Monday, January 19, 2015

Svenshinhan plays Taz-Mania (SNES) - Act 4

Just when the game couldn't get any more annoying, there's an instant death trap that shows up in the last two-fifths of the game? Jesus Harvey Christ.

Act IV

Mountain Mayhem

There are now gaping holes in the road. Jump over them. You'll notice what they look like when there's no traffic light to the side and the "road" is completely black.

The green birds completely refill your health, assuming you can catch them. These guys are the rarest power-ups in the game, so you'd better be ready to get it.

If you hear a "Meep, meep" sound near an intersection, stay put. This is the (strangely slow) Road Runner, and if you can grab him you can completely restore your health. These guys are only slightly easier to get than the green birds.

Snowy Ridge

Good news about this level: the pterodactyl does not appear in this area at all. At last, a reason to not be paranoid and keep an eye on the skies.

The ice slicks make you slip and slide like crazy.


Oh, good lord. There's no Gogo Dodo here (despite the wacky spiral sun and the purple trees), the pterodactyl comes back, the road is narrow, and to top it all off, the She-Devil makes her debut in this stage.

The She-Devil is probably the worst obstacle in the game. Avoid her at all costs. If the She-Devil gets her hands on Taz, it's all over. Instant death. Waste of a good continue.

Don't know if this is the first stage where he does this, but Buddy Boar can come at you from behind. Always, always, always check for that rear-view mirror in the lower-right corner!

At this point in the game, catching all the kiwis takes longer and gets infinitely more annoying.

Bonus Level: Kiwi Grab

Here it is: the final bonus level of the game. Just nothing but a narrow desert road and some kiwis that put on the brakes more times than you can shake a stick at. Be ready for them to suddenly stop on you so you can get them in the nick of time and get maximum point gainage!

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