Friday, February 7, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Revenge of Shinobi - Part 4 of 8

For some reason, I really like the junkyard here.

Round 4

The plane ride you took from the military has taken you from Japan to America.

The first section takes place in a junkyard. The enemies you'll meet here are the same as in the last round. Jump and shoot a shuriken to the right at the start take out a soldier, then jump on top of the first crushed car, face left, jump straight and shoot a shuriken at the top of your jump to get an extra ninjitsu icon. The flamethrower guy between the two car columns can be crouching kicked in the face from above if he is all the way to the left.

The second section is in a factory-like setting with tons of conveyor belts and falling platforms. Use the Jitsu of Fushin to make jumping easier. Try not to get crushed, burned by flame jets or fall into lava, and stand on top of moving hooks to get around. Using Jitsu of Fushin will make it much easier to get to the exit, since you can jump to the top of the stage with ease.

The boss is a very strong man who will throw cars at you. Take short hops and throw shurikens at the man's face about three or four times, then stand next to the nearby column of crushed metal and double jump to avoid the car he throws at you. He will also throw what looks like engine blocks at you that you can also easily double jump over to avoid, and if you get too close, he will squat down in a three-point stance before tackling you. Stay at a distance and take short hops while aiming shurikens at his head while avoiding the things he throws. It's a very easy boss battle. He will eventually explode and reveal he is a robot. Jump to the top to the column to avoid him and it's on to Round 5. 

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