Saturday, June 29, 2013

angryponcho plays Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! - Part 8 of 41

Now that we're done with the talisman, prepare to face the hardest orb to acquire thus far...


Once you kill off 18 enemies, you'll finally be able to use the Supercharge power-up. Use it to destroy all the big windmills you can't destroy normally, as well as the metal box that you saw earlier in the level. (This will definitely take some time and a gauntlet of tries.) You'll find switches that slow down those three giant propellers you've seen in the level. You'll need to slow all of them down to get two of the orbs.

Sunny Beach

This is the only area in Summer Forest other than Glimmer and the Summer Forest homeworld itself that will take more than one trip to complete 100%. For starters, you'll have to climb to get two of the orbs, as well as some of the gems. Other than that, there's not much else to look forward to the second time around.

Here, you're basically herding three baby turtles from the beginning to the end. Flame or ram the giant turtles that are eating the grass so that they stand on the switch (some require more than one flame/charge). You'll receive the talisman at the end, as always.

The pink starfish are the fodder here in this level. They smile until you kill them...then they frown as if they're all like "Why'd you have to kill me for?!?"



2. Once you've broken all four of those big windmills and hit all three switches, go up to the staircase that leads to that Electroll standing at the top. He'll tell you about the big building the Gear Grinders are using to steal the electricity from Hurricos. Glide from one building to another, and mind your jumps on both the slowly moving propellers (use your hover!) and the sections with the platforms and barriers that move in and out of the buildings. When you're halfway through, you'll meet another Electroll. When you speak to him, he'll give you an orb.
3. You need to get #2 to do this one. From that point, glide until you reach that building. You'll get the third orb when you reach the power supply and shut it off.

If you screw up, there'll be a whirlwind that's opened up a little ways away from the stairs. Now you won't have to go through the first part again.

Skill Points


If you flame all of the small windmills dispersed throughout the level, you'll get an extra life and a Skill Point.

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