Sunday, February 23, 2014

BirthofaNova plays Streets of Rage 3 - Part 13 of 14

There sure are a lot of G-Men around here...


So many G-Men on the conveyor belt segment.'ll be doing a lot of dodging against far-range attacks, so roll to the side and you'll be all right.

You'll meet a jetpack guy at the end of the conveyor belt, but by this point the worst is over.

In the third section, you'll enter another room with a robotic claw in it. The guy at the controls is in the window in the background. This is Dr. Dahm, and he's made all these robots for the Syndicate. Wait for the claw to come out, then do a standing combo on it. You'll know when it moves when you see the claw open and close, followed by the bat swinging sound.

The conveyor belt on the floor pushes you to the background into a wall of lasers, so stay at the bottom of the screen as much as possible. When it's down to half a yellow bar, the claw explodes and comes off. At this point, when it comes down, it still moves. Wait for the robot to stop glowing green and spout a grey plume of smoke. When it does, hit it with a standing special for maximum damage.

You'll then meet a brain in a capsule. This is Mr. X's brain. His men have planted bombs throughout the city, and that they're all about to blow. He then sends a robot after you. This is Robot Y, and you have only three minutes to destroy it.

It'll fly into you and shoot rockets. When it stops to jump at you, jump towards it and kick it. Back up until it hits the ground, then move towards it and jump kick it again. Yeah, he's really advanced looking, and the detail Sega put into it predates Sonic 3D Blast by three years, but he's a very sorry excuse for a final boss.

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