Sunday, March 11, 2018

skorch82 plays Brave Fencer Musashi - Part 54 of 70

Finally, we no longer have to turn any valves in Steamwood. Now to get on with the rest of the game...

Once you turn all eight valves again, you will never have to deal with this Steamwood stuff ever again.

When you exit Steamwood, you'll meet the Mayor, who now knows what's going on with the whole fake Princess deal. Musashi will also give the profits back to the mayor.

Head back to the mine and take the left path on both forks. Go back into the well and use the Water Scroll to go all the way to the lower-left corner of the cavern. There is a small island with a chest on it. Open it, and you'll get the Legendary Vest (L-Vest), which increases your attack power and decreases the amount of time to charge the Lumina gauge.

Now that you have the Fire Scroll, head down to that cavern in that dried-out part near where the Water Crest was. Travel to the end and use the Fire Scroll on the Fire Crest. This will blast a hole in the ceiling, allowing you to climb out of here by using the L-Brace on the nearby wall.

You'll pop out in a new area. If it's 10 PM, you'll find a Minku near the hole.

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