Wednesday, September 12, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays Streets of Rage 2 - Part 2 of 4

We go through an amusement park and destroy every last creep. Hold on for the ride, because the graphics and music here are awesome.

Stage 3

First Section - Amusement Park 1

Nothing much here. Just a bunch of street punks and their sprite recolor friends hanging around and sleeping on benches. Destroy them all.

Second Section - Arcade

When I first played this game back in the seventh grade, I freaked out upon seeing this stage. "I get to beat people down in an arcade OMG OMG OMG!"

No, you're not seeing things. The arcade machines actually say "Bare Knuckle."

The arcade machines can be punched out to get some power-ups. (Good lord, the heroes have gotten stronger since last game. Seriously, they're destroying arcade machines in one hit?)

Third Section - Path to Pirates 1

Just some more bad guys. Nothing much else here.

Fourth Section - Path to Pirates 2

More bad guys, plus another martial arts guy at the end.

Fifth Section - Pirate Ship

Oh, boy. This is where things get interesting. After you fight a couple more enemies, you get to fight ninjas for the first time in the game. These guys are pretty fast and can run circles around you. They also have somersault jumps, jumping palm strikes, throw attacks, an aerial shuriken toss, the ability to use swords and kunai, and a weird standing movement where they do some ninja hand signal and warp their way around you, kinda like some Akuma-style teleport move you can't hit them out of. These guys can be tough, especially on the harder difficulties and later levels, where they can be out in force.

By the way, they say "ninpou kage bushin" when they do that teleport thing. Just thought you'd like to know.

Sixth Section - Amusement Park 2

More enemies, plus another knife guy and another dominatrix. Hitting as many people as you can at one time definitely works here.

Seventh Section - Alien House

There are enemies hiding around here, so keep an eye out. When you punch the eggs to get power-ups, stay away from them for a second to keep from being damaged by the potential explosion.

Vehelits is a pretty weird mini-boss. It's nothing more than an alien head, and it can damage you as it moves across the screen, especially if you jump kick it. It's not very tough, though.

If you stand in the center of the area where you fight Vehelitz, move all the way down and press B to find a hidden 1-Up. Yeah, that helps.

The boss is Zamza. Unlike the claw guy from the last time, which looked somewhat like Freddy Kreuger, this one looks a lot better...and he fights like Blanka! He'll somersault all over the screen, run towards you, suplex you, slide kick, uppercut you, scratch you with his claws...he's much more interesting compared to the first game.

If he ever runs towards you, using your Down+B attack in mid-air can stop him in his tracks, giving you an opportunity to grab him and do what you need to do.

Stage 4

First Section - Stadium Entrance

With the amusement park behind you (actually, it's in the background), it's time to take on the stadium. There isn't much here other than a bunch of enemies and a martial arts guy. Hopefully, you can find a pipe and smash your way through the entire section here.

Second Section - The Baseball Field

How does one get from the entrance to the stadium to the batbox in mere seconds? Darn you, Nintendo Logic!

You'll fight two more dominatrices in this part. If you haven't seen it already, you'll see it now: these girls have another whip attack that shocks you like Blanka's electricity. Now this seemingly useful upgrade to mini-boss status looks worthy.

When you reach the baseball diamond, you'll meet Big Ben. He's just like the fat fire-breathing guys from the last game, except he has some more attacks, he's smaller, and he's a lot faster. Amazingly, you can perform throws and suplexes on these guys this time around. When you beat him, the whole area around the home plate becomes an elevator...

Third Section - Elevator

As this elevator goes down, you'll be fighting six martial arts guys among other shady characters. When you beat them all up, the elevator stops.

Fourth Section - Underground Fight Pit

Oh, boy.

Break the boxes to find a turkey if you need it, then meet Abadede. He still has that clothesline, but he also has some knife edge chops, a suplex, a dive attack, and even the ability to break out of grabs and damage you, which he can also use to evade certain attacks! Line yourself up, hit one or two punches, then double-tap forward on the Control Pad and press B to do a dash attack to do some quick damage. He's not too hard with three life bars, but on harder difficulties (especially Mania), he'll have as many as five.

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