Monday, August 5, 2013

lukenuetzmann plays Super Mario Bros. 2J (The Lost Levels) - World 8



All maps are by snesmaster1.

World 8-1 

Shortly after the beginning of this world, the wind shows up again. Use this to make that jump involving the three red Para-troopas, since there's no other way to get around here.

The second long pit involves a running jump. Stand at the edge of the pipe so the red pirahna plant won't pop out, then all the way to the edge and go for it.

The pipe after the second normal red Koopa will take you to an underwater passage that takes you to a Warp Zone. Unfortunately, taking it sends you back to World 5 like a little chump. This is the only other backwards warp in the game aside from the warp in World 3-1.

World 8-2

There's a trick to this.

Don't go all the way to the end. You'll be in an endless loop as a result. Instead, hit the brick below the Red Para-troopa (jumping on the Para-trooper makes hitting the block easier). You'll uncover a vine. Climb it and you'll find the exit. There you go.

World 8-3 

4:10 - "All right, I gotta get past this spiny here and FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU--"

You'll have to make a high jump off that springboard to hit the Para-troopas on your way past the first long pit.

The second castle wall hides a brick that has a vine in it. If you climb up, there's a whole bunch of coins that you can pick up.

To make that jump to the see-saw platforms, jump around near the edge and you'll hit two invisible blocks. (Watch out for the Poison Mushroom!) From there, make a running jump, stand on the first platform to raise up the second one, then run and jump from there. You need not jump off the Para-troopa to reach the flag.

World 8-4

Go down the first pipe. After that weird part where you have to move Mario backwards to reach the other pipe, take the platform moving across the lava and take the low road. Congratulations, you won't be moving in a pattern anymore.

Jump over the pipe in the next part, get past the fake Bowser, and then you'll face the real one. Strangely, his fireballs don't come down towards you, so keep close and run under him when he jumps. Boom! Your game is over...or is it?

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