Tuesday, September 4, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Super Mario World - Part 15 of 17

This is it...the final battle with Bowser. Here we go...

Overworld map by Rick Bruns. All other maps by Stefan Mahrla.

Front Door and Back Door

If you take the back door, you will go straight to the final dark corridor before Bowser. If you go through the front door, you will have to go through two of eight areas before you can reach that final corridor.

The eight areas are numbered. You'll have to go through one of the first four, then you'll have to go through one of the second four before reaching the final stretch.

The first four areas all have code names that I have personally given them: Crush, Fence, Maze and Jump. In this video, I will go through #2 first.

#2 (Fence) is pretty easy. All you have to do is climb to the right to avoid the spikes. Punch out Koopas, and avoid the Podaboos when necessary.

After you complete one of the first four doors, you have to go through one of the second four, which I have respectively called Impale, Swim, Statue, and Chucks.

For this video, I do #5 (Impale). Here I wait for the spikes to come all the way down at the left end of the room, and when the tip of the one on the farthest right comes out of the ground, run to the right and never stop. You'll avoid all the spikes as well as all the Thwomps.

After completing your second door, you enter the dark corridor. If you take the Back Door, you will end up here at the start. The red ? Block turns on the light above that shines to and fro, allowing you to see the Ninjis (in the one area of the game where they appear after appearing constantly in Doki Doki Panic/the Western Super Mario Bros. 2) and the Mecha-Koopas, which are slow moving mechanical Koopas that track where you are slowly and double back when necessary in case you jump over them. Jumping on them squashes them temporarily, allowing you to carry them like Koopa shells and kick them into other enemies. Just make sure they're not shaking before you let go.

At the end, you'll finally meet Bowser. Stay on the ground and wait for Bowser to stop. Don't jump into the propellor on his air carrier He will throw two Mecha-Koopas out. Jump on them with a regular jump and kick them upwards so they hit Bowser in the head. After you do this with two Mecha-Koopas, he flies away by flying towards the screen, which scared me half to death as a kid after I found out that was what you were supposed to do.

When the flames come down, you can easily tell where to stand between flames so you don't get burned.

When Bowser comes back, Peach will poke out of Bowser's personal air carrier, crying for help. She then throws out a mushroom, which you can pick up for an extra hit.

On the second go-around, Bowser will turn upside down and drop a ball on you. Stay away from it - and spin jump off the top if you have to in order to avoid it - then send the two Mecha-Koopas at him. After that...more flames.

After the flames, Bowser's air carrier gets angry, and Bowser will try to crush you. When he stops in mid-air, he throws Mecha-Koopas. Two more Mecha-Koopas, and you've beaten Bowser!

After this, you are reunited with Princess Peach, we get the credits and enemy roll call, and we get the ending screen. But we're not done yet...

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