Monday, June 3, 2024

DeceasedCrab plays Earthbound - Part 49 of 53

In this entry, we finally travel into the past to take on Giygas' domain.

Use the Meteorite Piece in front of Dr. Andonuts to power up the Phase Distorter. Dr. Andonuts will tell you to get some rest, so head to the nearby inn, rest, and talk to Dr. Andonuts again. The Phase Distorter will be completed when you talk to him. Talk to him the first time, and he will tell you that the Phase Distorter is sensing some enemies from the Lost Underworld. Talk to him a second time, and you'll be ready to use the Phase Distorter. Don't forget that the Phase Distorter can fully heal you and save your progress.

When you use the Phase Distorter, you'll end up in a weird land. The man who taught Poo Starstorm will show up, teach Poo Starstorm Omega, then disappear.

To the east is a broken Phase Distorter. Search it to find a Horn of Life, then check out the cliff to the north. When you head back, Dr. Andonuts and Apple Kid in the Phase Distorter 3 and will tell you that they have found Giygas, and that he is attacking from many years in the past. Talk to Dr. Andonuts, and he will tell you that you will have to warp to the past, yet lifeforms cannot be transported, as life is demolished in the process of warping. In order to get there and survive, your brain "program" will have to be transferred into a robot body, meaning that your spirit is transferred into the robot while your actual body is left behind. There is also a chance that you may not be able to return and get back into your original body once this occurs. Not surprisingly, you will have to accept to do this in order to finish the game.

Once you accept, your party will be robots, and you'll be able to active the Phase Distorter 3 and head to Giygas' domain in the past.

Once you're here, there's no turning back.

The Ultimate Octobot can fire a beam and paralyze one part member, and can also steal an item. It is also pretty easy to beat up. It has a one in eight chance of dropping a PSI Caramel.

The Wild 'n Wooly Shambler can fire a beam, but it can also cast Shield Beta on one enemy and can also cast Flash Beta against you. 

The Nuclear Reactor Robot can fully heal one enemy and can also fire a beam. It can also explore upon defeat. It has a one in eight chance of dropping a Super Bomb.

The Squatter Demon can bite using poisonous fangs (which poisons a party member) cast Hypnosis Alpha, can use a Shield Killer and can also bite hard, which diamondizes one party member.

The Ghost of Starman from Onett returns as an enemy here.

The Legendary Bat is the best weapon for Ness in the game.

The orbs will teleport you from one part of the cave to another.

The Final Starman can cast Shield Beta, Starstorm Alpha, Starstorm Beta, Brainshock Omega and Healing Omega, making them one of the most dangerous enemies you can face. They also start with Shield Beta active, so you'll need to remove their shield first. 

You'll eventually come across a gap in a wall. This leads to the final battle with Giygas. 

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