Wednesday, October 9, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Part 41 of 70

In this entry, we head towards the Northern Ruins - the resting place of the great Cyrus - to clean the place up and hopefully get everything inside.

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If you head back to Lucca's House and go to Lara's room after saving Lara in the past, Lara will get out of her chair and move about.

For the next side quest, we're going to the Northern Ruins near Choras Village in both 600 A.D. and 1000 A.D. Choras Village will be on the southeast end of the map in those two eras, with the big building being 

Northwest of Choras Village in 600 A.D. is an island that is not there in 1000 A.D. Interestingly, there is a cave that you can enter regardless of whether or not the entrance is opened up. This leads to the Giant's Claw, and if you go further in, you'll find out that Toma did indeed find where the Rainbow Shell was. The first room after the entrance is, amazingly, Azala's throne room in the Tyrano Lair, and if you hold Up and press A at the throne, you can sit on it briefly and laugh. I don't go any further though, so as not to go off track.

You won't be able to do much in the Northern Ruins in 600 A.D., and you'll be able to do even less in 1000 A.D. due to the big haunted suit of armor near the entrance. This is Cyrus' ghost, and you will fight him for a few turns before figuring out that fighting him is utterly pointless.

In 600 A.D., you'll need to head to the cafe. There, talk to the man who is drinking at the table. He will tell you that his tools have been stolen and therefore cannot do his work without them. From there, head to 1000 A.D. and head to the single residence in the whole town with the woman and the child. The woman will tell you that her husband keeps drinking at the nearby cafe at the inn and therefore never works. If you go to the cafe at the inn and talk to the drinking man, he will let you borrow his tools. Go back to the residence and talk to the woman, and she will give you the Tools. From there, you can take them back to the drinking man at the cafe at 600 A.D. and talk to him and give him the Tools when he asks if you will lend them.

Also in 600 A.D., you can talk to Toma. If you talk to him, he will tell you that he finally found the Rainbow Shell. He will also hand you his drink - Toma's Pop - and tell you to pour it on his grave in case he does not return. Head back to 1000 A.D. and go to the grave on the western coast, then go up to the grave, hold Up and press A to read Toma's tombstone and pour the drink on the grave. Toma's ghost will tell you where the Rainbow Shell is: Giant's Claw. This will finally open up the Giant's Claw northwest of Choras Village in 600 A.D. Don't forget to go to the north side of the tomb and press A to find a Speed Tab.

Once you lend the tools to the carpenter at the cafe, head to the residence at the south end of Choras Village in 600 A.D. Talk to the carpenter, and he'll head to the ruins with his apprentices and get to work. When you get to the ruins, however, you'll have to clear out some of the monsters in order to get more of the place fixed up. The first time is for free, but you'll need 2,000 G for every trip to the ruins after that.

I start with the Sentry enemies in the western doorway at the start. These guys can only be hit with magic attacks, and these guys can hit pretty hard, hitting you with their swords for a few hundred HP a strike and also being able to absorb half as much HP from one party member. If you kill one of them, they also fight back with MP Buster, so bring plenty of Ethers. The Sentry enemies will only stop showing up when you beat all three of the battles in that area, as there is one in the middle where you need to step in a specific spot to trigger a battle with four Sentry enemies. Further from there is Cyrus' grave, which I don't touch quite yet. Instead, I take the eastern doorway, where we'll continue next time.

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