Sunday, August 25, 2013

PrinceWatercress plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 3 of 8

Once you get past Round 3-1, you're going to see some serious fried chicken.

Round 3-1

Password: IRON

When this game hits Round 3-1, you're gonna see some serious fried chicken.

Looks like you're in the wrong side of town...bikers and gangsters are are you going to survive?

The bikers are really weird. As soon as you're in the vicinity, they roll around in what looks like a drunken stupor. Your best bet is to spin jump on or over them, to keep from taking an unnecessary hit.

Not long after the start, you'll see these bikers somersaulting down to the ground. You'll have to spin jump and work your way up with the floating platforms. Spin jump whenever bad guys are near you, so you don't take any unnecessary damage.

You'll take a platform across some spikes, then shortly afterwards you'll see a blue car with some guy in it. Destroying him lets out another guy, which lets out yet another guy when you defeat him. Don't touch the car at all; even if there's nobody in it, you'll still take a hit from touching it. (Geez, why can't the car just disappear?)

After you drop down the next chasm, you'll deal with guys on motorcycles, which will come fast and go back and forth in a specific area. If you can defeat them all, great. If not, just spin jump over them all and get away as quickly as possible

You'll then have the choice between the high road and the low road. The low road is full of ceilings lined with spikes, and a platform that lowers you and make it nearly impossible to get around if you're not fast enough to get past them. When you find a break in the spikes, spin jump. A biker is about to come your way.

If you go all the way down after this part, you'll find 30 coins, which can prove useful if you're not doing so hot. Take the platform, then after this last group of bikers is the goal.

The cutscene you see afterwards shows Marty in from of Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise (I still have to laugh at "PALADISE"). You also see the Biff Tannen Museum (or Biff Tunn Museum). What happened that caused Biff Tannen to be so awesome?

Round 3-2

Password: BUST

This is the weirdest hotel I've ever seen.

Anyway, avoid the big black balls. Those things and indestructible. Hit the switches on the bookcase to get rid of the walls of spikes. Also, the soldiers' guns here can shoot farther and faster, and some of them can send shock waves through the ground with their tasers, so be careful. To get through the field of bombs, spin jump through the bombs to blow them up without doing any harm to yourself.

You have to land dead center on the white platforms...or else you'll fall through the sides. And if you're not careful, you could fall all the way back to the beginning of the level!

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