
Monday, May 31, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday - Part 2 of 6

The second level of the game takes us to an old Western town with all sorts of hazards, enemies and secrets.

Dry Gulch Town

It will be either day or night when you enter this stage. Day gives you a bunch of birds at the beginning, while night gives you a shooting star.

The tumbleweeds will allow you to get up the buildings and look around for platforms that fall under your weight as well as pick-ups. Same with the barrels.

New enemies include yellow-and-green antlered monstrosities that spit baseballs at you, prisoners with prison bars around their heads who shuffle around, grass that acts as spikes and trains that will speed down the tracks in an attempt to hit you if you get close enough to the tracks.

The big barrel is the water tower, and if you stand on the top and press Down, you will find a few cupcakes two hearts and a 1-Up.

If you enter the building at the end of the first section, you'll be able to go up for a few cupcakes, hearts and a 1-Up. You don't necessarily need to, though.

You'll start meeting the blue dogs at this point. They bounce around in an attempt to leap at you, and they also make shorter hops with their teeth exposed to trip you up occasionally.

At one point, there is an arrow pointing downwards at a door on to of a building. If you press Up at the door, you'll enter a hidden area where you can get a ton of cupcakes, a ton of points, and even a few wells to drop down for more cupcakes. To get to the wells, you'll have to hop across the spike-like grass and take damage to get to the m. To enter the wells, stand on them and press Down. When in the wells, land on the bucket in the center of the well, and do not touch the water. Jump to the right to exit. As you enter and exit the wells, you will explore more of the secret area. For one of the wells, you'll have to hold Right as soon as you enter to get to a hidden doorway. Go into this hidden doorway, and you'll find four extra lives.

The last section of the The doors to go through, in order, is 1, 9, 15, 22, 19, 21, and 4. You can enter 14 before entering 15 for two cakes and two cupcakes, and you can enter 20 before 21 for some cupcakes, a cake and a heart. The moose hears will move back and forth and shoot bullets out of the shotgun-like gun barrel out of their mouths.

Inside Door 4 is a boss fight with a giant Yosemite Sam. Stay all the way to the left to avoid the bullets, then jump on the left side of the see-saw to launch the pan upwards and deflect the bullets that Sam will shoot at you. On the last hit, Sam will get hit by a giant weight. Of note is the big barrel of ACME Enlarging Juice behind Sam.

PrinceWatercress plays Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday - Part 1 of 6

After getting this game as a kid on the month that it came out, it took me a while to get to this game until I was reminded it existed. Now it's time to make a blog series on this one.

The Haunted Woods

When the game begins, Porky Pig will be reading through a holiday brochure for an upcoming vacation before falling asleep. Once he drifts off, he starts having a haunted holiday nightmare, and that is when the game begins.

You'll be in front of Porky's house when the game begins. The weather for the level will be different every time you play, so you may get Christmas like I did, or you may get rainy water, foggy weather, good weather or even snow. Some things, such as messages on signs, will change along with the weather, so keep an eye out. Anyway, press Start or go to the right to enter the level.

The Control Pad lets you duck and move around. B lets you jump and holding X while moving your thumb around with the Control Pad lets you move the camera and look around in more open sections of the levels.

The ball and chains will swing around, while the bats will have pre-determined flying paths. The bats can be jumped on; the ball and chains cannot. The leprechauns will do various things, such as move around, spawn infinite pairs of green shoes out of a serving tray

The cupcake are like coins; you collect 100, you get a 1-Up. The cakes just give you points. The pudding pops are 1-Ups.

By leaping into the swinging chains, you can grab on and swing over pits. Thankfully, the spike pits do not instantly kill you. Jump forward and press B to jump off at the other side.

The flashing red X is where Porky can plant a pennant. This serves as a checkpoint you'll come back to if you die at any point.

The box with the up arrows on them are like springboards. Daffy will scare Porky Pig with his Dracula teeth, causing Porky Pig to soar high into the air and potentially to other areas.

The fruit basket lets you throw fruit at enemies with Y or A, assuming you are using the default controls.

Some branches have edges that will fall down you place your weight on them.

The cauldron with feet will shoot fire upwards, though you can still jump on it if you time it right.

You'll need to jump off an enemy to get into the door near the end of the second area, but when you reach it, press Up while in front of the doorway to enter. You'll be in a spider web with spider enemies that move back and forth and can be easily defeated. You can also find a few hearts for health and a few 1-Ups here. You have four hearts, and collecting hearts or 25 cupcakes will refill one heart. If you lose all your hearts, you'll lose a life.

Flashing cupcakes make a sound, and if you collect all the cupcakes in the line in order, you'll get surprises. At the end of the second section, you can get a punch drink, and if you go down and get it, you can float upwards with the punk drink. Float upwards for two extra lives and a heart, as well as a secret passage with even more health.

Regardless of how you leave the second section, you'll be going up a tree. Keep going left and right to go around the tree, and be ready to jump from one platform to another. The two-headed crows flying around will make it easier to get to other places. If you find a hole in the tree, press Up to enter it.

The second to last section of the level before the boss has you in the treetops. Use Up and Down to climb up and down the ladders. Once again, be careful near the edges of branches, as some of them can fall down and take you for a tumble. You can find a lot of pick-ups if you look around, but be careful while exploring so you don't fall into a pit and die.

If you hold Down on a slope, you can slide down it.

Near the end, you'll find another punch drink. Use the Control Pad to control Porky while he is floating.

The final section will net you a bunch of cool stuff if you can somehow collect all the cupcakes in order. If you fall, watch out below, even though landing on a platform is still pretty likely.

The boss is a ghost that flies around in a figure eight pattern. When he stops in the center and takes off his hat, jump onto his head to hit him while watching out for the ghosts that come out of the top hat that he takes off. When he loses all of his hit points (which are on the right side of the screen, as with every boss in this game), his eyes turn red. Stay away from them as they fly away.

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 13 of 38

Well, whaddya know? We do all this...for nothing. Not surprisingly, Ratchet becomes a jerk centered on revenge and Clank isn't sure where to go next while having to deal with an angry Ratchet.

If you can do flips and somersaults in front of the woman at the raceway plaza in Rilgar, her chest will expand. Also, down + X while crouching allows you to perform a backflip.

Qwark's HQ - Umbris

When you land in Umbris, Qwark leves you to fend for yourself.

Be ready to glide after the second Versa-Target at the start.

Use the Blaster to destroy the bomb-shooting turrets. For the machine gun turrets, you'll need to hit them with anything you have, then quickly get away before they pop back up, as they are indestructible.

To destroy the line of mines that flies around, use the Pyrocitor.

When you make it to the base, you'll start seeing green-and-white panels on the ground. These always come in threes, and you'll need to step on them quickly to open up a door. If you take too long, they will stop flashing and you'll have to start over. The first set of three are really easy as they are all next to each other, but subsequent sets will have you running around and avoiding machine gun fire along the way.

The light brown panels on bridges will fall when you put your weight on them, so advance quickly.

11:52 - If you go in this direction, you'll get a Gold Bolt.

Near the end, you'll need the Hydrodisplacer. This will make the fish in the pools easier to deal with, as they will annihilate you if they're in the water and not on dry land.

15:43 - Dropping down behind this wall takes you to the other Gold Bolt on the planet.

When you reach the end, Captain Qwark turns on both a skeptical clank and an unknowingly gullible Clank. He then sics a giant, green ogre-lick creature on you and reveals that he is the official spokesperson for Drek's new planet. Also, if you haven't figured it out at this point, the shadowy figure seen behind Drek before Ratchet and Clank crash-landed on Novalis was Captain Qwark.

Jump over the rings fo fire that the boss create when it stomps, then run away from the trail of fire left by the eye lasers. You'll want to keep your distance as you fire on the boss. Eventually, the boss will be enveloped inside of a shield when you deal enough damage. When this happens, you'll need to lead the boss to one of the three bridges between the platforms. When the boss walks on a bridge, it will sink, breaking the shield until you do enough damage again. Unfortunately, the bridge that falls apart will no longer be available to you - save for one portion in the middle that sinks when you stand on it - so you'll need to avoid the lava if you want to survive, even if that means running past the boss in order to do it.

There is an attack that the boss can do. It will produce a tornado breath that will knock all of your ammunition away from you if it connects, and it can be a big inconvenience. You'll be left looking for all your ammo while avoiding the boss' attacks before you can get back to fighting again.

You'll be doing most of your damage with the Blaster, but if you run out of ammunition for that, use the Glove of Doom.

Once you beat the boss, you'll be able to get an Infobot from a commando under attack on the planet Eudora. While Clank is eager to help him, Ratchet - now completely feeling burned by Clank and his previously unquestioning trust towards Qwark and focused solely on getting revenge on Qwark himself - is not even interested. Unfortunately, he cannot go anywhere without Clank's robot ignition system abilities, so the partnership between Ratchet and Clank becomes tepid at best and Ratchet is more or less a reluctant party to what is going on and would rather go after Qwark. Also, Ratchet becomes a jerk. Meanwhile, Drek chews Qwark out for failing to kill Ratchet and Clank.

Fort Krontos - Eudora

When you land in Eudora, the commando will tell Ratchet and Clank to meet him at the city entrance.

If you head to the Gadgetron Vendor, you'll be able to buy the Devastator, which is a powerful rocket launcher. You'll need this for big opponents, and ammo for this does not come cheaply, so get it from the Gadgetron crates when you can. Thankfully, rockets can lock on to enemies if you aim it at them in first-person mode.


As Ratchet:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • Down+X: backflip
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
  • Up and Down: switch rings
  • Left and Right: rotate rings
Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 24 of 24

Here we are: the final battle with Zarok!

There is a normal gargoyle and a merchant gargoyle at the front door, but you shouldn't need the merchant gargoyle if you've refilled supplies elsewhere.

Once you go into Zarok's keep, there is no turning back. Look around for two chests first. One contains a Silver Shield, while the other contains Good Lightning. You will need the Good Lightning. From here, stand in the gray circle in the center of the room to meet Zarok and start the battle.

Here, you'll have your own army of skeletons fighting against Zarok's thanks to the powers of the chalice. As they take damage, they will go from green to yellow to red. Walk around and zap them with the Good Lightning so that they don't die. You cannot afford to have one man dead, as it is easy to get outnumbered if that happens. Keep in mind that you will lose health as you use the Good Lightning, but if you keep them all alive, you can get all that health back in the form of an energy vial from each man you keep alive. Just look at the guy you want to heal, then zap them. Don't forget to use the camera. If Zarok's men win this part, you automatically die.

You'll then face Lord Kardok. To beat Lord Kardok, switch to the Magic Sword. Keep away when he moves around slowly, then start striking when he starts moving quickly while shooting lasers. Just go up to him and tank damage while swinging the sword around.

You'll then face Zarok, who will turn himself into a monstrous creature in an attempt to destroy you. Keep the Magic Sword equipped and keep Zarok close, but not too close. Charge up the Power Strike, then wait for Zarok to stop glowing light blue before attacking him. or best results, keep running around Zarok in a circle; this allows you to run around him in a circle while avoiding all of his attacks. If Zarok creates a glowing yellow orb around himself, run away and keep your distance as much as you can until it disappears so you don't get zapped and take some fire damage.

Once you beat Zarok, you've won the game! And with all twenty chalices collected, you've gotten the good ending!

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 12 of 38

It's racing time.

It's time to take a shortcut back to the Raceway Plaza and enter the Hoverboard Race. Talk to the woman in the center of the plaza and you'll immediately start the race.

You'll automatically move forward. Left and Right on the D-Pad or left stick lets you turn, and X lets you jump. While you're in the air, all four shoulder buttons will let you perform stunts in conjunction with the Control Pad or left stick. The stunts won't come into play until a little later, though. 

Move onto the green arrows and leap through the rings to give yourself some turbo boosts throughout the race. Also, be ready to jump over the explosive crates, or else you can kiss first place good-bye.

There are multiple paths that you can take on the course. Take the low road at the start, then take the high road afterwards before launching yourself off the big ramps. Also, see if you can cut a corner or two near the end. When you win first place, you'll get the Platinum Zoomerator. With this, you can perform stunts to build up the gauge that will now appear at the top of the screen during a hoverboard race. When you have energy on the gauge, you can hold Square to use your built-up turbo. Keep in mind that while you're using the green speed burst arrows or in mid-air, you won't lose turbo. 

If you can beat the race in 1:35 or less, you can get a Skill Point for that. Also, if you perform the Twisty McMarx (hold forward and press L1, R1, L2, R2 while waiting for each flip to finish before pressing each button), you can get another Skill Point.


As Ratchet: 

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
  • Up and Down: switch rings
  • Left and Right: rotate rings
Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 23 of 24

We're close to Zarok now, and it's not going to be easy to get past the front door.

0:47 - The cutscene for The Time Device.

1:46 - A clock will drop down and give you a random time. Remember where the sun and moon hands are.

2:52 - Bounce on these brain things to get to the clock. The gold button moves the gold sun hand, while the silver one moves the silver moon hand. Once you get the right time, you'll be able to continue on. Strangely, the game gives you no fanfare when you do.

4:07 - When you take these platforms, try not to let the clock hands on the platforms hurt you. Same with the pendulum guillotines from the monsters above.

5:22 - Another door, another clock with a random time. Remember where the hands are on this one to open this door, but remember that you will close the first time-based door when you do. 

6:31 - After dealing with some rotating robot arms and some pendulum guillotines, you'll be able to get the Chaos Rune.

7:03 - Jump up into the chute here and hit the white switch. From here, hit the two pipes channeling the electric barrier nearby and make it so that the barrier travels in a square to overload it and get the nearby rune. By doing this, you can also get the Life Bottle in the barrier that the first time-based lock blocked.

10:28 - Welcome to the train rune. Put the green rune in, then run into the black arrow on the back of the train and and point it to the door to the left of the one you want to go through. From there, jump over to the rear car of the train to ride it. By using the train, you can get the blue rune. When you get back, however, you'll have to deal with some enemies before travelling again.

14:10 - Point the arrow at the entrance to the room. The steam will tell you that the train is ready to go. You'll go through the blue rune door. Beat up all the guys here, then hit both switches to get out of here. Don't forget to get the chalice, which is located near where you destroyed the electric barrier!

19:35 - That's the last chalice! Not only is our statue solid, but you'll get three energy vials.

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 22 of 24

The Entrance Hall is a short area, but that doesn't mean some interesting things won't happen while we're here.

0:42 - The cutscene for The Entrance Hall.

1:27 - The imps may be the only enemies here, but you can only hit them with the Magic Sword due to their magical shields.

3:03 - The imp actually steals something from us. Amazing. In the meantime, we have some books to read.

5:36 - We can get the Magic Sword back, but it's definitely going to cost us.

9:05 - Our trip to the Hall of Heroes nets us a Life Bottle.

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 11 of 38

In this entry, we explore more of Rilgar and make our way to the speedway. Next time, we take part in a hoverboard competition.

Back at the ship, we can now take the other path near the Gadgetron Vendor. You'll be stepping on a lot of floor switches on this path just to get to the end of it, so look for anything amber-colored lights flashing on the ground.

The tanks will shoot clouds of green gas you do not want to run into, but they don't take a lot of abuse before exploding.

The green blobs split into two when hit, and the smaller blobs split into two when hit again. After shrinking twice, one more hit will take them out for good.

Along the way, you will be facing a lot of robot soldiers with gas-shooting guns. You'll see them in packs, so have the Glove of Doom ready.

When you reach the city area, you'll see the robot soldier enemies shooting at stuff meet a guy in dark clothing selling a gun called the RYNO (Rip You A New One). This is a very powerful weapon that shoots destructive homing missiles, but you won't be able to get it until you are able to amass a large amount of Bolts...150,000 Bolts, to be exact. I won't be buying this until near the end of the game.

The manholes will let you reach platforms where you can find Bolts and ammo.

You'll eventually enter a cave. Here, you'll find a lot of bolts as one of those orange circles with an antenna on it, but you also find a bunch of blob enemies. When you move onto the switch in the pit below, you'll free a bunch of robot soldiers, but the Glove of Doom will easily take them out. One of the openings lead to a maze where you'll have to hit floor switches to make your way through it. Along the way, you'll face more robot soldiers and blobs. 

16:08 - There is a Gold Bolt in the maze, but to get to it, you'll need to walk on top of the maze walls after jumping onto them from a manhole.

After the maze, you'll find the entrance to the raceway. Here, you can not only talk to the woman in the center of the area to enter a Hoverboard competition to win a Platinum Zoomerator, but you'll also be able to open a shortcut to Captain Qwark's trailer as well as a shortcut back to the ship.


As Ratchet: 

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
  • Up and Down: switch rings
  • Left and Right: rotate rings
Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

Friday, May 28, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 21 of 24

Our next stop on the way to Zarok's fortress is the ghost ship. Once we're here, we'll have to swashbuckle with the best of them in order to face the captain and commandeer the ship.

0:23 - The cutscene for The Ghost Ship.

1:57 - Looks like the crew knows we're here...and they're not happy.

3:00 - Beating up the guys in blue will get rid of all their henchmen for good. The guys in the black jackets, however, will keep coming back.

3:30 - After getting the blue rune, don't forget to go back to the start and get the Star Rune.

4:20 - Dropping down here will net you a little bit of treasure in addition to a shortcut.

5:40 - Run past to get the red rune.

6:30 - After some platforming, drop down for some energy if you need it.

7:00 - You also want to find the commanding officer below to get some energy. Afterwards, go left through an opening and avoid the cannonballs to backtrack a bit, get back on the spinning set of platforms and get in the cage. The Chalice is to the left of the cage. When you get back in the cage, jump right up and over with a wrap-around jump to get out.

11:37 - Get the club and light it up. Light up the fuses on the cannons with the lit club while holding Square and moving back and forth between the fuses as quickly as possible. If the skeleton crew rises, switch to the Magic Sword and fight them off, then switch back to the club and focus on the Captain again. Once the Captain loses all his energy, you're done. Walk up to the end of the ship and you'll be finished with the level.

14:00 - This visit to the Hall of Heroes nets us a lot of gold.

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 20 of 24

In this entry, we head to the Haunted Ruins, which has one of the harder Chalices to grab in the game. Here, we head back to the castle for the first time in years and see the ghost of the king.

0:46 - Lead the chickens to the piles of feed by walking into them from behind. One of them will reveal a switch and automatically lower the drawbridge.

1:02 - If you read the book giving you the hint to lead the chickens to the feed while chickens are at a pile of feed, the feed pile will continue to shrink.

1:35 - Sadly, the castle has become abandoned since you passed on.

2:20 - Go west of the book for the Chaos Rune. To free the farmers, you will have to quickly destroy the Shadow Demons with the Magic Sword. From there, hit the fires with the War Hammer until they are completely unlit so the farmers won't die when you trip the switch. Also, I glitch into the door for some reason.

5:49 - The knights here go down easily with the Magic Sword.

7:02 - You'll need the Dragon Armour to get past the flames here.

7:45 - By walking into the emblem on the floor, you'll drop to a narrow passage where you'll need the Flaming Longbow to take out the flying demons. Enter the left door at the end first.

8:37 - Take out the Shadow Demon, then take King Peregrine's crown. The book here tells you that the castle is built above a volcano, and that the floodgate is what keeps lava from flooding the castle.

9:30 - The right door takes us to a healing fountain and back to the throne room. Make a running jump over the emblem and place the crown on the throne. King Peregrine's ghosts will visit you and tells you to open the floodgates to bring the castle down on top of the Shadow Demons by pulling the level that opens it. Once you do that, you'll need to get out quickly.

11:10 - We get taken to the lever. Get the Earth lever, then hit the switch. You'll then face two stone golems. To defeat them, equip the Dragon Armour and push them into the fiery pit to the north. From here, attack the Shadow Demons on the way out.

12:40 - Place the Earth Rune here...

12:51 - ...then go up the nearby stairs for the Chalice. Go through where the oil used to be to find a catapult. Roll the rock onto it, then leap onto the catapult to get out before the place blows up.

13:42 - Our trip to the Hall of Heroes this time gives us two Energy Vials.

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 10 of 38

In this entry, we head to Planet Rilgar and find Captain Qwark. Clank's quest to find Qwark may be over, but this adventure is just beginning...

Blackwater City - Rilgar

The Gadgetron Vendor here has the Mine Glove. This is an upgraded version of the Bomb Glove...sort of. Instead of a bomb, you'll throw out a mine that floats in place. If any enemies hit it, it will explode and do some damage. If any enemies get close enough to it, the mine will float towards them and blow them up.

There are two paths you can take at the start. The one in front of the ship takes you to Captain Qwark. This is where you'll use the Hydrodisplacer for the first time. Use it at an Insta-Faucet when empty to suck up all the water, then place it in an Insta-Drain elsewhere where it is full to put the water in that location. As for the metal grates, you can smash them with your wrench.

You'll soon take a slide down into another room. When you step on the orange floor switch, be ready to run, because once you open the door, the path before you will start flooding over. Start long jumping with the Heli-Pack to give yourself some headway as quickly as possible. You will have to swim at points, and if that happens, you'll need to stay close to the surface in case you run out of air. This is particularly true in the second swimming point, as that part of the path will take your air meter to the absolute limit. It is not unusual for first-time players to die and get taken all the way back to the start of the whole "dodge the water" area because their air meter ran out so close to where they had to surface. Once you surface a second time, you'll be able to get on an elevator and approach a trailer.

When you approach the trailer, however, you'll find out that this is where Captain Qwark is for the moment and that Qwark has security in case anybody tries to take a picture of Qwark in his underwear for the galactic tabloids. If you want to see Qwark, you'll have to bribe the guy to make up for his low pay, and that will cost you 4,000 Bolts. Once you grease his palm, you'll be able to see Qwark.

Captain Qwark will be up to what Ratchet and Clank are dealing with, and invites the both of them to his obstacle course on Planet Umbris after handing them an Infobot that is essentially an obstacle course to see who can be a hero in this day and age. Clank's mission to find Qwark may be complete, but this adventure has just begun. We'll have to head to Umbris to continue with the plot.

There's more to do in Rilgar, but we'll save that for the next video.


As Ratchet:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend


D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
  • Up and Down: switch rings
  • Left and Right: rotate rings
Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

Thursday, May 27, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 19 of 24

Now to get back on the road. We don't spend a lot of time here, but it still happens to be an eventful trip nonetheless.

3:53 - It's time to go to the wall of fire and use the Dragon Armour. 

4:31 - RUN AWAAYYYYYYYYYYY *runs away while clapping a pair of coconut halves together* You can kill it on PS4 and get an achievement for it on that version, but here, just run away when the chest opens. Once it's gone, you can step on all the crates in the ground to open all the cells, including the one with the Chalice in it. Don't forget to get the Star Rune for the real exit and the last of the enemies you need to kill.

9:34 - Our trip to the Hall of Heroes here nets us a Life Bottle, taking us to seven.

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 18 of 24

In this episode, we finally get the other Dragon Gem that we've been missing and get the rest of the game underway.

In this episode, I head back to the Crystal Cave, enter the dragon's lair and place the Dragon Gems in the eyes in the relief of the dragon face on the wall.

Equip the War Hammer and smash the floor with it to cause rocks to come down. Each platform will cause rocks to fall down on another platform when struck, and you'll soon realize that as the dragon goes from left to right, you need to go right to left and strike the platforms in that fashion. You'll only be able to hit the dragon once before it goes back into the wall. Take care not to get hit by the dragon's fiery breath.

After five hits, you'll get the Dragon Armor, which comes in the form of a potion that not only makes you impervious to heat, but also lets you breathe fire with the X button. (In the Japanese version of the game, this potion saps away your health, but in the Western versions, feel free to wear it as much as you want. Interestingly, you can buy back the lightning weapon in the Japanese version, too.)

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 9 of 38

In this episode, we continue to explore the Blarg Tactical Station for a few more things, including the Hydrodisplacer. Also, Quick Select becomes a bit more useful.

Remember the spaceship controls with the levers near the start of the Blarg Station? We're going to use it now. These controls will take you to a decommissioned Blarg warship, where you'll find a useful gadget. Press Triangle to board the shutter and go to the warship.

From here, enter the door to the right. From here, you'll be forced in a certain direction as you explore. Use the Pyrocitor to destroy the brown creatures that are walking around. At the end of the path is a big, shiny red button, and if you press Triangle in front of it, you'll activate the self-destruct sequence. You'll have 45 seconds to get out before the warship blows up on you, and on the way back, aliens will eat at you and the gas vents that shoot poisonous gas out will start working again. Concentrate solely on long jumping your way out. You'll find the Infobot on the other side, and when you get to it, you'll bring the shuttle safely back to the start.

The Infobot contains a special news report from Planet Rilgar, where amoeboid creatures have been running amok in the midst of the upcoming hoverboard races. You can finally head to Planet Rilgar.

Before we do that, we still have more to explore here. There is a Trespasser (Trasspasser? Transpasser?!?) part with another Invinco-Lock near the start

6:58 - This one is easy if you know how. For the outer ring, you'll want the lasers at 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock. For the middle ring, the lasers need to be at 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock. For the inner ring, the lone laser needs to be at 6 o'clock. If you've see everything up right, you'll create a triangle of lasers with the blockers on the inside of the "triangle."

By opening this lock up, you'll be able to explore the space station. Unfortunately, this takes you out into the vacuum of space, and Ratchet won't be able to breathe you'll have to send Clank out there.

Be very careful as you explore once you take the elevator down, as there is a bottomless pit below and the paths are narrow. Use the right analog stick to keep the camera on Clank at all times.

Clank only has a few hits, and he's not very strong, though he can still do things. Square lets you punch, X lets you jump, and you can still move freely with the D-Pad or left analog stick.

You can press and hold X in the middle of a jump to glide with the Heli-pack as Clank. You can perform this move much like you did Ratchet's double jump.

Much like Ratchet, Clank can also grab onto ledges and shimmy to the side as he holds on. The controls for Clank are the same as with Ratchet.

You'll eventually come across an alien, and if you try to fight it as Clank, you'll be overpowered. Thankfully, you can explore the room to find some Gadgebots. Break them free of their glass domes, and they will be yours to command. To command them, hold down Triangle and pick from one of four commands: Wait, Follow, Attack or Enter. This works much like Ratchet's Quick Select.

Wait (Yellow): commands the Gadgebot(s) to stand still and wait for further instructions. This will cause the lights on the Gadgebot(s) to turn yellow as they wait for the next command.

Enter (Blue): commands the Gadgebot(s) to enter a silo. There are silos near doors, and if enough Gadgebots enter them, these doors will be opened. The lights on the Gadgebot(s) will be blue when entering a silo.

Follow (Green): commands the Gadgebot(s) to follow Clank. The lights on the Gadgebot(s) will be green as they follow. 

Attack (Red): commands the Gadgebot(s) to attack nearby enemies. The lights on the Gadgebot(s) will turn red when they go on the warpath. Gadgebots can be defeated, but if you go back to where you found them, they will have re-spawned. You can then command them to follow you to get them back in the fray, so don't worry about losing Gadgebots forever in case you lose one.

From here, you can sic the four Gadgebots on the nearby alien to attack. Again, Gadgebots can be defeated, but if you go back to where you found them, they will have re-spawned. You can then command them to follow you to get them back in the fray, so don't worry about losing Gadgebots forever in case you lose one.

You'll then need to play the Gadgebots in a small silo. The silo will have the number "4" above it. If all the Gadgebots you just found enter it, you'll be able to continue.

At the other end of the silo is the Hydrodisplacer. This will allow you to drain and fill huge pools of water out of certain sections in Insta-Faucets and Insta-Drains. While there are no faucets or drains in this area, there are some in others.

Now that you've got what you came for, you can now leave and head back to the start where Ratchet is waiting. Thankfully, a new bridge opens up once you get the Hydrodisplacer, making this easier.

Once you get the Hydrodisplacer back to Ratchet, you'll have more than eight things to switch to. This is where the Quick Select menu on the pause screen options comes in. Select the weapon or gadget you want to assign with the D-Pad or left analog stick, then press L1 and R1 to switch positions on the ring in the upper right. When you have the slot you want to put the weapon or gadget at highlighted, press X to put that weapon or gadget in that slot.

If you don't want to put a weapon or gadget in Quick Select but still want to use it without putting it in Quick Select, there is always the Weapons menu and Gadgets menu on the pause screen menu. Use the D-Pad or left analog stick to select what you need, then press X to equip it. Un-pause the game, and you're free to use that weapon or gadget.


As Ratchet: 

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
  • Up and Down: switch rings
  • Left and Right: rotate rings
  • Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 17 of 24

After reaching a dead end, we have to go back and get the other Dragon Gem, which I should have gotten ages ago.

0:38 - The guys on the gallows will come after you when you get close enough. The Magic Sword makes quick work of them. Also, the nearby book tells you of an evil version of Kul Kutura, and if you unleash it, run away so it doesn't tear you apart.

1:35 - There is a giant zombie here, but the Power Strike from the Magic Sword kills it in one blow.

2:44 - We don't have the Dragon Armor yet, so we cannot pass through here yet.

3:38 - They've appeared before in this stage, but the guys on the stakes are here in greater numbers. They are quite speedy and will strike at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, we can't do anything without the Dragon Armor, so we have to backtrack to where the Pumpkin Serpent was and get the other Dragon Gem.

6:22 - Using the Witch's Talisman at the cauldron at the start of The Pumpkin Serpent summons the Pumpkin Witch. By talking to her, you can get something from her after beating the Pumpkin Serpent.

10:14 - Here it is: the second Dragon Gem, which I should have gotten a long time ago.

Commercials for MediEvil (PS1)

A few commercials that I managed to find for the game. Enjoy.

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 8 of 38

In this entry, we head to the Blarg Tactical Station in Nebula G34. Not only do I take way too much time on a Skill Point, but we also get some cool boots for grinding on rails...and we're not done yet!

Blarg Station - Nebula G34

The Gadgetron Vendor here will have the Taunter. Unlike other weapons, this uses no ammunition, so it's more of a gadget than a weapon. However, you can use it to lure enemies towards you. Be prepared to use this in a few puzzles to lure them into an electric force field and into their death.

The spinning orange spheres open up gates when struck. Don't touch the gates; they will shock and hurt you. If you're stuck, look for these spheres and hit them to open up a door somewhere. At the beginning of the stage, this is your cue as to where you go first. The steam will hurt you, so stay away from it. As for the little green creatures that can walk on walls and ceilings, you can pick them off with the Blaster.

The humanoid enemies will shoot at you with a short-range flamethrower. Thankfully, you have more range than this guy and you can take him out in a number of ways.

[url=]5:07 - For this one, you'll need the lasers on the outer ring at 12 o'clock and 5 o'clock. For the middle ring, you'll need the blockers at 2 o'clock, 7 o'clock and 9 o'clock. For the inner ring, you'll need the lasers at 2 o'clock and 7 o'clock. By entering this ring, you'll find a bunch of Bolts. These crates will not re-spawn, so this treasure trove is a one shot deal.

Past the Invinco-Lock, you'll need to go up while avoiding the gas that is being sprayed. Use the Swingshot to get to the next door. When you hit the orange spheres here, you'll have to fight two mutants. Use your Blaster to take them out, and keep your distance.

The gray crates are almost indestructible, and it will take an explosion from either a red crate or an explosive weapon to break them.

11:20 - One of the smaller rooms in this area contains a Gold Bolt. There is also one of those strange transmitter-type things on the floor there.

21:19 - To defeat the Alien Queen with only the wrench, you'll have to move to the side when she stops to attack, then strike when she stops to spin towards you. Be sure to break the crates with the Nanotech in them ahead of time, as you will need to refill health as quickly as possible when necessary.

In the second part of the battle, you'll have to fight a whole slew of the little green creatures. Thankfully, you can take out a lot of them at one time with the wrench just by getting them all in a group, although you can use other weapons against them.

In the third part of this battle, you'll face two mini-aliens. If you need to, throw your wrench at them like a boomerang, but don't be afraid to hit them with the wrench if they get way too close, particularly with a mid-air strike.

For beating the Alien Queen with just your wrench, you'll get a Skill Point.

After the Alien Queen battle, two aliens will try to attack a Gadget Engineer. By shooting them down, you'll get a cutscene where the guy will sell you his Grindboots in order to get off the station. Pay him the 2,000 Bolts, and the boots are yours. With these boots, you can grind on rails a la Sonic the Hedgehog. While grinding on rails, you can also attack with your wrench and jump over obstacles or to other rails to the sides.


Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold in conjunction and use Control Pad or left switch to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

  • D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
    • Up and Down: switch rings
    • Left and Right: rotate rings
  • Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 16 of 24

In this entry, we head to the Crystal Cave and find out we're short one Dragon Gem. We'll get it soon enough.

0:54 - The Magic Longbow will take these bats out in one shot. Just make sure that the bats are flying towards you first. Thankfully, there are paths to these platforms.

2:24 - Sadly, Mellowmede met a tragic fate at the hands of the Rhinotaurs, who hibernate in the crystals in this cave. Smash the crystals with the hammer.

3:21 - Run in and out to grab the Earth Rune. Make sure the lights don't hurt you too much.

5:11 - The Magic Sword will tear the Rhinotaurs to ribbons.

8:09 - There is a ton of pick-ups here. The book here will tell you about the two Dragon Gems which, when placed into the eye sockets of the relief, summons the dragon. It is also mentioned here that the dragon does not come often due to the rocks that can potentially fall on its head. We only have one so far; we'll find the other one later.

10:59 - The door is open, and inside is some thunderbolts to zap your enemies with. Be careful with them; you only have a limited amount.

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 15 of 24

There may not be as much water, but there are still a lot of bottomless pits.

1:03 - After staying on the boat until it comes to a complete stop, you'll be warned of the Watchers.

1:28 - Use the throwing axe against the fish to tear them apart and get them out of your way. Use the wooden lever at the bridge to spin the bridge around and get to other places.

3:07 - These eyes are the Watchers, and if they see you, they will summon enemies, such as these goblins who will defend themselves against attacks. Let them be summoned, and use the Throwing Axe from afar to kill them if you can. These enemies are the only ones that count towards the Chalice, and you have to kill them completely, as sending them into the water does not work and only serves to make them re-appear somewhere else nearby.

4:44 - The dark Watchers spit acid at you. You can hit them with your weapons to get rid of them, and when they cry acid droplets, they have been defeated.

4:56 - Duck in here for an Energy Vial.

5:48 - Get the Chaos Rune here...

6:42 - ...and the Earth Rune here...

12:55 - ...and after traveling around the level to take care of enemies ahead of time, we come to this raging whirlpool.

14:05 - You'll need the two runes you found earlier as well as the Time Rune to power these machines. Each one also has enemies near them, so fight them off as soon as possible.

16:56 - The Time Rune is right here. Grab it, and you'll have all the runes to activate these machines. As you do this, watch for more enemies.

18:59 - By putting the runes in the machine, the whirlpool is frozen solid. Jump in!

19:14 - Inside is an underwater tunnel where you can see some mythical beasts and also pick up some useful things such as gold and Energy Vials. The tunnel is at the end. You'll come out of a house on the other side of a gate that was closed off earlier. Defeat the enemies in this area, then go back for the Chalice to get it. Afterwards, explore the other island here for the Star Rune, which you'll need to get out. 

22:46 - This switches raises the gate that blocked entry to here earlier.

24:52 - This exit leaves to the Crystal Caverns, and now that we've got the Star Rune, we can go there.

25:38 - Our visit to the Hall of Heroes nets us a new person to talk to in Dirk Steadfast and a Magic Sword, which is even more powerful than the Broad Sword.

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 7 of 38

Unlike the other planets that we've been on, we'll be able to take care of everything in one video as we send one of Drek's lieutenants running.

Logging Site - Eudora

When you select Planet Eudora for the first time, you'll see Chairman Drek talk to his lieutenant and command him to destroy Eudora as his own planet is slowly being belt up.

The guys with the axes will stop chopping the trees and go after you for some close-quarter combat, but you can easily boomerang the wrench at them to take them down. Same for the buzzsaw enemies, though you may want to swing the wrench as they will come at you in droves.

The Gadgetron Vendor here has the Glove of Doom. This is a wonderful weapon for crowd control; throw a bomb and it will split into multiple robots that will run into enemies and explode, taking the enemies with them.

4:45 - This Gold Bolt near the start is easy to miss.

5:24 - If you shoot down ten ships flying around near the start, you'll get a Skill Point.

7:25 - Here's another Invinco-Lock. For the outer ring, you'll need the two lasers at 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock. You can do the rest of the rings however you want, but the outer ring is a bit more specific.

As you explore, you'll fond more bolts to turn with the wrench. Be careful with the Versa-Targets. As for the platforms, make sure the one you're on is higher than the one you're heading to next...and look for your shadow!

By double-tapping Triangle, you can quickly switch between your two most recently used weapons/hand gadgets. I wish I utilized this more, but this is a nice touch and I feel I should really mention it.

9:32 - This is the first lock to utilize a blocker, which will block the path of a laser, so keep the blockers in mind when you get through these.

For the outer ring, you'll need the lasers at 3 o'clock and 5 o'clock. For the middle ring, you'll need the laser at 12 o'clock. This will get the blocker away from the rest of the lasers. For the inner ring, the laser should be at 2 o'clock.

When you reach the lieutenant, he will run away, and you'll get an Infobot containing an advertisement for the Blarg Tactical Station starring Chairman Drek. You now have another destination.

You'll now be able to head back to the start. There is another path leading away from the Invinco-Lock leading to the lieutenant, and if you take it, you'll meet a new enemy: a red robot that will shoot if you get too close. This is where the Glove of Doom will come in handy, since you don't have to get close to the enemies.

Your basic platforming skills will also be put to the test on that path. If you can reach the end, you'll get the Suck Cannon, which can vacuum up multiple enemies that you can then fire like missiles. The enemies have to be small enough to be sucked into the cannon, however.

If you hold Left or Right and jump while crouching, you can do a side somersault.


Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun/use gadget
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently used Circle button weapons/gadgets

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Left+X or Right+X: side somersault
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

  • D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
    • Up and Down: switch rings
    • Left and Right: rotate rings
  • Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen

Monday, May 24, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 14 of 24

This time, we're gonna be in an enemy gauntlet! The Asylum is full of battles, and if you can get to the end, you can get a Chalice and free the mayor of the village!

Once you drop into this level, you'll be fighting enemies.

In the first part, the throwing axe will kill all the zombies in one hit with the throwing attack. The north wall will produce zombies first, then the zombies will start coming out of the sides.

You'll soon open a door in the floor that takes you to another room full of enemy destruction. This time around, there will be two cannons firing at you, so you'll have to stay on the move while mowing zombies down like you're playing Smash TV. At this point, switch to the Broad Sword.

The third room has bats and zombies. While the bats do not count towards the Chalice, they should still be destroyed as they will get in the way anyway. When the Energy Vial shows up, grab it. Soon, you'll face the big speedy guys who run at you. The War Hammer makes a good weapon here. When you defeat them all, you'll get gold and a Silver Shield.

For the fourth room, use the Flaming Longbow to take out the residents of the Asylum that run at you. One hit will do them in. After the second wave that also consists of zombies, grab the two Energy Vials and utilize the merchant gargoyle if you need to, then go through the double doors.

For the fifth and final room, use the Flaming Longbow against the asylum residents, and stay on the move to avoid getting hit by the cannonballs from the cannons. Also, don't fall into the lava in the middle of the room; that is an instant death and the loss of a Life Bottle.

Afterwards, you can get some gold, the Chalice and the Earth Rune. Get it all, then go for the hand for the Earth Rune to free the mayor. He will thank you for freeing him, then take the Dragon Gem that is next to him. From here, you can leave.

As for the Hall of Heroes visit from this stage, you'll be able to get the Magic Longbow, which is even more powerful than the Flaming Longbow.

PrinceWatercress plays MediEvil - Part 13 of 24

In this entry, we travel through the Pools of the Ancient Dead. There is a lot of water here as well as a lot of places where you can slip off the ground and lose an entire Life Bottle here, so going slow here is absolutely crucial.

0:42 - The opening cutscene for the Pools of the Ancient Dead.

2:28 - While the armored enemies cannot be destroyed, they can be pushed into the water with your weapons. Doing this will give you energy for the Chalice. Also, whack at the tentacles to keep them from hitting you. 

3:13 - Oh, hey, Charon. Charon needs to gather up eight lost souls, and if you can do that, you can take a ride to Mellowmede and get out of here.

4:34 - There are guys who throw stuff at us, but the throwing axes takes care of them in three hits. From here, you'll be in the marsh maze, where you'll spend the majority of your time in the level. There will be a ton of spear-throwing skeletons and armored enemies coming at you, but you should be able to take care of them. Also, go through this area slowly; bridges can fall into the water below, and it is easy to fall into the water and lose a life bottle.

8:01 - One of the chests contains Kul Kutura, who will make quick work of some of the enemies here. You'll still have to deal with the armored knights on your own, though.

9:18 - The first lost soul. Use the Daring Dash to get to it.

10:01 - The second lost soul. The bridge you use to get to it will disappear when you grab it.

10:56 - The third lost soul. Another bridge disappears when you grab it.

12:23 - The fourth lost soul. The bridge nearby disappears when you grab it, and given how I did it, it goes away in front of me this time.

13:07 - The fifth lost soul. Be ready to fight some enemies after you get it.

13:47 - The sixth lost soul.

14:28 - Another Life Bottle! The seventh lost soul and a bunch of post-collection enemies are also nearby.

15:12 - Start running. Use the Daring Dash to keep from getting hit. The eighth and last lost soul is here, as well as a whole army of enemies. Push them all off the cliff to open the doors back up.

16:44 - Flying mantra-ray like enemies will now be in the maze when you come back. Thankfully, the throwing axe will tear them apart, and while they will shoot projectiles, you can hear them coming.

Once you're done here, all that's left to do is to explore the maze for the Chalice and then get back to Charon. From there, press Select, press Down and select the Soul Helmets to get out.

21:42 - This Chalice will net us 150 Gold.

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank - Part 6 of 38

Now that we have the Swingshot, let's put it to the test!

Outpost X11 - Aridia

Now that we have the Slingshot, it's back to Aridia.

Remember that area where we had to have the Swingshot in order to explore it? Well, we have the Swingshot now.

1:53 - But first, we're going to shoot down some ships in the sky at the start, now that we have the Blaster. If you shoot down three ships when they get close enough, you'll earn a Skill Point.

4:20 - Now for the Swingshot part.

Remember that you need to hold the Circle button to get to the Versa-Target and drop down at the other end, and that if you let go of the button in the middle of being carried away, you'll immediately drop.

Once again, green Versa-Targets just take you to one destination, while the yellow ones act as hooks that you can swing back and forth on as long as you have the Circle button held.

If you need to, you can reverse the camera controls in the Options menu. You can also control how quickly the camera moves when you move it around with the right analog stick.

7:15 - If you can get from the beginning of this section to the end of it without landing on any platforms for a brief respite, you can get a Skill Point. If you keep holding Right past the second yellow Versa-Target, you can get to all the hooks perfectly.

8:21 - At the end of the course, you'll get the Trespasser. This lets you get past some locked doors. However, if you also have the Heli-Pack upgrade at this point and float downwards, you can find another Gold Bolt.

As for the next door, you'll need to break through it with the Trespasser. Just stand on the Trespasser pad with the Trespasser equipped and press Circle to use it. From here, you can hack the lasers on the Invinco-Lock.

There are three circles: an inner circle, a middle circle and an outer circle. Each one has its own set of lasers, but there are also laser blockers that will keep lasers from hitting the receptors. You won't see the blockers until later on, though. The lasers are always aimed at the center of the lock. There are twelve positions that lasers can hit, much like hours on a clock, which makes these things easier to explain, especially when you go clockwise to number them all, treat the receptor on the top as "12 o'clock" and treat the receptor one at the very bottom as "6 o'clock."

For this one, you have one recepter at 12 o'clock, one at 4 o'clock and one at 8 o'clock. It doesn't matter which laser you use to hit which receptor, so this one is absolutely simple. Just use Up and Down on the D-Pad or left analog stick to switch between rings. The flashing ring is the one that you will currently be able to manipulate. From there, use Left or Right on the D-Pad or left stick From here, you can take an elevator all the way back to the beginning of the Swingshot area. You're done here. 


Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

X: Jump and double jump
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun
Triangle: quick select (hold and use in conjunction with the Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu

Select: Map
  • Left stick/D-Pad: move map
  • Right stick: Zoom in/out
  • X: view missions
  • Circle: play Infobot for planet
  • L1: previous map
  • R1: next map
  • Triangle: Exit
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

L1: tap to quickly center camera; hold for first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • X: high jump (must have Heli-Pack upgrade)
  • X (while running): long jump (must have Heli-Pack)

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend

  • D-Pad or Left Analog Stick:
    • Up and Down: switch rings
    • Left and Right: rotate rings
  • Triangle: leave Invinco-Lock screen