
Monday, February 28, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 13 of 13

It's the final battle! Can PK save the Earth from the Evronians?


It's just you and Zondag now. Take him down, and the Evronians will leave Earth alone...for now...

Always hold R2 during the boss battle.

When Zondag sends the ball at you, shoot it back at him with the charge shot. When you hit him, Evronian surfers will teleport in and come at you. Shoot them down as they show up, and hover around in circles near the edge of the platform to avoid all the spider mines. From here, the pattern repeats.

Zondag will keep sending the ball at you, but if you keep shooting charge shots, the ball will eventually hit him. You'll also have to deal with surfing Evronians and sending the ball back at Zondag, too. You'll eventually beat him, but that's just the first phase.

The second phase has you jumping over walls of energy waves while shooting charged shots at Zondag. Jump over the low parts of the waves and avoid the high ones. Also, watch where you're going, as it is possible to go back far enough to accidentally fall into a bottomless pit and be forced to start this battle over from the beginning of the first phase. As always, shoot regular shots to get energy out of Zondag and also shrink his barrier before disabling it temporarily, making Zondag vulnerable to a charge shot.

As you go through the battle, the walls of energy will be faster and harder to dodge, and you'll neet to shoot at Zondag and whittle down his shield as you move around. Eventually, you'll be able to hit him with enough charge shots to stop his plans for Earth domination...for now. PK takes a vacation, but finds out his job as a superhero is just beginning.

You just completed PK: Out of the Shadows!

Sunday, February 27, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 12 of 13

We're now on the Evronian mothership. All we need to do now is get to the control room and face General Zondag.


Once we're on the mothership, we need to find the control room and defeat General Zondag, the highest-ranking Evronian official in charge of what is going on.

1:29 - Go to the side first to get the final upgrade: an Evronian Suit. This will allow your gun to turn the swirling blue rings into platforms. Don't take too long, because the platforms will soon turn into rings again.

Also, this suit is far more powerful, and will rip any and all enemies you run into apart in a few shots, even if they have a shield. Also, don't worry about scientists, because you're rescued all 60!

5:47 - Avoid the electricity as you hold Up and Left on the left stick to get the icons for the checkpoints. 

6:34 - Hold the strafe button to ensure you hit the rings to turn them into platforms

7:07 - Take out as many of the enemies from a safe distance before riding around on the platforms to ensure you don't get shot a whole bunch of times.

9:03 - One more set of rings. Jump before shooting while holding the strafe button to ensure you turn them into platforms.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 11 of 13

We're almost at the top of Ducklair Tower. Once we make it, it's on to the mothership, since we have all the scientists.


1:41 - Some of the metal platforms in this place buckle when you stand on them. Get to the other side quickly!

1:59 - Good thing we have plenty of special shots, right?

2:50 - You'll have to defeat the shielded Evronian and get the scientist to the right. The homing missiles should have made this easier, but I couldn't do the charge shot. Afterwards, you'll have an R.E.X. section after this.

5:18 - Two guys with shields. Perfect. Just perfect.

6:09 - Watch where you're standing so you can avoid getting shocked and grab onto the platforms.

7:19 - A shielded Surfer. Take care of him like you have all the other shielded enemies, then plug away at him.

8:02 - Break the floor grates to save the scientists...and watch where you land!

9:19 - Two surfers at once! Take care of them one at a time.

10:14 - The floor breaks here. Be ready to use the grappling hook.

11:58 - The game gives you a freebie for the last three scientists. From here, you have another R.E.X. section. Be ready to fire your gun like your life depends on it.

13:42 - Since we've rescued enough scientists, we will be able to locate the mothership...which is above Ducklair Towers! Stinks we don't get to see the outside of that mothership.

Friday, February 25, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 10 of 13

Our journey takes us to a television station housed in an entire floor of a tower. Be ready to run from the mines with the spider legs as you continue to climb to the top.

Channel 00

0:48 - The mines have legs! They'll chase you around unless you nudge the left stick slightly to tiptoe. Otherwise, be ready to run.

2:18 - Another R.E.X. section.

3:31 - Be ready to run and jump to get across the spinning platform. Hit the switch to get on the platform and take out the surfing Evronian. The red shots are homing missiles. Use them wisely.

5:07 - You'll need to be quick on the draw to take out the Evronian with the shield and save the three scientists. You can power past him if you know what to do, but I wouldn't recommend it. Avoid the barriers afterwards as you go over and under the platforms.

8:35 - The black Evronian shoots walls of projectiles. Jump over them while pumping him full of ammo from the Remote X-Transformer.

10:00 - Yet another R.E.X. section.

10:50 - For the surfing Evronian, you'll need to keep moving and jumping while strafing while throwing out some relentless offense. Three Coolflames show up when this guy is gone, but at this point, you should still be in the mood to pump them full of laser blasts. After that, you can save the two scientists by going through the next door and turning right.

11:58 - Go around the clock for the icons, then get on the platform and shoot the panel to move up.

12:52 - You'd better be ready to use the grappling hook to get the last scientist here.

13:30 - If you tiptoe through here, you can get past all the spider mines. You can also speed through like I did to get past the conveyor belts more quickly. After this, there are two more surfing Evronians, and once you beat them, you'll beat the level.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 9 of 13

The action takes us full circle back to Ducklair Towers, where the Evronians have now taken over. In order to get into the towers, however, we'll have to sneak in through the sewers...and the Evronians have brought in some new soldiers to stop us...


1:21 - Another question mark! Drop down and head left for another upgrade: the grappling hook. Once you're in range of a grappling point, hold Square in mid-air to latch on and keep swinging. Use the left stick to change the direction PK is facing. Let go of Square to land on the other side.

2:49 - Just keep going here and you'll find your first scientist.

4:19 - Meet the Evronian Surfers. Stay on the move while strafing to lock on to these guys, and keep firing. These guys pack a punch, so take them down quickly.

5:38 - Hover after letting go of Square to make it from one grapple point to another.

6:36 - Another R.E.X. segment.

10:05 - Take the turns carefully to rescue all three scientists here quickly.

11:39 - Yet another R.E.X. segment.

13:19 - Take out the Coolflame first before rescuing the last two scientists. Also, there is an Evronian Surfer at the end, but you don't even need to defeat him to use the exit.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 8 of 13

We finally have a boss battle...and it's pretty quick.


Past the door is the battle with Zoster. Take out the Evronian soldier, then open the crates for some more powerful ammo.

Avoid the lasers from the laser cannon as you shoot at it with charge shots. This will deactivate the shield. The pulsating metal orb in the center that soon gets exposed is the weak point, and you'll want to strafe and shoot at it before the timer reaches zero and the shield comes back on-line. From here, you'll need to avoid the electric barriers that spin around the arena while continuing to target the weak point.

Once the first boss health meter is down, it's time for phase two. Deactivate the shield like you did the first time, and attack the weak point again. This time, you'll need to strafe and shoot at the weak point while avoiding the bombs that come your way. Jumping in the air to the side makes it easier to dodge the explosions. The electric barriers have the same pattern as before.

Just one health meter left to go! Deactivate the shield, attack the weak point, and avoid the bombs. The electric barriers will all be low this time, so remember to hover while attacking the weak point. This time, Zoster will be out of commission for real, and it's back to Ducklair Towers, where the Evronians are plotting something again...

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 7 of 13

We go through yet another area of the game before meeting our first boss. Amazingly, the scientists are dead easy to rescue here.


0:58 - We have two different enemy types on screen...for three seconds.

2:13 - The Evronians with the shields are back with a vengeance here.

2:53 - Watch the platforms as they move in and out to use them as platforms. When the scientist pops up, head to the right and get him immediately.

3:40 - Now these things are acting as pushers.

4:23 - Another X-Transformer section.

6:28 - Watch out for the fan blades as you hover down.

7:09 - Now you'll be on conveyor belts while fighting enemies.

7:55 - You now have two Evronian soldiers with shields at once. Avoid all the shots, and alternate between them to make dealing with them easier.

9:39 - You'll have to take these platforms one at a time.

11:51 - Just go through this door for three scientists, then put the X-Transformer through the hole in the wall for another X-Transformer section.

12:58 - Quickly make your way up as these platforms come out of the wall. The last two scientists are at the exit. Be sure to get them.

Monday, February 21, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 6 of 13

You'll have a lot of mechanism pushing you around here, so you'll need to be on your toes in this stage.

Area 52

1:08 - Watch out for pistons. They'll push you off of where you are if you waste too much time, making them dangerous later on in the stage. Also, the double-helix shots do a lot of damage, so be careful with them.

2:02 - Some of the Coolflames will become more aggressive and leap around, making them harder to shoot down! They will have a red flame on their head as opposed to a blue one. Also, a truck will fall down on the next Coolflame, giving you access to the scientist. Just approach the second Coolflame and the truck will come down.

3:00 - This crack in the floor is easy to miss.

5:00 - The crates move back and forth in this purple goop, and there are also conveyor belts here. You'll have to be careful as you move quickly to get the two scientists here. You have 40 seconds to save them both. One is in a nook in the wall near the Evronian soldier, while the other is inside a cage you can jump into.

10:15 - I told you they'd be dangerous. Jumping and hovering towards the pusher if you get pushed can help save you.

11:03 - Run in, turn right, fight off the enemies, and save the last three scientists.

11:40 - Take your time in this section so you don't stumble. There are a few conveyor belts and a couple of crushers, so you'll need to move fast.

Sunday, February 20, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 5 of 13

Well, at least we're someplace warmer. Unfortunately, we're near Area 52, and the high-ranking Evronian science officer Zoster wants to use the place to meet his own ends.


When you approach the fence, One will tell you that Area 52 is the perfect place for Zoster, a high-ranking Evronian science officer, to carry out his plans for world domination. At least we know where we're going and why, but that's all.

1:50 - These mines will raise up and explode when you approach them, so get away quickly as you move forward through the level.

2:17 - Shoot down the explosive cylinder to rescue the first scientist. You'll need to be fast, too.

2:58 - from here, you'll need to get on the wooden bridge platform and pick up the next upgrade to make use of the hole in the wall and get that question mark out of the way. This upgrade allows you to shoot the Remote X-Transformer into the hole and move it down the corridor via remote control. To do that, approach the hole and press Square.

4:12 - Once you're in the corridor, Left and Right on the left analog stick lets you turn, while R2 activates the brakes and lets you go slower. Holding R2 while holding Left or Right lets you strafe rather than turn. Square lets you shoot, and you'll need to shoot down the panel on the wall at the end to activate the platform and continue on. The green cubes with the numbers on them let you add time to the timer, and if the timer goes to zero, the Remote X-Transformer will return back to PK and you'll have to try again, so do your best not to run into walls or obstacles on the way to the panel at the end.

5:34 - Always hover until you reach the highest point before making your move.

6:33 - You'll need to quickly make your way to the wooden platforms at the top here to get the two scientists at this point.

7:48 - After taking out this Coolflame, go in here to get an upgrade that reinforces your Remote X-Transformer.

8:34 - At this point, the environment gets very Area 51-ish.

9:43 - You'll need to be nimble - and careful - on these platforms to rescue the last three scientists. Your hover ability will really come in handy here.

10:34 - This is where you'll need to strafe to get past the walls in the middle of the corridors. Afterwards, keep X held down to hover if you get hit by the barricades to safely make it to the end.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 4 of 13

If you've wanted a bigger change of scenery than what you've seen so far, beating this stage will do just that. I just wish there was more in terms of storytelling.

Frozen Mine

2:17 - Watch out for the rocks that fall after the first checkpoint. They'll make holes in the makeshift bridge, forcing to jump over the fluorescent purple instant death goop.

2:44 - You'll have two scientists to save here. One is in a cave to the left of the huge mine cart, while the other is in the mine cart itself. Thankfully, you can jump into the side of the mine cart and vault PK up to the scientist inside.

3:04 - If you're wondering where to go next, it's here.

3:52 - Question mark time! Blow up the cylinders to the right while avoiding the Evronian soldier, who is flashing blue. Inside is another upgrade for the Remote X-Transformer: a charge shot that you can only use if your health is high enough (as indicated by the green bar on the right side of the health meter). You'll be able to practice using the charge shot on the barrier. From there, hold down the Square button when the Evronian soldier stops firing, then fire at it with regular shots while it is stunned until the shield comes back up, then avoid the enemy shots and repeat the pattern. If you need more health to flip up any amount of the green bar - which needs to be filled up to any capacity in order to use the charge shot, just keep firing regular shots at the Evronian soldier. You'll get a little bit of health eventually. Just don't get hit trying to get it.

7:18 - The game suddenly changes to a forced 2D perspective here, so be careful jumping over the gaps and avoiding the searchlights. 

9:07 - Take out the Evronian, progress, then turn around when you see the earthquake. Take out the enemies here and rescue the three scientists. At least the Evronian soldiers here don't have shields.

12:07 - Take out the Coolflames and shoot down the cylinders to rescue the last scientist.

12:55 - As soon as you make it outside, One shows up to tell you that he has sensed activity in the Nevada Desert. What's going on? He doesn't tell you. You just go there.

Friday, February 18, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 3 of 13

Unlike the previous two stages, you're completely on your own here, and it makes me wish there were more recorded dialogue and cutscenes in the game. Get ready to see how monotonous the game can be, as well as how frustrating the camera is.


0:40 - The fluorescent purple goop kills you on contact. Don't fall into it.

4:02 - Be sure to turn around here for hidden health and shots. 

4:22 - Shoot the cylinder when the Evronian solider walks in front of it to get rid of him in one hit.

5:05 - Break the grate in the wall to rescue the two scientists here.

7:39 - You'll deal with two Evronians at once here. Concentrate on one of them before taking out the other one while avoiding all the shots. It'll make taking care of them easier.

9:00 - Take out the Coolflame on the way up, then hover down to the opening in the wall to rescue the lone scientist here.

10:54 - You'll need to get back and forth while jumping from one platform to the left with the worst camera angles possible to get to the top as quickly as possible while rescuing the last three scientists here. This may take several tries, and the fact that you can't move the camera makes this worse than it should be. You're actually moving towards the camera with every jump, making it so you can't see the ledge. Who thought this was a good idea?!?

Thursday, February 17, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 2 of 13

In this episode, we head to the Science Lab, where we face the Evronian soldiers for the first time. Also, hope you didn't get used to seeing One every so often; he doesn't appear at all here.

Science Lab

0:45 - These orange bullets are more powerful than your usual shots, and will replace your regular shots until they are all gone. Also, hover up the green hexagon-shaped platforms to float upwards.

1:54 - The blue goop damages you if you step in it. Don't touch it.

2:33 - You'll meet the Evronian soldier for the first time here. Strafe past the individual shots and jump over the wall of shots. When you stand on the crate with the Activation Star above, shoot down the nearby air vent cover and rescue the three scientists here. Also, if an area has a fixed camera angles, you can't look around with R1 until you're out of it.

3:59 - Watch out for the barriers here.

4:35 - Another upgrade. Go up to the area with the glass floor with the big crack in it and stay there when the question mark pops up above PK's head. The door leading to the upgrade will break open. Take out the Coolflame and get the upgrade: the Iron Fist, which allows you to break the cracked glass floors like the one you just saw. Just stand on it, press Square, and PK will break it.

10:55 - Take out the two Evronians smartly to save the two scientists here.

13:52 - Once you float upwards, be ready to move past the Coolflame and get the last two scientists, then break the wall panel to open the exit.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 1 of 13

Never thought Paperinik would make for a video game, but here we are.

Believe it or not, this game is based on the late '90s Paperinik series called The New Adventures of Paperinik. Despite being a very Italian Disney thing, this game actually got an American release.

The game begins with the Evronians travelling through outer space and approaching Earth for an invasion. Meanwhile, Donald Duck who works as a security guard in Ducklair Towers, is working his shift and making sure everything is secure. Suddenly, Daisy Duck shows up on one of the security screens and tells him to control his temper, while Huey, Dewey and Louie show up on another screen to make fun of Donald for getting chewed out by Daisy. As Donald Duck says he will show them and become a real superhero, It then becomes painfully obvious that this is all a dream. (Amazingly, the game never touches on this again.) When he wakes up, he sees a face looking at him saying that he wants to be a superhero, which soon disappears. Seconds later, a glowing green vacuum sucks Donald in, and Donald comes face to face with a green glowing duck head who - after figuring out the controls - grants him that wish.

Meanwhile, the Evronian forces land on Earth under Zoster's command. At this point, Donald is now in full gear, and he also has a new voice that completely replaces his old, familiar one. (Amazingly, the game never touches on this again.) The glowing green duck head - known as One - soon sends Donald Duck - now known as PK - on his first mission for some on-the-job training at Genesis Research Labs, which is somewhere really, really cold.

The left analog stick moves PK around. X jumps, and Square fires.


12:23 - When you move towards these boxes, the game tells you to hold the R2 button to strafe and press Square to fire. You'll be doing this a lot throughout the game. You'll be able to shoot six bullets before having to quickly reload 

13:52 - Learning to jump, and picking up Activation Stars. These icons allow you to power checkpoints when you have enough of them, allowing you to start back later in the stage rather than the beginning in case you lose one of your infinite lives. Collect as many of these as you can.

15:22 - Here, you'll learn to shoot at things. Hold R2 to lock on to an enemy. The right analog sticks lets you switch targets while R2 is held down. Moving around while holding R2 lets you strafe. Also, if you leap towards the edge of a ledge or platform, PK will grab on. Down on the left stick lets go, while jumping vaults you over.

16:31 - Don't get used to these cutscenes; you won't be seeing them very often. You'll learn about the Evronians and their plans, and that PK stands for "Platerinekos Kineticus," which is Latin for "energized duck."

19:02 - You can sometimes blow up explosive barrels to find things.

19:11 - You'll meet your first new enemy: the Coolflames. Use the basic combat skills you've just learned to shoot these guys down and avoid their firepower.

20:36 - A question mark appears over PK's head. You'll need something to get to this platform...

21:09 - You'll get the hover pack - your first upgrade for the Remote X-Transformer. By pressing X again after jumping, you can hover with a jetpack and slowly glide forward to reach things you couldn't before.

22:40 - Explosions kill enemies. Also, health. The bigger the icon, the more health you refill.

23:07 - Shoot down the air vent cover to break on through. You'll also learn about the scientists. Move into them to rescue them. You'll need to free 40 scientists out of 60 to reach the end of the game. There are three groups of scientists in every stage: a group of one, a group of two and a group of three. This guy is easy to rescue, but future rescue points will be more difficult. If you don't rescue a scientist before the timer hits zero, the scientist will die and you'll have to restart the level to try again. If you die before the scientist does, amazingly, you'll get another chance. 

24:41 - Spotlights will turn red and zap you if they spot you.

25:01 - Destroy wall panels to open doors and make other things happen in case you get stuck.

26:18 - Watch out for electric barriers so you don't get zapped.

27:31 - This gap leads to two scientists. Hover over it, break the bars with your gun, then get in there and touch both scientists.

28:55 - Always hover down big drop areas. Fall damage is a thing in this game.

29:30 - There are three scientists here. Use the flashing "PK!" logos as a guide to see where the scientists are. Be sure to shoot down the wall panel afterwards to get to the exit. If you miss the guy who is on his own, there is a floor panel on the way to the exit that drops down and drops you to him.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays The Smurfs (NES) - Part 4 of 4

In this entry, we finally beat Gargamel...for now...

Act 10: Gargamel's Manor House

In this act, you're going from right to left. Enemies here include the flies from The Swamp that can be used as platforms and the Black/Purple Smurfs from the very beginning of the game.

The little potted plant that moves its mouth hurts you if you touch it, interestingly.

The books act as walls, so be ready to make some wraparound jumps on the bookcases. Also, there are a few strategically placed gift boxes you'll need to use as weapons against the Black/Purple Smurfs to get rid of them and make getting around easier.

Avoid the cauldron over the fire; touching it damages you. Use a springboard to get over it.

Get the 1-Up near the end. It's easy to grab.

Afterwards, you'll face Gargamel. Gargamel will move in on you, and all you have on your end is a see-saw and a bird that drops acorns down from the top of the screen. You'll need to stay at the lowered left half of the see-saw, have the bird drop it there, move out of the way and jump on the raised right end of the see-saw to launch the acorn at Gargamel. You'll need to launch the acorn at him right before it hits the ground; otherwise, you're not going to have enough time and Gargamel will be able to touch you, resulting in instant death. You also can't afford to miss, as even though it takes five acorns to defeat Gargamel, he can get you if you mess up even once. As you can see here, this takes several tries to get the timing down on.

Once you somehow beat Gargamel, you'll automatically rescue Smurfette and beat the game! Congratulations!

Monday, February 14, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays The Smurfs (NES) - Part 3 of 4

I'm surprised I was able to do everything past the dragon boss, to be honest.

Act 7: The Old Gold Mine

Be ready to jump over pits, avoid water droplets coming down from the ceiling and jumping over boulders. Holding Left lets you slow down, which can help with avoiding things sometimes, and A lets you jump.

The fourth star is really hard (if not impossible) to get due to its position in the level and how difficult it is to get on the mine cart track that the star is at; I don't even go for it.

After the mine cart section is a dragon, which is your second boss battle. Grab the gift box, take it to the dragon, and throw the gift box at the dragon. As you do this, the dragon spits fireballs at your current position, lighting up the platforms as it does so. The dragon's fire can only light one platform at any given time. The dragon will spit fire at you until you grab a giftbox, and again when you get close. Holding B after grabbing the gift box makes the jumps easier. Your best bet is to take the high road and be careful, and throw the gift box at the dragon on your way down to where he is before making your way back to the other side.

After three hits, the gift box becomes a key. Take care going across the platforms with the key in your hands, and jump on the dragon's head to get to the cage and free Jokey Smurf. You'll also get another password.

Act 8: The Sledge Race

The Sledge Race controls much like The Old Gold Mine, and you'll also be bouncing off birds while grabbing coins for points and bouncing off birds. Hold A when you bounce off a bird to get some extra height, as it makes it easier to get past some of the pits.

Act 9: The Bridge

We're back to our regularly scheduled platforming here, and you'll want to watch out when on the bridges. Any part without a wooden frame below it falls into the water when you step on it.

Watch out for the fish that leap in and out of the water around certain logs. Also, the birds from The Mountains that act as platforms are back.

Remember those two stars from The Mountains? You'll need to jump off the fall-away part of the last bridge at the end to get that last star.

Sunday, February 13, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays The Smurfs (NES) - Part 2 of 4

After facing Azreal, the game gets a little bit harder...

Act 4: The Sarsaparilla Fields

The leaf platforms return to drop down near hard-to-reach platforms as well as in the middle of pits. If you can reach the holes in the ceilings above the bottomless pits, you can find hidden-rooms full of pick-ups.

The spiders move back and forth in specific directions; you'll have to time your movements to get to places without getting hit by them.

Believe it or not, the water droplets do hurt you.

The hedgehogs bounce around at high angles; avoiding them is hard, but getting the things near them can be even more difficult. Watch where they go, then make your move.

Act 5: The Flight on a Stork

Much like the log ride on the river, all you can do is use the Control Pad to fly around, avoid enemies (and the acorns dropped by the vultures) and thunderbolts and grab whatever you can. Dodging the enemies is simple enough, but when it comes to getting all five stars, you'll be doing some dodging and swooping in so you don't run into any of the birds flying around.

Act 6: The Mountains

For the first star, be ready to jump off the platforms above them when they drop down at the right time to get the star. Ditto with the fifth and last one.

If you see a slope leading into the bottomless pit, walk down it to find a hidden room with some pick-ups. Watch out for the bottomless pits in these rooms.

You'll need to jump on the jumping boards to reach some of the birds that fly back and forth and can be used as platforms. When necessary, hold B down (preferably when the game is paused) to grab the springboards, then jump off the springboards to reach the birds. The birds drop down as you stand on them, so you'll need to plan when you make your move ahead of time.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays The Smurfs (NES) - Part 1 of 4

We need to rescue a couple of Smurfs. Let's get Smurfin'!

This guide assumes you're playing on the Normal difficulty.

Act 1: The Forest

Left and Right let you move around, Down ducks, A jumps, B lets you run.

On the heads-up display at the top of the screen, you have your current amount of lives and health on the left. If you get hit with no hears left, you'll lose a life. To the right of that is your current time (which you can't get more of, by the way), and the current amount of sarsaparilla leaves you have.

Enemies to watch out for include Black Smurfs (known as Purple Smurfs in America for obvious racial reasons), nuts thrown to the left by the squirrels in the trees, and flies that move around in a circle. If you get hit by an enemy, there is Castlevania-style knockback.

Despite what I say in this video, if you get killed by a Black/Purple Smurf, you just die. Other games based on the Smurfs property do turn you into an infected Black/Purple Smurf, though, as the spores that make them evil pass on via contact.

The leaves are sarsaparilla leaves, which Smurfs love to eat. Getting 25 nets you a 1-Up. You can also grab a Smurf Doll for an extra life, too.

The leaves that fall down can be used as platforms, but they fall faster when you stand on them. Hold the A button down while on the jumping board to jump higher (and also get out of the room).

If you press down while standing on a tree stump, you'll find a hidden room, with pick-ups. The berries are called Smurfberries, and picking one up refills one heart.

There are five stars in every act. If you get all five stars, you'll get a bonus area before starting the next act.

The interesting thing about using the B button to run is that it works in weird ways. You can change the speed at which you are moving left or right even if you are in the air, and because of that, you can use that to your advantage and suddenly go faster while in mid-air to make it easier to reach a platform.

Bonus Stage: The Bubbles

For this one, jump into the bubble blower to the left to get in a bubble, then use the Control Pad to move around in the air while avoiding the butterflies. Use the very limited amount of time you have to grab all that you can, whether it be sarsaparilla leaves, Smurfberries or the Smurf Doll. 

Act 2: The River Smurf

Use the Control Pad to move in eight directions while avoiding fish as well as being crushed on the left side of the screen. Things in this act can be rather tough to get, so you'd better be ready to move in order to get all five stars and even pick up some Smurfberries while avoiding the fish. Thankfully, this act is pretty short.

Bonus Stage: The Mushrooms

Jump from mushroom to mushroom as the bonus stage automatically scrolls and get all the things you can. Holding down B is essential here. See if you can get the Smurf Doll; you'll need all the lives you can get in this game.

Act 3: The Swamps

The water is instant death, so don't fall in.

The frogs' heads act as platforms, but they dip in and out of the water. The mosquitos, on the other hand, just move back and forth on the water but stay on the surface.

To grab a vine, simply move into it. From here, you can use the A button to jump, and you can also use Up and Down to climb up and down the vines.

If you go up a long vine, you may be able to find a hidden room. Carefully jump from vine to vine to get everything, then climb down the vine leading to the bottom of the screen that you came in from to get back to the main stage. 

The flies move around in a circle, and you can use them a stepping stone to a vine or another platform if you time your jumps right and land on them where you need to.

After the score-tallying up (and the bonus stage, if you got it), you'll face Azrael. Go all the way to the vine in the upper-right corner and climb all the way up. When Azrael jumps towards, hop to the left and land on Azrael's head when Azrael is on the ground, then get back up the vine with both the A button and Up on the Control Pad. If Azrael is in the air when you land on her head, you'll take damage. After a couple of hits, Azrael goes down. Go up to the key and press Down to pick it up, then move towards the cage to save Brainy Smurf. You'll get a password, and it will differ depending on what difficulty you're playing on.

Friday, February 11, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 7 of 7

The jail saves the best - and worst - for last. Be ready to backtrack and jump over a lot of rats before facing the Dalton Brothers one more time.


This is the hardest level of them all, so you'd better not lose a life or you'll be doing so much stuff over again.

Jump over the balls from the ball and chains thrown at you by the kneeling prisoners. Also, watch out for rats. There's a lot of them. There are also large pools of water that you'll either have to swing past

At the start, you'll have to run, jump and swing your way down the lower path and get the key on the way there. Push the second stone block you see all the way to the right, then go back and take the upper path. You'll be able to use the key you found along the way.

Even though it doesn't look like it, you can duck underneath the pickaxes that the running prisoners throw.

Once you make your way up the stairs on the upper path, jump to the left and take out the enemies and the cracked walls get the bone. From there, you'll have to go through the lower path at the start again and move past the stone block you pushed to the right to put the bone in the feeding dish so you can continue.

From here, go all the way to the right, blow up the floor with dynamite and get the key that you revealed. From here, leap to the left when you can and keep going in that direction. There will be a locked door to the right, but there is a heart to the left if you need it.

Once you go past the second lock door, you'll get the Dalton Brother boss battles again. You'll have the running and jumping battle from Buffalo followed by the Ranch battle with the window, followed by the other running and jumping battle from Rapids, followed by the Cheyenne Mountains battle with the two levels. Once you beat all four Dalton Brothers, you'll beat the game! Congratulations!

Thursday, February 10, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 6 of 7

After rounding up the Dalton Brothers, we find out that a tornado is approaching and that the jail has been destroyed. We'll have to brave nature itself in order to get to the jail and stop the uprising taking place there.

Cheyenne Mountains

Be ready to dodge a lot of animal enemies when you're here. 

If you see any floating men in masks, be ready to jump up and shoot them three times before they cause cacti to hit you from out of the ground.

When you blow your way into the caves, watch out for rocks that fall from above when you get close to them. Jump over cracked floors, for the spikes below them will instantly kill you.

In the series of tunnels near the start, you'll find a piece of a totem pole. You'll need this to get past the totem pole (walk up to it and press Down with the piece of totem pole) to enter the village. While there aren't any human enemies past that point, there will be arrows firing out of the smaller totem poles a la Aquatic Ruin Zone from Sonic 2. The arrows fire top, middle, bottom and then repeat.

Leaping off the rock platforms will allow you to get a big heart. This not only refills your entire health meter, but also gives you an extra hit to work with for the rest of the game, even if you lose a life.

At the end, you'll have a gunfight with a Dalton Brother. He will alternate between the top and bottom levels of the wall to the right, but once again, if you can anticipate when he will show up and pay attention to where he is, you can hit him before he can fire downwards at an angle at you.

After beating this level, you'll get a telegram reporting that a violent tornado is approaching and that the jail has been destroyed. You'll have to stop the uprising at the jail, but you'll also have to outrun tornadoes to get there!


First of all, don't let the tornado touch you. That's instant death. If you hear the three swishing sounds, start running to the right immediately. 

Despite the level memorization here, there is quite a few clips of ammunition you can get here. If anything flies your way, you can either jump over it or shoot it down. 

If you see a bridge, wait for it to show up fully before crossing, as it will collapse while you're crossing.

Eventually, you'll be able to make it to the end. Thankfully, there's no boss at the end. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 5 of 7

We've done well so far, but just when you thought the hard stages were over, here come the rapids!


The mud here kills you instantly if you fall into it, so swing over it with the wooden posts. Also, watch out for men poking pitchforks downwards. Wait for the pitchforks to move upwards before passing by.

You can climb on drainpipes. This will allow you to grab a red cloth that you'll have to use later at a pile of logs with a bull rearing back in front of it. Go up to that pile of logs, press Down and the bull will get rid of the logs. Just be ready to jump over the bull afterwards.

Near the end, you can leap off the right edge of a house and walk on the roof of the house just to the right of it to avoid three pitchfork enemies.

You'll face another Dalton Brother here. He's just like the Jesse James battle, except there's a bull on-screen that you have to jump over every so often. Other than that, the battle isn't that difficult.

With two of the Dalton Brothers down, you'll get a telegram telling you to head to a Cheyenne village that has been supposedly ransacked by William and Joe Dalton. Unfortunately, you'll have to brave the...


This is an auto-scrolling stage, and much like the Buffalo stage, there will be a lot of level memorization here. Jump over whirlpools and beavers; they will destroy the log rafts that you'll be using. Cracked log will break under your weight, so be ready to jump forwards once you land on one.

If you see a huge rock, push it forward immediately so you can use it as a platform. Also, there will be human enemies coming in from the left. They take two shots, but given how the level design is here, they will be the toughest two shots you'll have to make.

The solid log platforms will follow you where you go once you move past them, even if you're in mid-air after jumping off a large rock. Just be careful when you're on the log when it comes to jumping.

At the end, you'll get the same boss battle that did in the Buffalo stage. Same strategies apply. After this stage, you'll get a password.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 4 of 7

In our efforts to lock the Dalton Brothers back up, we have to do some level memorization

The Prairie

The human enemies in this stage only drop dynamite when you defeat them, so you'll want to conserve your ammo for when it is absolutely necessary.

The mud instantly kills you if you fall into it, and the bear traps hurt if you run into them. Be ready to jump over the snakes.

You can use the dynamite to blow up wooden bridges and find things underneath. 

If you see rain, the slopes will be muddy and slippery and will cause you to be pushed back.

The stone blocks can be pushed forward to get past pits full of instant death mud.

The jar of liquid is used at the plant growth near the wall you can't jump over. You'll need to blow up a few cracked walls with dynamite to get it, and you won't be able to complete the level without it. Once you use the jar of liquid on the plant growth, you'll grow a vine you can climb to get to the rest of the level.

The coyotes move back and forth quickly. Jump over them when they come your way.

Once you complete this level, you'll get a password.


This stage is one big chase scene full of level memorization. If you've seen the Let's Play for Looney Tunes in Operation Carrot Crazy, you know exactly what this will entail.

Never go to the left. The buffalo will kill you if you do. Jump over the fences, bottomless pits, thorny trees and bear traps. When you see a gap in the floor, get in it and duck down to avoid the incoming buffalo stampede. Get out when the buffalo are all the way to the left. If you see any wooden poles, jump into the top of it to grab on and stay above the buffalo. There are two hearts in the level in case you need to heal any damage taken from running into something you shouldn't.

I make this level look easier than it is, and it's all due to level memorization. Given that you're forced to go back to the beginning in case you die, you'll be playing the level and memorizing stuff again and again and again until you get it right. If you lose all your lives, you'll need 200,000 points in order to continue at the level where you died.

When you reach the end, you'll meet one of the Dalton Brothers. He will move back and forth and shoot at you. Shoot at him, and jump over the bullet when he shoots back. If he approaches the side of the screen, jump over him so you don't get trapped and fire at him from a distance. After enough shots, he'll go down.

Monday, February 7, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 3 of 7

We got a telegram on the whereabouts of Billy the Kid and Pat Poker last time, and now, we make very short work of those two louts.


The train is an auto-scrolling area, and it's also where the game gets a little harder. Jump over the rocks and avoid the bombs dropped by the guys in the train. The guys with the guns that pop out from the sides of the cars are the worst, as they can shoot at you and hit you if you're in the wrong position at the wrong time. Don't even worry about the guys on top of the cars; they just shoot straight down. It's the guys who shoot diagonally who you want to get rid of. At least they take two hits to kill, and they can't hit you if you're right to the left of them.

If you see any wooden posts, jump up to the top. That's how you'll be getting your bullets for this stage.

The boss here is Billy The Kid. He shows up in one of four positions - far left, center left, center right and far right. Avoid him when he is at the far left, then get to the far left and jump and shoot to hit him. At the far left and center right positions, he drops bombs straight down to the ground; at the center left and far right positions, he will shoot downwards at a 45-degree angle at you. Once again, getting the timing of when he pops up is crucial, as you can hit him as soon as he pops up just like you could with Jesse James.

The bonus stage gets harder the more you play get your trigger finger ready!


The guy who pops out of the doorway at the beginning drops dynamite - not ammo - when you defeat him. You'll need the dynamite when you drop down where the ladder is. Be careful as you explore and look for dynamite and bullets so you can jump over the rats that skitter back and forth, and use the dynamite on the cracked walls to blow them up. You'll find a diamond card in this area. When you grab it, go back up the ladder and continue.

There will be men hiding behind the bars who throw beer mugs at you. Duck down when you see them to avoid the mugs, then move on. They leave nothing when shot down, and they come back anyway.

If you see a switch, shoot it to activate it. You'll need to swing off the chandeliers to get past some big gaps to avoid falling down a good amount and having to recoup progress. If you can't get around, look for a switch, then shoot it and see what's changed nearby.

The black lanterns on the background wall drop down and create a small wall of fire that appears briefly. You don't want to run into that fire, especially when you jump to a new ledge, and keeping yourself from doing that can be a little tricky at times.

When you see the four picture frames of the card pips with the diamond missing from one of them, press up in front of the blank picture frame to use the diamond card and bring down a chandelier to continue.

On the floor above where you used the diamond card is the only lantern that falls down when you move past it rather than up to it. At the chandelier after it, wait for the rat to turn around at the edge of the floor on the other side of the gap, then jump to the right.

From here, you'll face Pat Poker. Just like Jesse James, he just shows up at the far left and far right sides of the screen, and once again, if you can time your shots right, you can hit him as soon as he pops up on either side. He alternates between the two sides and it's easy to anticipate where he'll pop up; all you really have to worry about is the rat that moves back and forth on the floor.

Afterwards, you'll get a telegram which states that you'll have to go after the four Dalton brothers, starting with Averell and Jack, who have been spotted cattle rustling near Abilene, Wyoming.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 2 of 7

In this entry, we ride a stagecoach and face Jesse James at Painful Gulch.


This stage is an auto-scroller and has you avoiding vultures sign posts and arrows from a Native American horseback rider.

The sheriff's stars will fall into place at certain points in the level. The first is where the stagecoach driver is seated (where you can stand), the second is off the back edge of the stagecoach when the first horseback rider shows up (stand just on the edge or hang off the back to get it), the third is off the back edge of the stagecoach when the second horseback rider shows up, the fourth is in the same place when the third horseback rider shows up, the fifth is where the stagecoach driver is on the last set of vultures.

To vultures the birds, just stand where the stagecoach driver is and duck down. The vultures always come in fours. From here, get back on the top of the stagecoach and jump over all the signs. A horseback rider will show up and shoot arrows at the stagecoach roof. Duck where the stagecoach driver is seated and duck to avoid them all. From here, alternate between jumping and diving to avoid the next batch of signs. A heart will fly by, pick it up to refill one unit of health. 

Duck the vultures at the stagecoach, then stay there and duck down to avoid the horseback rider's arrows. The third star will drop down at the back end of the stagecoach as he shows up; get it if you want. Jump and duck under more signs, then get the second heart and avoid more vultures. After that is another horseback rider; you should know what to do here. After some more sign jumping, get back to the stagecoach driver and duck to get the last star. Stay there and duck down to finish the level.

In the bonus game that you get when you grab all five stars, you'll be shooting down whiskey bottles on a saloon shelf. A target will pass by from left to right, first on the top shelf, then on the bottom shelf. Time your A button presses correctly to shoot the bottles as the target is on them, and you should be able to shoot most, if not all of them, down. Unfortunately, you have three rounds of this and only enough bullets for all the bottles, and you'll need to shoot down every last bottle to even get anything. If you can do that, you'll get a 1-Up.

Painful Gulch

The guys in the barrels do not give you anything if you shoot them down, and they eventually re-spawn anyway. I usually just avoid them.

There are ropes hanging on the town gallows throughout the stage. You can swing on those to get to higher places.

If you see any cracked ground, you can drop dynamite on it by holding Down and pressing A to unearth whatever is below. Stay away from the explosion, which will hurt you. 

There are gunmen in some of the windows, and they will shoot at you at a downward angle if they see you.

On one of the rooftops is a horseshoe. Take it to Jolly Jumper, who is near a stack of barrels, and press Down at Jolly Jumper to get the barrels out of the way. Be sure to drop dynamite where the well is for some hidden pick-ups.

To beat Jesse James, shoot at him when he pops out of the window. If he shoots at you, duck down to avoid the bullet. He alternates between windows, and if you can time it right, your bullets can hit him the moment he shows up. After enough bullets, Jesse James goes down, you'll get a password, and you'll find out that Billy The Kid and Pat Poker have robbed a bank at Cactus Junction and are the next two guys to go after.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 1 of 7

Lucky Luke, for those wondering, is a long-running Franco-Belgium comic originally written by the late Morris in the late 1940s that has gone strong to this very day. Not surprisingly, Lucky Luke has gotten several video games. This is one of them, and is also a rare instance of an American release, as all the games usually only show up in Europe.

Mexico City

The game begins with Lucky Luke getting a telegram with the news of a mass jailbreak. It's up to Lucky Luke and his horse Jolly Jumper to round everyone up and send everyone back up to the hoosegow, starting with Jesse James, who was last seen at Painful Gulch.

Left and Right let you move left and right, Down ducks, Up lets you aim upwards at a 45-degree angle. B jumps, and A shoots. Holding Down and press A drops a stick of dynamite, assuming you have one, and the explosion hurts you, so back off once you drop the dynamite.

You start out with three lives and five hits, and losing all your hits costs a life. If you lose a life, you start back at the beginning of the stage and you'll have to make all that progress over again. No checkpoints here! That can be rough, especially in the later levels of the game.

You start out with six bullets, although you can find more six-shooter clips from defeated enemies and out in the open. Ditto with dynamite, which - once again - you need to stay away from once you drop a stick with Down and A.

The tumbleweed cannot be damaged, so just jump away from it.

If you see any human enemies back and forth, duck down and shoot at them four times. Ducking allows you to dodge enemy bullets and projectiles, such as knives. When you shoot a human enemy, they will be stunned. Shoot them again when they stopped being stunned. You'll soon get the rhythmic pace as to how often you should shoot an enemy to keep them stunned until you shoot them four times and kill them, as enemies will constantly leave ammo, making it easier to survive a level.

By leaping into poles, you can grab them, leap left or right from a higher height.

To climb ladders, you can either walk up to it and use Up or Down with the Control Pad, or you can leap into the ladder to automatically grab it, then move from there.

There are five sheriff's stars in each level. If you get all five stars, you'll enter a bonus game. 

The awnings on the sides of the buildings are trampolines you can use to bounce to other places. Ditto with the tree branches.

By moving into a ledge, you can grab it by jumping into it. If you stay on a ledge long enough or press Down, you'll drop down; if you press Up, Luke will pull himself up.

Watch out for people throwing down . As for the bucking broncos, jump clear over them to keep from being kicked.

Hearts will refill one hit point, but they will be in short supply. This game really wants you to get good early.

The tree branch is needed for the broken tree branch near the end; if you have it, go up to the broken branch and press Down to fix the branch and continue with the level.

When Lucky Luke raises his hand, you've beaten the level.

When you beat a level, you'll get a bonus for all the stars, bullet cases and sticks of dynamite you've collected. Also, you'll have to get all that ammo all over again in the next stage, and your health will not be refilled.

Friday, February 4, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Looney Tunes - The Longplay

Now it's time for the whole game in one sitting. Enjoy!

Stage 1: Daffy Duck

Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you duck, A lets you jump and B lets you throw a frisbee. You can also defeat enemies by jumping on them. 

Besides your current score, you have your current health and amount of lives as well as the amount of time you have left in the stage at the bottom. You can have up to three hearts, and if you lose them all, you lose a life.

Gems give you 500 points each. You'll get an extra life at every 50,000 points. The flasks with the hearts on them give you one unit of health back.

TNT blocks will blow up when jumped into from underneath and struck with the frisbee, and the explosions do kill enemies.

Yosemite Sam tries to move up to you and shoot you, but he goes down in three hits.

Be careful on slopes, as you will slide down them when you are standing on them.

The big white birds can be stood on and ridden like platforms, but if you hit them with the frisbee, they will turn black and keep shooting bullets at you. Don't hit them!

Marvin the Martian is faster than Yosemite Sam and will go all over the place while shooting at you as you try to hit him five times. 

The dragon is easily defeated with four hits from the frisbee.

The POW Star gives you temporarily invincibility. Use it to run past the bridges that fall down when you move across them.

While underwater, watch out for hermit crabs and fish. Thankfully, you can also move into them from above to defeat them, though that can send you into spikes. Thankfully, the spikes don't kill you. The sea monsters take three hits to kill. To defeat Sam in the water, duck the bullets and hit him with the frisbee three times. Stay in the middle of the spike patch to get the 1-Up afterwards.

Keep mashing the A button to keep from getting sucked downwards by the currents.

The boss is a giant tadpole. The giant tadpole will move around in a circle and spit fish at you that you'll need to hit with the frisbee along with the giant tadpole. The giant tadpole always goes low when it switches to the left side of the screen, and always goes high when it switches to the right side of the screen.

Once you beat the boss, move into the treasure chest to get the treasure and move on to Stage 2. You'll get bonus points for your remaining time on the timer and for clearing the stage.

Stage 2: Tweety Bird

Left and Right let you move around, Down lets you duck and A lets you jump and fly. 

You'll definitely need to fly to get away from Sylvester, who is the only person in the stage who can damage you, as well as to get over some obstacles. Unfortunately, you cannot fly forever and you will eventually get tired. There are holes in the ground that you do not want to fall into, although you can trick Sylvester - who shows up every couple of seconds - into falling into them. It is also possible to get Sylvester to move off-screen and have him disappear for a little while, too.

As you progress through the stage, there will be people who will throw objects at you. These things do not damage you, but they can get in your way and also bounce you around in weird angles depending on how you hit the objects. If you're going at a high speed, you'll also be spent careening in another direction at a high speed, which can either help or hinder you, as you can possibly boost yourself forward off an object if you hit it just right.

Sylvester Jr. will also pop up now and then to throw things at you. Amazingly, Sylvester Jr. can't hurt you.

When you make it to the box of bird seed at the end, touch it to enter Stage 3. 

Stage 3: Porky Pig

Unlike the first two stage, this stage is more of a horizontal shmup. The D-Pad lets you move in eight directions, while B shoots.

The saucers are very easy to take out, while the satellite take more abuse. Enemy projectiles will be in the form of black balls. Bombs will blow up, and they take a lot of abuse before being destroyed by your shots.

It won't be long until you face a with on a broomstick. The witch has a black star that orbits around it, and you don't want to touch either of them. Shoot at the witch while avoiding the pumpkin projectiles, and never line yourself up with the witch for very long or else the witch will careen right into you.

When the witch dies, you'll have to face the star. Get in close to the star and fire away at it, pumping it with star shots as much as possible while avoiding the star's three-way shots. The star will shoot a spoon and a fork at you. The spoon just moves towards you and can easily be shot down, but the fork takes a lot of abuse and homes in on you. Even moving around the boss in a circle isn't enough, you'll have to aggressively shoot it down like you have to with the star boss in order to get rid of it. The star will slowly move to the left as it moves up and down, and when it gets too far to the left, it will return to the right side of the screen. If you take too long, you'll have to wait on the star to back off before shooting again.

If you die at any point in the stage, you re-spawn immediately, as opposed to the other stages in the game, where you get sent back a bit.

Once you take out the witch and the star, it's on to Stage 4.

Stage 4: Taz

This is a bonus area. The Control Pad lets you move around (including through the rocks), and A jumps. You'll need to grab all he meat that you can as the 60-second timer at the top center of the screen counts down, and for each piece of meat you get, you'll get 1,000 points. If you're fast and you know what you're doing, you can easily get the majority of them. And yes, the walls of rocks eventually does have an ending; I just never reach it.

Once you run out of time, you'll get 1,000 points for each piece of meat you've collected, then it's on to Stage 5.

Stage 5: Speedy Gonzalez

Left and Right let you move around, Down ducks, A jumps and B performs a dance attack. The dance attack makes Speedy dance in place and shoot stars to the right, upper right, left and upper left before repeating the pattern until the dance is over. While you're dancing, Speedy cannot move. This along with the directions that the stars from the dance attack go makes fighting enemies with it more of a pain than it should be, and you're better off running away from enemies. Speaking of which, Speedy is...speedy. That speed can work for or against you.

Here, you're in some sort of ancient ruins. The ghosts will fly back and forth and will occasionally dive at you, and are perhaps the easiest enemies to beat up here. The frogs stay put unless you get close enough, in which case they will jump at you. The birdman skeletons with the swords can be hit in the back with the dance attack, but they will strike with their swords if they see you. The tiny mummies move back and forth, and if you either attack them or get close, they will run at you and attack. The bats will dive down at you if you are a certain distance away from them; watch them carefully and jump on them if you can. The tiny worms will move slowly and jump around if they are near, but thankfully, you can jump on then to defeat them.

The mummy can be easily defeated with the dance attack, and while you could jump on its head, there are spikes on the ceiling in the room where you fight it. Also, be quick but also careful when going up in the next room. Lava will rise up and kill you if it touches you. Don't even go for the extra life there; it may not end well.

You'll have to duck to avoid getting hit by the ceiling spikes that lower down on you.

The water spouts that move up and down are platforms. Watch where you are before jumping onto the next water spout.

The frog boss will walk and jump around randomly when you attack him. You can hit him with the dance attack or by jumping on him. I recommend jumping on him, since you can stay on top of him if you know what you're doing. You do not want to be on the ground when he jumps into the air and lands, as it causes an earthquake that briefly stuns you. Five hits will do him in.

For the moving blocks, move right first, then jump up on the fourth move. You'll want to go up from here, then to the right. From here, just let the blocks drop you down so you can head to the right; do not go to the center or else you'll be crushed by a block.

From here, take the left path and hold Left to get a 1-Up. Be careful with the worms and frogs. In the next room, stand to the left of the block platform on the floor and use the dance attack to take out the worms as they drop down.

After a few more rooms full of enemies (which I end up avoiding), you'll fight Dracula. (If Dracula's sprite looks familiar, it's because it was reused for the final boss in Donkey Kong 5: The Journey of Over Time and Space, a bootleg Donkey Kong game made by Sintex for the Game Boy Color.) Get up to him and keep jumping on his head, and keep doing that even as he teleports so you can more safely avoid the bats. When Dracula is down to two hearts, he will turn into a large vampire bat. If you cannot stay above him, be ready to jump on Dracula's head when he lunges down at you, then stay above him to defeat him.

Stage 6: Road Runner

For Stage 6, you'll play as the Road Runner in an auto-scrolling stage. Left and Right move, and A jumps. B lets you stick your tongue out just like in the cartoons.

At the start of the stage, avoid all the debris that falls from the sky. While you can stand on it, make sure you don't walk into it accidentally. You'll want to get through this part without taking damage, or else the upcoming part will be hard, as you'll immediately be facing Wile E. Coyote when the timer hits exactly 150.

For the first hit, you'll want to wait for Wile E. to throw the weight, then jump on his head and hit him twice. 

For the second hit, wait for Wile E. to shoot the bullet, then immediately jump on Wile E.'s head and hit him twice before heading right to avoid the bullet.

For the third hit, wait for Wile E. to jump up and throw the boomerang, then do the two hits again. The fourth hit will be the same as the third.

For the fifth hit, Wile E. will throw a melon bomb that shoots out a three-way shrapnel shot towards you. Avoid the bullets as you keep jumping on Wile E. until he loses his fifth heart. The sixth hit is the same as the fifth. If there is any point where you can afford to take a hit, it's here.

For the seventh and final hit, Wile E. jumps up and throws a boomerang, then fires a bullet out of his back afterwards. As you jump on Wile E. until he is defeated, you may end up getting hit by the bullet. As long as you don't die here, you're good, and it's on to the final stage.

Stage 7: Bugs Bunny

Bugs Bunny controls much like Daffy Duck does. Left and Right let you move around, Down ducks, A jumps and B throws the discus. Unlike Daffy, however, Bugs moves faster, and if you throw the discus while running, the discus goes slightly further.

The enemies here are the same as the ones in Stage 5. This time, you're in some sort of castle (or something). The game doesn't make it particularly clear.

The platforms in the second and third room stop moving when you jump straight. That's good news in the third room, as there are spikes on the bottom that rise up and stab Bugs in the feet if you don't jump straight up in time. Thankfully, you'll be able to land safely back on the platform as the spikes lower back down.

The blocks that look like eagles are spear traps that cause spears to drop down when you land on them. They will usually be surrounded by cracked blocks that break under your weight, but they can be easy to avoid. It is possible to bounce off the top of a ghost and walk on a ceiling.

Afterwards, you'll face a few bosses. Yosemite Sam is the same as in Stage 1. The bird skeleton will constantly move and jump towards you, and you'll need a combination of jumps and discus attacks to take it out quickly. You'll fight the mummy from Stage 5 again (which is easier due to having the discus and no spiked ceiling), followed by the frog boss from Stage 5 (which is easier due to having the discus and no stairs in the room) and Marvin the Martian from Stage 1 (which is easier due to having no stairs). You'll then fight a small, circle-shaped guy with sunglasses who carries a rock and throws it around. When he stops in front of you, jump clear over him to avoid the rock, then hit him in the back with the discus. Jump over this boss again when he rushes at you, and use running discus throws to hit the guy in the back as he approaches his boulder. Eventually, he'll go down. The bosses will drop a health flask when you beat any of them.

After the boulder boss, be ready to drop down to the next area. When the boulder shows up to roll down the slopes, keep alternating between left and right as you fall and try not to touch the floor to make the swift descent as easy as possible. From here, take care of the enemies and get the two health flasks at the end. You'll then face Elmer Fudd, who is the final boss of the game.

Elmer will fire three-way shots at regular intervals. For best results, keep yourself on top of Elmer at all times, and throw the discus at Elmer if and when you touch the ground. At half health, Elmer will lose his hat, and he will jump around more than he usually does. Keep Bugs above him at all times and you should be able to beat him. When you grab the carrot to end the stage, you'll also end the game. You just beat Looney Tunes for Game Boy! Enjoy the ending montage and the fact that Foghorn Leghorn and Pepe le Pew are on the ending screen despite not appearing in the game.