Monday, May 13, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 10 of 53

In this entry, we fight the Carpainter and rescue Paula, bringing our party to two as we destroy Happy-Happyism.

When you talk to Carpainter, he will tell you he wants your help to make the world blue and change it into a happy and peaceful society. When he asks you to be his right-hand assistant, say "No." Nothing comes out of saying "yes," and you'll have to fight him eventually, anyway. He will consider you a problem for him and his religion, and he will zap you with lightning. If you don't have the Franklin Badge equipped, you'll be warped outside, and you'll have to make your way back to him. If you do have the Franklin Badge equipped, nothing happens. Either way, you'll have to face the Carpainter in battle.

All of the Carpainter's attacks are lightning-based, and if you have the Franklin Badge equipped, none of them will work; as a matter of fact, the badge will turn the damage back on him if it hits. He can heal himself with Lifeup Alpha, but if you keep attacking him with the Franklin Badge equipped, he won't be able to heal enough. He can also cast Shield Alpha to protect himself, but it won't save him from being hit with a baseball bat.

When you beat the Carpainter, he will identify the statue as a Mani Mani Statue, then say that the statue has made him do things before asking for forgiveness as he just wanted a normal life. He also gives you the key to open Paula's cell in the mountain hut. 

When you go back to where the maze was, only three blue men will be left. When you return to town, everyone will be back to normal. It will take another return visit for the colors to be normal, too. The food store will be closed. The blue cow will still be blue, but only on the first visit after defeating Carpainter (it turns back to white after that). The guy running the inn will still let you stay free of charge, but he will not be creepy anymore. If you donated any money to the strange-acting woman from earlier, she will refund it. When you leave Carpainter's home, Pokey will show up wanting to be friends again, saying that he has woken up from a nightmare, before slowly walking away and saying that he lied before running away.

When you free Paula, Paula will join your party, then mention that you'll need to return to Twoson. When you leave the hut after freeing Paula, the camera man will show up to take a picture. Fuzzy pickles.

Paula will not have anything but a Bread Roll and a Teddy Bear, and she will have the single-target PSI Freeze Alpha, which is an ice spell. You'll want to get Paula a Copper Bracelet, a Frying Pan and a Ribbon to bring her stats way up. 

From here, it's time to enter the cave east of the drug store and head towards Lilliput Step, which the NPCs will mention if you talk to them. This is your next destination.

The Mole Playing Rough will play rough if allowed to, and it can also Confuse itself for whatever reason.

Paula will learn PSI Fire Alpha at Level 4. This can hit a whole row of enemies instead of one. She will also learn PSI Shield Alpha at Level 6. At Level 8, she will learn PSI Thunder Alpha, which hits a random target. At Level 11, she will learn Freeze Beta, which can hit multiple targets. You'll definitely want to get Paula levelled up while you are here.

Mr. Batty can also confuse itself, but it's easier to defeat than the moles here.

The Great Charm protects you from paralysis attacks and also makes the wearer slightly faster.

Ness will learn Lifeup Beta at Level 20.

The Mighty Bear can hit pretty hard. Amazingly, it will not be in any hurry to join any enemy you run into. Approaching it from behind is advised. Magic such as Freeze Alpha can do a number on it.

The PSI Caramel is hard to find, and will refill PP if eaten. Save those for when you really need it.

The sparkle is the Mondo Mole, which blocks the second "Your Sanctuary" location. It is vulnerable to paralysis, so cast Paralysis Alpha so it can't move before beating it to death with physical attacks, as magic will not do a lot of good. The Mondo Mole can heal itself and can use spells that protect it from magic as well as increase its offense, but it does not have any PSI attacks of its own.

If Ness loses all motivation in battle, that is because Ness is homesick. Be sure to call Mom regularly.

When you beat the Mondo Mole, you'll be able to access Lilliput Step and get another part of the melody for the Sound Stone, and you'll get a vision of a baby in a red cap. You'll also be healed.

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