Saturday, October 24, 2015

We're back!

After about nine months, this blog is finally going back to regular service.

You can thank Kurisu Yamato from Xadara for finally getting all of the blog entries - two-and-a-half years' worth of surplus stuff - out of the broken USB thumb drive that all the potential blog entries were stuck in. He managed to get into the content of the thumb drive, despite the computer not wanting to recognize it, and get it transferred over to a hard drive.

It turns out that one of the "legs" of a chip in the USB drive was not touching a circuit path, and Kurisu had to hold it down in such a way to get it to touch that path in order to get the thumb drive to work properly. Once that happened, transferring was the hard part. Thankfully, everything was ported out of the thumb drive and, as a result, everything is in a safer location - where it belongs.

I'll be starting back where I left off - right in the middle of the Atari Fab Five series - and this entry and the "farewell" entry will be kept in the blog for posterity.

The retrogaming blog is back. Press Start to continue.

- PrinceWatercress

UPDATE (November 5, 2015): Kurisu Yamato finally explains it all.


  1. You should have sent that drive way sooner.

  2. Oh, and to be more accurate, it was the USB connector itself that the leg wasn't touching on. Same difference, though - incomplete circuit = no data, which is fucking lame.

    At least the actual flash chip wasn't fried - that would have sucked ass.
