Saturday, March 16, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Ka-Blooey - Part 19 of 25

Hard to believe we're almost at the end of the game now. I'm really starting to run out of things for the descriptions, so here's another five puzzles that will tie your brain in knots.

Level 96

Get rid of the enemies with the two switches north of the start. Detonate the small bomb in the upper right corner, then go right. Hit the switch in the upper left area. Go south across the ice, hit the switch, then detonate the small bomb near the ice on the left end. Enter the teleporter. Detonate the small bomb, go up, hit the switch, detonate the medium bomb and enter the teleporter. Detonate the small bomb, go south across the ice, detonate the medium bomb and enter the teleporter.

Level 97

Hit the switches in the upper right corner. Go to switch on the left and them them, then backtrack and hit the switches in the upper left corner. Go to the switches south of the upper right corner and hit them again so the tiles are restored. Then, go to the switches in the center and hit those, then hit the upper right switches so the tiles are restored. Go clockwise to the bombs in the lower left corner, then detonate the small bomb near the medium bomb. Detonate the small bomb near the teleporter in the lower left area, and detonate bombs as you go from teleporter to teleporter. Hit the lower center switch again, then detonate the left small bomb in the center set. Hit the upper center switch north of where the bomb was and detonate the small bomb north of the ice tiles. Detonate the small bomb near the bigger bombs in the lower right corner, then detonate bombs on the way to the small bomb at the left end.

Level 98

Hit all three switches at the start. Go right, hit the switch. Move the right medium bomb on the slot tiles one tile to the right, then detonate the small bomb. Go left, hit the switch, then detonate the small bomb near the mine. Detonate the small aerial bomb on the way to the left, and hit both switches on the way there. Bring the medium bomb to the newly-spawned slot tile. Detonate the small bomb.

Level 99

Hit the switch right of the start. Detonate the nearby small bomb, go right, go down, and hit the switch. Go right, up and then left to the blue guy and take the blue guy down, then right to hit the switch, and then up to the mine. Hit the switch on the way to where the mine was, go left across the ice, hit the switch there, go back to the right across the ice, hit the switch in the upper right corner, and enter the teleporter. Detonate the small bomb.

Level 100

For the lower left slot tiles, all bombs go on the bottom tiles. There should be two medium bombs on the left, a one-tile gap, a medium bomb and then a small bomb. Hit all the switches in the areas north and east of the spinner, including the switch that you spawn along the way (and get rid of the bouncing ball enemy, too!). You'll also have to hit the switch in the upper-left corner, and that will involve moving left across the ice at the top of the level. Take the top path to the upper right corner, place the medium bomb in the upper right corner and the small bomb to the left of it. Hit the untriggered switch (the only one still in the "up" position), then move, right, down, right, down, left, down and detonate the bomb. Go right three times and hit the switch, then go up twice and then left. Detonate the small aerial bomb and go left. Detonate the next bomb, then go up and left. Detonate the small bomb at the start (the one at the far left side of the level), then detonate the small slot tile bomb and move up. The tiles spell "MS."

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