Sunday, June 9, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando - Part 17 of 54

Now that we're done farming crystals, it's time to head to Dobbo and find out what's going on with the experiment.

First | Previous | Next | End

1:11 - I end up buying the Lava Gun since I have more than enough money for it. We then head to Dobbo.

3:05 - We get some more info of what Quark's been up to.

4:11 - Breaking the green light globes will get you bolts. You'll need them for the Minirocket tube, which fires rockets at enemies and packs a punch.

6:24 - On this trip, we enter the teleporter near the start. The Megaturret Glove will take care of the airborne sentries. As for the things that shoot the moving electrical barriers, the Visibomb will come helpfully into play.

11:25 - Well, that's one way to get experience for the Chopper.

14:30 - This path lead to a core terminal. Before we can use it, we have to catch up with the maintenance bot...with the glider. Watch the blue glow of the maintenance bot's thruster to keep up with it, and make sure not to crash into anything. The area with the lava floor near the end has a Platinum Bolt, but you have to fly close to the ceiling to get it. Somehow, I get it.

18:05 - After another Electrolyzer puzzle, you'll be able to get back to the core terminal. Now you'll need 10,000 bolts. Good thing we did all that crystal farming in Tabora, eh?

Once you pay up, you'll find out that truth about the experiment: it's totally out of control and that it needs to be destroyed immediately. You'll then get the coordinates for the Hrugis Cloud - where the experiment needs to be disposed of - as well as password for entry.

24:47 - Getting the Nanotech Boost in Dobbo. This is not easy.

26:57 - The armor vender. If we buy the Tetrafiber Armor, we can cut all damage we take by one-third. So we do.


As Ratchet:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

  • Jump and double jump (hold button after double jump to use Heli-Pack or Thruster Pack)
  • Wall jump (near certain walls)
Square: strike with wrench
Circle: pull out/shoot currently equipped gun
  • quick select (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left stick to switch guns; menu can be customized in Quick Select on the pause menu
  • double tap to switch between two most recently equipped weapons/items
  • interrupt on-screen messages

Select: open map
Start: Pause menu
  • Control Pad: select option
  • X: confirm option choice

  • center camera behind Ratchet (tap button to center)
  • first-person view (hold button and use left stick or D-Pad to look around; let go of L1 to move camera back behind Ratchet)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • Circle: fire gun
  • R1/R2: zoom in and out (Pulse Rifle only)
L2/R2: strafe (hold while moving)
L3: see health and Bolt totals
R1/R2: crouch (hold down)
  • Square: wrench boomerang
  • X: high jump
    • long jump (hold crouch button and jump while running to perform)
R3: open map

In water:
  • Square: dive and descend
  • X: surface and ascend
  • R1: accelerate with Hydro-Pack

As Clank:

Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
Right analog stick: move camera

When hanging off platforms:
  • Control Pad/Left Analog Stick: move
  • Forward+X: vault up
  • Back+X: drop down

Square: punch
X: Jump (press and hold in the middle of a jump to glide with Heli-Pack)
Triangle: command menu (hold and use in conjunction with Control Pad or left analog stick to choose commands)

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