Saturday, March 17, 2018

skorch82 plays Brave Fencer Musashi - Part 65 of 70

We're now on the ground of Soda Fountain itself...time to destroy!

In the third section of Soda Fountain, you'll be above ground. The brown robots will shoot homing missiles, and the blue one's shoot three-way shots. You can Assimilate their respective abilities and use them whenever necessary.

The Homing ability will make quick work of the helicopters here.

The Fuhrer Flatski statues will give you health replenishments if you destroy them. They can shoot lasers at you that are similar to the laser cannons you'll meet fairly soon.

The green robots will drop bombs that will do quite a bit of damage if you step on them.

Use Homing on the laser cannons at the gates to get rid of them if you need to. From there, keep attacking the gate doors and you'll bust it open. Just step out of the way when the laser guns home in on your position. Destroying the doors first will get rid of the laser turrets next to them.

The red walkers will shoot a closer-range flamethrower if you're in front of them. Walk circles on them and keep attacking from the side or behind in order to finish them off.

You'll want to be very careful in this section, as there are few opportunities to heal yourself.

You'll then enter a maze. The red robots here have swords. Make quick work of them with the Shish Kebab attack. When you do enough damage to them, they'll drop their sword, allowing you to go after them rather easily due to the fact that they'll run back to their sword and pick it up when disarmed. The bad news about them (and the rest of the robots here) is that they re-spawn when killed. At least they can't attack you through the wall.

Despite the size of the maze, it is pretty easy to find your way through this maze and just as easy to memorize the twists and turns to the finish as well as where the power-ups are.

Once you make it out of the maze, the sun will be setting and you'll be meeting the same enemies that you did at the beginning of the section. There's a nice twist here: some of the bushes open up and turn into laser cannons much like the ones near the gates.

The laser generators that move up and down the walls can be destroyed easily, causing the laser that can hurt you to be deactivated.

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