Monday, March 19, 2018

skorch82 plays Brave Fencer Musashi - Part 69 of 70

This is it...the final battle draws near!

In the next section, you'll see Capricciola on an elevator with Princess Fillet. Go up the spiral stairway. Thankfully there are not enemies in this area. When you reach the end, you'll come across a huge purple tower and you'll immediately start floating as if you were using the Sky Scroll. Turns out the Sky Scroll activated itself, and you'll keep floating during this entire battle.

Crest Guardian

Tower of Death

Hold X to ascend, and release it to descend. You'll need to fly around and stay away from the walls as you look for the flashing green eye. When you find it, approach it, face the eye and hit it with Lumina before it closes. Each eye on the tower will only flash once, and once you hit it, it will never flash again. You will have to hit every eye in order to beat the Tower of Death.

After you hit a few eyes, the walls will start producing electric force fields that alternate between the top and bottom of the tower. You'll want to steer clear of those.

When the Tower of Death is down to half health, the walls will retract and some of the eyes will open up to fire lasers at you. You'll want to stay away from the lasers and keep a good elevation while looking for the glowing green eye. After this, the rows on the tower of death will spin in the opposite directions.

You'll then deal with one last attack where all the eyes open and pay attention to your location. Keep flying around, and when the eyes close, you'll want to look for a safe spot where some of the eyes don't re-open. The ones that do will fire some sort of red laser that you can't avoid unless you're in the safe zone.

When you beat the Tower of Death, you'll liberate the Sky Scroll and find the Sky Crest in the base of the Tower.

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