiment of evil, which Giygas cannot handle on his own. 

You'll then face Giygas and Heavily Armed Pokey. Amazingly, both of them are susceptible to Brainshock Omega. Giygas can cast Rockin Alpha and Beta, and also has a shield that reflects all attacks and cannot be removed. Use Shield Alpha and Omega on the party; in case Giygas attacks, it will bounce off and hit him without triggering the shield (the other shields will not work). As for Heavily Armed Pokey, he can disharge a stinky gas that can lower the party's offense and defense, and he can do a lot of damage to one party by either charging forward or tearing into the target.

You'll want to take out Pokey, as this is how you advance the battle. You'll want to hit him with powerful spells as well as Multi Bottle Rockets. Pokey wll turn off the Devil's Machine and show the true form of Giygas, who cannot think rationally anymore and 

For the next form of Giygas, you'll want to pelt him with powerful magical attacks, especially Starstorm Omega. Brainshock, amazingly, still works. Rockin as well as Multi-Bottle Rockets will not work, amazingly. Be sure to cast Shield Omega on everyone, as well.

Pokey will eventually return, and he will tell Ness to use telepathy to call for help in vain while he laughs at the entire party. At this point, you'll need to keep Praying with Paula, and you'll need to Pray nine times in all. As you keep praying, multiple people from the game, including the player whom you've had two chance to name, will lend their power to the party, and Giygas will keep taking damage.

During this time, you'll also want to keep the party alive, as Giygas has three incomprehensible attacks. One is more or less Thunder Beta, another is basically Flash Omega, and another is a set of powerful physical attacks that can also solidify a party member. Once again, using Shield Omega really helps here.

When the background imagery for the fight becomes even more demented, the prayers soon get absorbed by the darkness before it reaches the game player themselves. When the player starts praying, Giygas starts taking staggering amounts of damage before it is ultimately wiped out. Pokey will show up and run away to another era, and soon everything becomes static. 

The war against Giygas is over.

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