Monday, July 19, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Beneath A Steel Sky - Part 14 of 20

Our hunt for clues as to what happened to Anita leads to another ID card. This gives us another opportunity to head to LINC-Space with some new abilities.

Head back to the factory and go to the reactor. Open the lockers and put on the white rad suit located inside the one in the middle before you go in; otherwise, you're going to see one of the deaths you can pull off in this game. Once you left-click the rad suit, Robert will put it on. From there, you can head east to the reactor. From there, you can go up to the control panel and open the reactor door. If you do this without the rad suit on, you die. 

You can talk to Lamb before this if you want to and ask about Anita's death. If you do, Lamb will tell you he had nothing to do with it.

Once in the reactor, there will be a LINC card on the floor to the right of the reactor. This is Anita's card. Once you get it, close the reactor door, go back to the locker and get your overcoat again. Head back to the Security office and interface with the LINC-Space terminal. This time, you can go to the Security office lobby directly and use Reich's card on the card slot to take a big shortcut to the interface. From there, use Anita's card on the card slot to the right of the interface, then use the interface.

You'll have two new commands: Playback, which lets you view holographic diary image files, and Blind aka Blindfold, which blinds the eyes that watch your every move in LINC-Space.

Blind the eyeball in the room you start in (if you want), head west, Blind the eyeball in the next room, immediately go north before the eyeball opens back up,

Along the way, there will be a man in a knight's armor. This is a Crusader program, which will guard the system religiously against all known eidos configurations, including you. You won't be able to go past the Crusader yet, however. Go north here.

You'll find a well. This is a personal data storage space for the use of LINC engineers that allows access to holographic files with Playback. Use Playback on the well to get a message from Anita, who will tell you that she was supposed to make contact with an agent from Hobart, but could not do it due to being made a D-LINC. You'll find out that the agent's name is Eduardo, and that there are ruins beneath the city that used to be the city's subway tunnels. You'll have to find a way into the old tunnels.

If you go east from here, you'll end up at the area in the first room that you couldn't previously access. There is a tuning fork on the ground here, but if you try to pick it up, you'll be kicked out of LINC-Space by the Security eyeball. Interface with LINC-Space again. Blind the eyeball in the room you start in (if you want), head west, Blind the eyeball in the next room, immediately go north before the eyeball opens back up, go north again, go east and get the tuning fork before the eye opens back up. If you're fast enough, you'll get the tuning fork, also known as the Oscillator program. You will need this later.

Disconnect from LINC, and head to ground level. You have an agent to rendezvous with.

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