Thursday, January 15, 2015

DeceasedCrab plays Whomp 'Em - Part 3 of 5

Gourd farming point at the beginning of the video!

Ice Ritual

The purple jelly balls can be killed in two hits.

The darker walls in the center can be destroyed with the Whirlwind.

When you hit the boss, he'll start spinning around and splitting into several faces. If you keep using the downward thrust, you'll be able to bounce off of the boss and its faces like some guy on a pogo stick. When the boss turns red, don't let him hit you. If he does, he'll steal one of your magic potions and heal himself. Bouncing to the right after downward thrusting the boss works well at the tail end of the battle.

Beating him gives you a Flying Nimbus. Yeah, the same cloud Son Goku has. I kid you not.

Water Test

You can leap all the way to the surface while you're underwater. Also, the octopi take a mere two hits to kill, and they constantly drop gourds.

The jellyfish split into two much smaller clones when hit. Take down the clones to get rid of them once and for all.

Some of the sea life will spit needles straight up from the floor, but others will give you air bubbles that refill your life when you collect them. Nice.

Midway through the vertical section, you'll be leaping on and off icy platforms. The water that runs through them will knock you off the platforms.

The boss is some sort of frog. He'll move around the room before turning into water, which is when he starts moving across the walls and ceiling as well as bouncing around on the floor. Stay away from him and use the Spear Toss attack on him to hit him from a distance. You can still hit him while he's water, by the way.

Beating him gives you the ice attack.

Final Test

There's one more level to do, and it gives you the Death Branch if you complete it. This destroys everything onscreen at the cost of one heart.

The clouds cause you to jump higher than normal.

The flashing clouds are lightning clouds, and they will damage you if you touch them.

The enemies here are weaker versions of all the bosses you've fought before.

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