Monday, May 27, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 36 of 53

In this entry, we take the trek through Dungeon Man himself.

In order to enter Dungeon Man's Dungeon, you'll need to use the Key To The Tower, which you got earlier. This will let you in.

All of the enemies here will be enemies that you have met before. The only difference between then and now is that you are much more powerful, and it's possible to get the green swirl from time to time..

The signs are written by Dungeon Man themselves, and provide rather witty banter. West of the entrance is an ATM, a pay phone and a bench, and the nearby cave leads to a hospital. The bench is used as a free inn.

Despite what DeceasedCrab says, if Poo has the Hawk Eye in his inventory when he leaves the party to learn Starstorm, Escargo Express will call and tell you that somebody put the Hawk Eye in your inventory. Just call them to get the item, as you'll need it here.

DeceasedCrab finally gets the Heavy Bazooka. That's a good thing, as it's a very powerful weapon.

The Super Plush Bear takes more damage and abuse than the Teddy Bear. You can buy it in Summers if you can afford it.

The wooden door is a restroom that you cannot access. Also, there is a bench near it that you can use to heal.

Some of the treasures are useful, while others are not. One of them contains five dollars. Yes. Five dollars. A drop in the bucket compared to what's probably in your in-game bank account at this point.

Of the four ropes, you'll want to climb the third one (second from right). This takes you to the second floor while the others lead to dead ends. There is also a bench on the second floor to recover your health and PP at.

The Spectrum Beam is a little more powerful than the Heavy Bazooka, but it's worth getting.

The Lesser Mook can be encountered in Winters, but it can be encountered here. It can do a lot of damage with Freeze Alpha and Freeze Beta, and can put a party member to sleep in addition to being able to Diamondizing them, which is the game's version of petrification. You'll need to use a healer to cure the Diamond status if you don't have a Cup of Lifenoodles or a Secret Herb.

At the third floor, the Gruff Goats, Mad Ducks and Slimy Little Piles are for display only and cannot be interacted with. There is also a bench to rest on in the southwest corner.

At the top floor, you'll find Brick Road's head in a wall. He will tell you that Dr. Andonuts made him Dungeon Man, and he will follow you for a while. He will tell you to head to the Return Hole, which is to the south of Brick Road's head. The other hole will be blocked...for now. Once you go through the Return Hole, go through each hole as you see them. Don't forget to get the IQ Capsule for Jeff before you return to the entry level, and don't forget to get money out of the ATM before you leave, as you'll be back at the store south of where you came in before you know it!

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