Friday, September 7, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Super Adventure Island - Part 3 of 3

It didn't take long to get to the final world. Let's finish this.

Round 5-1

Welcome to the ice level! You will be sliding around as you fight off the penguins again, this time on slopes. Once again, they will come at you from behind, so be careful. You'll also see spear guys around here, too, so pay attention to what is happening on-screen.

Round 5-2

Only a limited area around you is lit up. Keep throwing your weapons forward. If your screen is bright enough, you can see what's past the light. Be sure to take your time and jump over the spear pits when you see them; you'll see quite a few of them in a row.

Round 5-3

The ax makes it easier to fight off the small black blobs you will see in the beginning of the round; you'll be able to get the boomerang back when you're done with all of them. The drop-off after the candle enemies after the boomerang contains no enemies.

From there, it's more enemies, and the floating dragon heads make their return. Be sure to aim your weapon everywhere when you make it to the platforming part; you'll find hidden fruits and the final bonus area at the very beginning.

You'll then see moving platforms shortly after this. If you're wondering if enemies re-spawn, they do; you'll have to go out of your way and backtrack (intentionally) quite a bit before it happens, though.

The red X's are spikes. Don't touch them.

Round 5 Boss

It's Dark Cloak!

Dark Cloak has three attacks. The first is a trio of white orbs that petrify you if they touch you. Mash the buttons to break free. a running back-and-forth attack, and a running jump where he tries to jump into you. Watch him when he runs back and forth, and hit him in the head whenever possible.

When you beat Dark Cloak, you will learn he has a second form: some flying pink-elephant looking thing. Your best bet is to stay away from him. When he stomps on the bridge, the panels will change from brown to yellow to red. You'll want at least six in a row to be red, though you should go for seven or eight to give yourself some room. That way, when he stomps his way onto a very red area, he will cause the bridge under him to come down, taking him down into the fiery pit with him. When that happens, you've beaten the game! Tina is back to normal, and Master Higgins/Takahashi can go back to relaxing on the beach! Enjoy your ending!

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