Friday, December 13, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Zalaga - Longplay

There's not much else to say here, so enjoy the longplay.

Zalaga is a clone of Galaga for the BBC Micro, published by Aardvark Software in 1983. It plays just like you'd expect, you can even get the double ship, and the game even has its own original story brought out from out of thin air by the author.

Caps Lock and CTRL move the ship left and right, respectively. Return shoots. You can also play with a joystick, and you can also toggle the sound and even play an alternating two-player mode. The high score screen has special credits by the game's author, Orlando aka Nick Pelling.

The game is fun, but there's just one's too fast. This wasn't much of a problem when it came to playing Bug Blaster, but here, I wish the game was just a little bit slower. The game is all right and is pretty authentic to the arcade original, as you're avoiding the enemies and their projectiles (the latter of which are hard to see coming due to the speed) and seeing if you can get the double ship, but the speed keeps me from wanting to recommend it.

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