Wednesday, July 14, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Beneath A Steel Sky - Part 9 of 20

In this entry, we get the Schreibmann Port, then we do a little something the game doesn't really tell us to do to get into the Security building.

Now that we're able to meet with the doctor, let's walk into his office. You can talk to the guy that the doctor is being worked on - who is completely conscious and not in pain - but there's no reason to do it.

You can also look at the things in the office, such as the body scanner and the charts on the wall, but there's no use in doing it. You can sit on the chair by right-clicking on it, if you wish, but you can't do anything from there.

By talking to the doctor - who breathes in from the gas cylinder from time to time - you'll be able to talk to him. This is Dr. Burke, and you'll be able to get a Schreibmann Port. Unfortunately, you'll have to sell one of your organs to get the port. You can try to sell one of your kidneys or one of your lungs, but they're too good to sell second-hand because you are too healthy and most bodies would reject your organs. You'll then have to sell one of your testicles, but he won't be able to collect until after you're dead. From there, you'll get the Schreibmann Port in the head.

From here, you can talk to Dr. Burke further. You'll find out that his secretary is a hologram of his dead wife who passed away last year, and he will tell you to go see "Willy" - Billy from Anchor Insurance - to find a way to get to ground level.

Head back to Anchor Insurance and talk to Billy. Make sure Joey is with you. Ask Billy for one of his special policies and mention Dr. Burke. Billy will step out to make a phone call. From here, talk to Joey and tell him to cut the anchor off with the welding laser. You'll finally be able to get the anchor. In case you take too long, you can talk to him and tell him to try calling the contact again so you can get another shot at doing this.

From here, head to the upper level and go back to the ledge you used to avoid security back at the beginning of the game. Combine the anchor with the cable, then use your new grappling hook on the sign. You'll latch on to the sign and swing through the window into another part of the security building. You'll lose the grappling hook, but you'll still be able to get the cable when you are in the building. Take the cable. You're going to need it again.

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