Tuesday, October 15, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Chrono Trigger (Super NES) - Part 47 of 70

In this video, we complete our last sidequest, and it's a bit of a puzzler.

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Our next side quest takes place in the Geno Dome in 2300 A.D. The Geno Dome is in the lower-right corner of the world map, south of the Sun Keep. 

When you head there, put Robo in the front of the party before using the computer. You'll need him in this position in order to enter the Geno Dome. When you go through the door, you'll be fighting Debuggests and Proto 4's on a big conveyor belt. They are more powerful than the Debuggers and the Proto 3's, but you can easily wipe them out.

Once you're past the conveyor belt, you'll be in one big hallway. In certain spots of the dome, you'll be taunted by the same voice that let you in, saying that robots are superior and that all the humans will die out from pure despair as robots take over the world.

The sparkle is the dust chute. This takes you back to the beginning if you want to leave.

The energy pods have switches nearby, and you'll need to hit them in order to go into them while charged with electricity to open them. To charge up, you'll need to find the energy pod near the computer and open it up, then go in and immediately run to an open pod. The pod in the northwest corner leads to the first of two Pozoyo Dolls, which you'll need to open the big double doors in the upper floor. The pod near the entrance leads to a treasure room, and the one near the conveyor belt - which you'll need to change the direction of with a nearby switch that you'll have to reach in a roundabout way - leads to a Proto 3. I'll explain the Proto 3 later. 

Speaking of the northwest corner, you'll need to set the switches to red, green, red from left to right. This will open the nearby energy pod in that corner. Once you charge up and run straight to that pod to open the nearby door, you'll be able to get the first Pozoyo Doll. 

As you clear the area out of enemies, you'll also fight the Laser Guards. The Laser Guards have a few hundred HP, but they can zap each other and self-destruct, doing explosion damage that damages the whole party if given the chance to do so.

The computer in the center of the lower floor tells you how everything works, but I'll show exactly what to do here in this guide.

If you go up to the top of the conveyor belt, you'll see a Proto 3 go through the wall. This is a clue that you can go through the wall. You'll want to go to the door in the southwest corner and head to the upper floor, then make your way back down so you can go through the wall, reverse the conveyor belt's direction and get rid of the laser blocking your path.

The door in the southeast corner of the lower floor leads to the upper floor. From here, you can take the door to the west, go down the hallway (don't forget the Power Tab in the southwest corner!) and take the elevator down to the other side of the conveyor belt. You can then go through the wall, hit the switch, and make the nearby conveyor belt move up instead of down. You can then go back to the conveyor belt from there and hit the switch so you can turn off the red laser blocking your path. This will allow you to charge up the nearby energy pod so you can get the Proto 3. You'll need to take the Proto 3 to the southwest corner of the lower floor and pit it against the other Proto 3 that will actively block you from taking the other Pozoyo Doll. The Proto 3 does a good job of following you as long as you go slowly to where you need to take it and you position yourself so that it can get around walls and see where you are.

There is a Speed Tab behind the Pozoyo Doll in the northwest corner, and the path through the wall to the switch that reverse the direction of the conveyor belt has a Magic Tab in the middle of it. You may have to keep pressing A to get it, but it's there. Believe it or not, I did not even know this Magic Tab existed until I got this guide. 

In the upper floor, there is a switch near a laser wall that you cannot reach. You'll need to line yourself up vertically with the switch, start running, and then - while running - press A when you're at the third tile from the wall. Robo will leap up and hit the switch, and you can get a MegaElixir that fully refills the party's HP and MP as well as a Magic Tab. 

You'll also find a conveyor belt that turns humans into materials for making robots. You won't be able to shut it down until you complete this side quest.

When you get both Pozoyo Dolls, you'll run into Atropos - a pink Robo with ribbons - near where the laser wall was. When Robo talks to her, you'll find out that Robo (named Prometheus by Atropos, much like the blue R-Series robots) was assigned to study humans as a species, and Mother Brain - the creator of the R-66 series - has re-programmed her to efficiently exterminate humans. Robo will ask the other members of the party to let him fight her alone, to which they oblige, before you have a boss battle with Atropos.

Atropos XL will have the same moves as Robo, and she can also heal herself with Cure Beam, too. You'll want to use your most powerful attacks and keep your HP and MP high to make sure you survive Atropos' powerful attacks, and you'll also want to come into the battle with the Ruby Armor equipped on Robo. Why? Because when you get Atropos' HP low enough, she will keep attacking with nothing but Area Bomb. If you have the Ruby Armor equipped on Robo, it will negate a lot of the damage and you can keep smacking her with regular physical attacks while she can barely do anything to you.

Eventually, you'll defeat Atropos XL, and while the reprogramming will wear off, Atropos XL will not be able to survive. She ends up giving Robo one of her ribbons, which permanently increases his Speed by three points and his Magic Defense by ten.

After this, you'll have to head to the big double doors and put the Pozoyo Dolls in the spots to the side in order to open them. When you do, you'll meet - and face - Mother Brain, who is in charge of everything in the facility as well as the creation of the R-Series. When Robo refuses to have his memories erased, Mother Brain considers Robo a traitor before deciding to destroy him and the rest of the party.

Bring Robo, Crono and Ayla to this battle. Use Falcon Hit on the Displays to take them all out and keep them from healing Mother Brain, then keep using it on Mother Brain herself. If you do this, however, Mother Brain will attack you with laser beams and also try to inflict Chaos with Reprogram and hit you with Memory Reset to keep you from using Techs...unless you're quick. 

Another thing you can do is bring Lucca into the party and use Hypno Wave to put the displays to sleep, then hack away at Mother Brain with powerful attacks while she is unable to attack the party.

When you beat Mother Brain, you'll get the Giga Arm and the Crisis Arm, both weapons for Robo. Giga Arm is the most powerful weapon Robo can equip, while the Crisis Arm is the weakest and deals damage directly dependent on the last digit in Robo's current HP. You'll also shut down the factory, and you will not be able to go back in again.

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