Friday, October 11, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Part 43 of 70

...and now for something completely optional.

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This whole part is completely optional, but there is one thing in this entire video that you'll have to deal with regardless of whether you do anything else here.

If you try to go back to the portal that took you to Bangor Dome in 2300 A.D. from Guardia Forest in 1000 A.D., a log will block your path. Despite what I say here in the video, it's actually impossible to miss out on getting that portal, as you can still fly Epoch to Bangor Dome in 2300 A.D. and re-activate it that way. You'll just have to go back to get Epoch and then everything will be fine.

When you head back to Guardia Castle with Marle in your party after everything that happens in the Ocean Palace, the Chancellor will welcome you back with open arms before casually mentioning that Marle's mother, Queen Aliza, died alone because her father only cared about work and could not find the time to see her. If you head to the throne room and talk to the King, this will start a whole row between King Guardia XXXIII and Marle, and the king will head to his bedroom, which is the same as the king's in 600 A.D. As this goes on, the Chancellor has the twinkling eye similar to when someone causes trouble in an anime, making it painfully obvious that this is a plot for the Chancellor to drive a wedge between the king and Marle...but why?

From here, you can explore the rest of the castle. The kitchen is much improved and renovated over what is in 600 A.D., but you won't be able to have a least, not yet. Also, you cannot go back to the prison area, as the road leading to it is forever broken due to the Dragon Tank battle in the early goings of the game. You'll also find a locked chest, which you can open...eventually. Talking to the guards will reveal that the only reason you're not in trouble anymore is because the king has decided on probation for Crono instead of straight up executing him...for now.

If you talk to the king at this point, you'll find out that he has nothing to say to you. If you go back to the Chancellor, he will tell you that you can cheer the king up with his favorite meal: Jerky. The one place where you can get it is in the Snail Shop in Porre, so head over there and pay the 9900G (which you should have) to get it, then bring it back to the king. If you talk to the king with the Jerky in your inventory, the King will actually get mad and bring up his high cholesterol before taking this as a last straw of sorts. You'll then be kicked back to the world map, and while you can re-enter the castle, you won't be able to talk to the king or even enter his bedroom again, and the guards near his door will tell you that he is now bedridden from the stress. Interestingly enough, you won't be able to see his sprite anymore, and you won't even be able to see the bed!

And that's pretty much it for this part! As mentioned before, this is all optional, so you can go through the whole game without having to do any of this. If you do all of this, you'll get some background story for one of the side quests...

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