Thursday, February 6, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays The Revenge of Shinobi - Part 2 of 8

Round 2 will put your platform skills to the test.

Round 2

In the first section, you'll be traversing a waterfall by jumping on rocks as well as logs that tumble down the waterfall. Don't forget to use Jitsu of Fushin when you start the level to make jumping easier before getting down to the rockin' music, and remember that Round 2 is a round of bottomless pits. Also, watch out for ninjas; they'll either be standing strategically in some spots ready to throw shurikens, or they'll be flying around on what looks like bat wings in an attempt to make getting around harder.

In the second section, you'll be in the city. There will be not only ninjas but also martial artists and assassins, Stay at the rooftops to avoid the non-ninja enemies. If you run into the martial artists, keep your distance and hit them from there; their attacks will block your shurikens. As for the assassins, they are on the ground only and they are disguised as nuns; when they pass you, they will reveal themselves and start jumping around. A shuriken or two will defeat them. Don't forget to throw shurikens around at the end of this section to find an extra ninjitsu charge.

The boss is a powerful ninja. Watch where he jumps, and try to hit him in close with crouching kicks for as long as you can. You may get hit a few times and you may lose your attack power-up due to the shurikens being hard to see thanks to the lights of the discotheque, but he'll go down long before you do. If you need to, use the Jitsu of Ikazuchi to tank a few hits.

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