Sunday, April 14, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Willow for NES - Part 10 of 11

In this entry, we find the entry to Nockmaar Castle, but we need a key. Once we get it, however, the end of the game is finally in sight.

Had you come in here earlier, there would have been a chest shortly after you came in that had nothing in it and was there solely to block your path. At this point in the game, the chest with nothing in it won't be blocking your path anymore.

Follow the path normally, and after the first two doorways, enter the first one you see immediately after. This leads to the Fury Shield. Be sure to equip it.

From there, you can just follow the path all the way to the end and take the exit there.

You're now at the other side of where the Healball chest was. If you hadn't already noticed, it blocked your path too. Just go north and follow the path. You'll be able to reach Nockmaar.

If you go back to the house where you learned Thunder from (which is the screen south of here), you'll find out Sorsha has the Crest of the Spirits.

Well, we've done just about everything in the game. Next up, we head towards Nockmaar.

There will be a guard near the entrance. He won't let you in, but if you use the Monster's Bone and turn into a monster, you'll be able to scare the guard away and enter Nockmaar.

The red zombies are nasty. You'll have to wait for them to shoot 16 bubbles before you can change back from the pig form.

The room in the lower-left corner of the entry area houses Abang. Since Adik has given you Abang's sword and asked you to return it, he'll be able to put his strength behind his sword. You'll need a key to get further into the castle, and that the old woman Adik rescued has it. Turns out, the old woman was on the cliff near Nockmaar castle, and you can talk to her to get the key...except she's not there anymore and you'll need to look for her elsewhere.

Check out the Wing Sword. Instead of being the weakest sword in the game, it is now the strongest. Equip it before you do anything else.

Before you head out, be sure to use the Ocarina to call Po, and teleport to Tir Asleen if you need to heal up.

Go back to Tir Asleen, and go back to the house on the path left of the castle entrance. This house is usually locked, and if you go to where you first met her, she's gone. Turns out, this is where you're supposed to meet her...and the game doesn't tell you to go over here at all. She'll give you the key to Nockmaar Castle.

All the loose ends are tied up, so you can now go to Nockmaar without having to do anything else.

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