Saturday, August 24, 2013

PrinceWatercress plays Super Back to the Future II - Part 1 of 8

I'm playing the game this time!
Anyway, "Lesson" starts you at 0-1, while "Start" takes you to 1-1.

I kinda mentioned in the link that this Japan-only game controls like Sonic to some degree...but it's kinda evil. You'll need to collect coins to get power-ups from the vending machines, and the learning curve is a bit high. But it's still better than the LJN games, I'll tell you that.

Anyway, in the tutorial level, you start out automatically with the hoverboard in well as Marty Jr.'s clothes. (Why? I don't know. The Japanese are weird like that, I guess.) Like in Sonic, it takes a while to get going, but once you do...oh, how fast you go!

Make it a habit to keep on spinning while you're in mid-air. It'll be a habit that will save your life and keep you from experiencing unnecessary deaths. At least you have unlimited continues...but still, I'm gonna put it out there. Doing that helps. A lot.

Round 0-1

Password: BACK
This level is pretty straightforward. Grab as many coins as you can as you make your way through the level. Don't forget: when you finish a level, you get 100 coins just for making it to the exit!

To break boxes, just run through them. Sometimes you'll find coins in them, sometimes you won't.

To activate switches, just run through them as well.

To activate a power-up, just run through the vending machine. If you have enough coins, you'll exchange those for the power-up.

At the end of this level, you'll get a cutscene where you meet your girlfriend Jennifer, and Doc Brown takes you to the year 2015. You'll also see a short cinematic that takes place with a Mode 7 DeLorean, as well.

Round 1-1

Password: OPEN

To defeat enemies, jump on top them while spinning, just like in Sonic. Granted, you'll have to press a button repeatedly to do it (I think you do), but other than that it's just like in the Sonic games. Once again, if you're not, you'll take damage. And with three hits, there are opportunities where if you're not careful, you'll die...and die...and die.

Whenever you defeat an enemy, you'll get one coin. The more you defeat, the more help you'll have at getting power-ups out of the vending machines.

If you replenish health while at full health with this, the game will reward you with an extra life. This can come in really handy later in the game.

The police officers' bullets can be destroyed with a spin jump. They don't give you coins, though.

Get used to seeing areas where you're climbing through vertical areas with platforms you can jump through at the end to reach the next "floor" (as well as the enemies in them) in the levels that take place outside. This won't be the last time you'll see a building like this. It's easy here, but later on...

To jump on the springs, you don't necessarily have to jump on them. Instead, you can run over them and they'll take you pretty high.

You'll see some kids throwing those soda cans later in the game. Right now, don't worry about defeating them. Just run right past them and you'll do just fine.

Round 1-2

Password: BOSS

Here's your first meeting with Griff Tannen. The buttons at the lower corners will hit him with the flat-screen TVs (ah, the rounded screens!), but they only work once. You'll have to spin jump on top of him when he's not spinning those baseball bats around.

He'll hit the ground with the bats and cause things to fall down, but that attack is easy to avoid.

After you defeat him (which doesn't take very long), you'll see a cutscene where he sends three of his goons after you. You'll have to fight them in the next stage.

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