Sunday, September 16, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays King Arthur and the Knights of Justice - Part 5 of 13

Sorry about the de-sync in the beginning of the video. I had to record it with Camtasia - which did not play well with my old computer - to do the first part right. At least it's only slightly off.

Head back to Erek's cave and ask to look through the book again, and memorize the symbols. Or don't. I'm going to show you how to get through the maze without having to rely on it.

From there, you'll want to head to the northern-most part of the forest that you've been to (use the map to find it), then go north after fighting the wisps. From here, go east first. You'll find Darren's Magical Shield behind a tree. Go further east.

From here, go south. You will see two teleporter pads. Touch the one that is the "upside down U with the two lines going through it."

You'll be in front of another teleporter with what looks like a "no smoking" symbol. Walk into it.

You'll be near two teleporters, one to the left and one to the right. Walk into the one on the right.

You'll then be near two more teleporters, one to the north and one to the south. Walk into the northern one.

You'll be in an empty field. Go southeast to get on a path, then head to the east. You'll see two more teleporters. Touch the one to the south (the one that doesn't look like a D with two lines).

You'll then be surrounded by four teleporters. Walk into the one on the left.

From here, go east until you're on the path. Follow the path to the west, then go south. Go east at the statue, then go northeast through the trees until you see a teleporter that looks like a "sideways smiley face." Walk into it.

You'll be near two teleporters, one to the north and one to the south. Walk into the one to the north.

From here, go to the left through the trees. On the dirt path, go south, then east. When you see the dirt path go into two directions to the south, walk through the trees to the northeast to enter a secret area. Go north and walk into the teleporter that looks like an "upside down R."

You'll now be in the nearby ring of trees. There are two teleporters, one to the left and one to the right. Enter the one on the left.

You'll be near a teleporter in what seems like the middle of the forest. Enter it. You're now in the basement of Castle Sanguine.

You'll be surrounded by three teleporters. Enter the teleporter to the north.

You'll be in another room with two teleporters, one to the left and one to the right. Enter the one to the right.

You'll be in yet another room with two teleporters, one to the north and one to the south. Enter the one to the south. You're done with the teleporters.

From there, you are on the first floor. From here, follow the path and fight the dark knights. Go through the door to the north, then enter the one through the west. Go west again, fight the dark knights, follow the path, and enter the first door to the north that you see.

Stay away from the statue. Regardless of which path you choose from here, you will eventually reach the boss battle with Blinder.

To fight Warlord Blinder, just walk all the way to the southern wall, get hit, then look North and face Blinder. If you do it right, the pendulum-like scythe cannot hurt you. If you look straight at Blinder, you can just keep hitting Blinder with the Shield Attack.

The Key of Truth that Warlord Blinder leaves behind belongs to Wally. Hope you didn't bring him, because he has no Shield. Walk South from the middle of the room to leave the room, then make your way back to Camelot, get Wally and return here to get the Key of Truth with him.

By the way, if you take the drawbridge exit to the south, you can find a teleporter to the southwest, and if you use it, you'll end up back in Blinder's Way, which makes it easier to get out.

When you get the Key of Truth, you'll get your next mission. Morgana has struck while we were gone, as Warlord Blackwing has dropped a potion of the Tears of Gorjus on Squire Everett as he walked through the castle courtyard. (Ironically, Blackwing is not even in the game, though he was supposed to be in it at one point.) Sadly, Squite Everett is slowly dying and Arthur is the only one who can save him, as even Merlin cannot do anything. We must travel to the Swamp of zagar and bring back a fragment of the horn of the Zug that lives there. It is the only one of its kind, so we must get a piece of the horn without killing it. Once we get it, we must bring it back to Merlin so he can concoct a potion that will cure Squire Everett.

The swamp is far north of here, northwest of Blinder's Way.

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