Thursday, February 6, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Revenge of Shinobi - Part 1 of 8

It's been three years since Shinobi. You are Joe Musashi. Your master is dead. Your fiancee Naoko is kidnapped. Zeed is back as Neo Zeed and is deadlier than ever, and it wants to destroy the ninja. It's time to take them down again, get your bride back and set things straight.

Left and Right let you move, and Down-Left and Down-Right lets you do a duck walk. A activates your ninjutsu, B lets you throw shurikens (or attack with a melee weapon in case you run out) and C lets you jump. Pressing C in mid-air lets you double jump, which you can only do at the height of your jump (you won't be able to do it while you're falling down). If you attack during your double jump, you'll throw out eight shurikens at once. Ikazuchi gives you a shield that protects you from a few hits; Karyu spawns four columns of fire that destroy all on-screen enemies and weakens bosses; Fushin increases the height of your jumps; and Mijin is a smart bomb that kills all enemies and damages bosses at the cost of one of your lives. (If you use Mijin on your last life, you will blow up and give yourself a game over. Don't do that.)

The HUD at the top of the screen shows how much health you have, how many shurikens you have, your four ninjutsu choices and the amount of lives you have left. To select between ninjutsu, pause the game and use the D-Pad to switch between the four ninjutsu. 

Round 1

In the first section, you'll learn how to fight enemies. Ninjas will appear out of nowhere and somersault and throw shurikens when you get too close. They go down in one hit. The samurai will block your shurikens, but if you throw a shuriken and duck down, it won't hit their sword and you'll do damage. They are also vulnerable if they manage to swing their sword without hitting you. If you duck when they get in close, you'll make it happen.

Power-ups are in wooden boxes. The single shuriken icon gives you ten shurikens, while the double shuriken icon gives you twenty. The POW icon gives you flaming shurikens, and your melee attack will be your sword instead of your kunai. If you are walking forward after collecting a POW icon, you can block projectiles that come towards your head when and only when you are walking towards them. You'll lose your power upgrade if you get hit, though. Small hearts refill a little bit of your health, while big hearts refill all of it. The portrait of Mushashi with "1-Up" on it gives you an extra life. The Japanese symbol gives you an extra use of ninjitsu. Watch out, though: there are gray and brown time bombs that blow up when you either get too close or leave them sitting out in the open for a few seconds.

The dogs will rush at you. When you see one, duck and throw a shuriken. If you get hit or miss due to the dog jumping at you, turn around and try again.

In the second section, you'll be in a bit of a maze. Stand on the stones with the triangle at the bottom to open doors. The bamboo spikes are harmful to the touch, but they can do a lot of damage.

The underground route has two revolving doors that spawn ninjas; don't hang around them.

To beat the boss, take short hopes towards him and back away when he swings his sword. You'll then want to turn back towards him and hit him in the face. As you damage this evil samurai, his armor will change from dark blue to light purple. If you get the boss in the purple range and use Karyu, you'll defeat him early.

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