
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - The Longplay

I know the game is short and leaves the player wanting more, but still...enjoy!

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PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - Part 6 of 6

And here we are with the final stage of the game. It's a shame that this version of the game was truncated and that the jumping is a tad wonky on Game Boy; I loved the NES version.

Round 6-1

Now we're on another planet. The Professor awaits us in the end.

The biggest pain you'll deal with are the rocks. Other than that, this is a fairly short level.

Sometimes there will be small octopi jumping out of the watery pits, sometimes there won't. Stay near one for a second or two to see if one comes out before jumping.

Round 6-2

This isn't really a maze, guys. The whole "run all the way to the right" mentality is still here like it's been every level. Getting to the boss is the tricky out for those moving Professor heads lining the walls that shoot at you.

The boss room has three bags. If you need magic and/or "hit points," hit up the magic bag warps for Felix Heads, milk bottles and magic hearts.

The professor is just as easy as everyone else. He does follow you around, but it is easy to play Stand between two bags and stay close to the professor, mashing the attack button as you move around. He'll keep orbiting over you in a semi-circle and will never waver from this pattern. If you duck into one of the bags, the Professor's hit points won't refill, so don't worry about that.

When you beat him, Felix will finally meet Kitty and they'll return to Earth. Enjoy your no credits, your no "Felix I Love You!" message and your no picture of Felix and Kitty in space.

PrinceWatercress plays Wacky Races AGAIN - World B

Our next race takes us all the way from Australia to Japan to find an engine. The one we find isn't exactly what Dick Dastardly had in mind.

First | Previous | End

Splish Splash : B-1

The #00 Mean Machine's engine has broken down. Dick Dastardly sends Muttley out to find a new engine. Will he be able to find one in time?

The first section is on a series of islands. Frogs, moles, mosquitoes...the wildlife is crawling around the island and wants you dead. The frogs and mosquitoes are easy, but the moles can only be taken down when they stick their heads out of the ground. Those pink things are kangaroos, by the way. Yeah, it's pretty hard to tell when you pause the video. Those things just move back and forth. (Sheesh, the enemies in this game are easy.) Also, you can stand on top of the palm trees.

The second section takes place on a series of bridges. (Strangely, there are no cars nearby.) Giant orcas will try to headbutt you as you jump your way over gaps, but if you know where they are you can move back in mid-jump and then jump over the gap to make quick work of them. There are also birds that fly around and octopi that spit rocks at you (Octoroks in an Atlus game? What?) throughout this section as well.

Boss - #9 Turbo Terrific - Peter Perfect

Attack Peter Perfect from above with the bombs. When he jumps to the upper platform, jump over him. Keep doing this until the second form.

The second form is the same, except he's a little faster. Wait for him to stop for a brief moment before pummeling him with bombs. So much for perfection. If you have the bark attack, wait at the upper level, hit him when he stops to go up to your level, then jump over him. 

Splish Splash : B-2

The first section is just a simple swimming section. Just use the Control Pad to move around. If you don't press any buttons, Muttley will slowly float upwards by himself. There are numerous fish and crabs in the level, but if you use the bark attack here, they're all fair game. Watch out for all the spikes scattered throughout the section.

The second section takes place in a submarine. It's a little bit of a maze, but not too hard.

Boss - #3 Convert-a-Car - Professor Pat Pending

He'll bounce around for a while and then take to the air in an attempt to crush you. Thankfully, the crushing part gives you a perfect opportunity to attack him from afar.

For the second form, he'll leap to the center and fly in mid-air to shoot two red balls at you. He'll leap to the other side, leap back to the center and repeat. The best time to hit him is when he comes down. Sorry, Professor, but you're not helping the other racers this time.

Splish Splash : B-3

What is this? Some sort of big rock candy mountain?

Atlus must have really loved Asia, since this is full of gumdrops, lollipops and other assorted candies. All the enemies in the first section are bugs - cockroaches, dragonflies, worms, and pillbugs. The patterns for each one are nothing different from what you've seen throughout the game so far, so it's getting pretty easy pretty quickly.

The second part has checkerboard triangles and a bunch of flowers. The hornets here fly around slowly and divebomb you when you get close enough.

Boss - #5 Compact Pussycat - Penelope Pitstop

She's so awesome, she gets her own theme song when you fight her!

She jumps around and shoots balls at you. Strangely, she only has one form, even though she has two phases like every other boss.

When you finish off Splish Splash, Muttley comes back...with a boat mast. Not surprisingly, Dick Dastardly and Muttley are still stuck in last place.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - Part 5 of 6

Told you we were close to the end.

Round 5-1

Guess what? We're skipping the jungle world and both ice worlds and going straight to space.

There's only one level in this world, and it's a bit of a doozy. Unlike the NES version, you don't have to worry about refilling your health or your hearts running out, since you won't have any this time around. Unfortunately, you can still die in one hit.

You can still pick up milk bottles here, but they will be solely for points at this point.

The aliens are pretty evil. They come at you and shoot at you, stop at the left side of the screen, and move all the way back to the right in some sort of hyperbole-like pattern.

Also, this stage is really short.

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - Part 4 of 6

It's hard to believe, but we're halfway through the game. This game is significantly pared down from its NES counterpart.

Round 4-1

This is far from a tropical vacation, Felix.

Welcome to the first first (and only) surface swimming level. If you collect a magic heart, your robot will change into a dolphin, and you'll able to throw energy balls.

You'll dive down if you leap into the water from higher up, but you can use the opportunity to hit the fish enemies deep in the water.

Round 4-2

Welcome to the only underwater stage in the game. Here, you start out with a snorkel and a punch glove. If you upgrade your magic, you can get a bubble-spitting turtle before you can finally upgrade to a submarine!

Enemies here include jellyfish that swim towards you, crabs that produce bubbles that can damage you, and bottomless pits.

The boss here is Gulpo. He's just like Master Cylinder, except he has two attacks instead of one. The first is the bubbles. Thankfully, they're easy to avoid. The other is the word "BLOB!" traveling towards you twice as fast as the bubbles. He always shoots two bubbles before shooting a BLOB!. The more you hit him, the faster his attacks come. Thankfully, you can fight him the exact same way as you did against Master Cylinder and get away with it.

PrinceWatercress plays Wacky Races AGAIN - World A

Name a 1960's cartoon other than Wacky Racers that got its own video game. You can't, can you?

Next | End

If you're out of the loop about who's who or if you've never seen the cartoon (I've rarely seen it myself), check out this Wikipedia article.

I remember seeing this game for the first time when I was just 5 years old back in 1991. I was spending a little bit of the summer in West Virginia and my sister happened to bring along the NES. One of our cousins brought two games whenever he showed up. One of them was Super Mario Bros. 3, which was really awesome back then and still is now. The other one...was this.

Anyway, when you press Start, you'll instantly go to the map. There are three worlds you can choose from:

There's Hip Hop, which stretches from Europe to Africa.

There's Splish Splash, which stretches from Australia to Asia (and has a route that goes underwater halfway).

There's Go Go America, which covers both of the American continents.

Since we're going in order of A, B and C, we're doing A first.

Hip Hop : A-1

Well, Dick Dastardly's crashed his vehicle while chasing after a pigeon...and Muttley has to help him. How wonderful. (This is a reference to the spin-off show, Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines, so I don't know why they're doing this here.)

Yes. You heard right. You're playing as Muttley. You get to help Dick Dastardly and the #00 Mean Machine cheat by - wait - taking out all the other racers by force? Gee, this is nothing like the show.

The gems are your way of earning extra lives. Collecting 100 (obviously) gives you an extra life.

You start out with a bite attack that only works at close range, but that'll change pretty quickly thanks to the numerous amounts of bones scattered throughout the game.

The bones let you collect power-ups, which are at the bottom of the screen. The first one is the bomb, which lets you throw bombs at enemies. The second is the bark, which is faster than the bomb and travels in a straight line to attack enemies. The third is a jump extension. If you collect it, press A to jump, then press A repeatedly to glide. The fourth is a heart, which you can use to not only extend your life meter up to six hearts, but also refill your life if you need to. To use the power-up you want, collect bones until the orange triangle is above the one you want, then press Select. You can only carry the bomb or the bark attack at any given time, never both. You can also only select the glide power-up for use once.

Also, you have to jump off the roof of the third house in the level in order to continue. The only reason I'm mentioning this is because it's one of my first video game memories ever. Since I was only five and had no idea of what I was supposed to do whatsoever, I was basically unintentionally predicting Rage Guy when I ran out of time from moving into the wall and trying to jump up to the top of it all the way from down there. Derp. Then I played it again a bunch of years later for the first time since then after I got out of high school and nailed that jump. Take that, Father Time!

The boxes with Muttley's face on them are one-ups. They'll be found throughout the levels, so go for one when you see it!

The enemies are pretty straightforwards. There are snails, bees, flowers that jump around, flowers that spit at you, and giant rabbits. Of course, that's just the first section.

The second section has chess knights that only come after you when you turn your back as well as black knights with swords and shields that do nothing but walk around. The music here is pretty interesting when you're in an indoor setting. I remember it as being the first interesting video game BGM I ever took interest too. When you see the slight hole in the ceiling at the end of this section, jump into it and you'll enter the third section.

The third section has mummies jumping around. Hey, wait, we're not in Africa yet. If you jump over the hole in the floor that takes you to the fourth section, you'll find an extra life, which probably would have blown my mind as a little kid.

The fourth section has another extra life at the end of that spike pit. If you have the glide power-up activated, it's a lot easier to get. Also, the spikes don't instantly kill you, but getting out from the middle of them can be a pain in the pants.

Boss - #2 Creepy Coupe - The Gruesome Twosome

Every boss in this game will have two forms. Also, in case you die, you'll be able to grab a bone in the room which will let you use the bombs, so you won't be totally defenseless.

For the first form of the Gruesome Twosome, avoid the balls they throw when they leap up into the air, and hit them with a bomb or bark attack as they come back down. When you come towards them, they'll jump to the other side of the room.

After enough hits, they'll disappear and then come back for Round 2. Hit them with attacks as they come after you, and run to the other side of the screen when they jump towards the wall. Avoid the ball they throw, then hit them again and run to the other side of the room as soon as they jump and repeat until the Gruesome Twosome are gone.

Hip-Hop : A-2

Now we're in Africa.

Whenever you get in the sand pits, keep tapping A repeatedly and you'll be able to jump out of the sand pits as high as you can and get back onto safe land.

The sand worms use the terrain they're in to make it harder for you to hit them with your bombs. It's still possible, though. The armadillos roll around, but they don't do anything else. The blue scorpions move around and then stop to jump in place.

The large cactus actually cause damage if you land on them, by the way.

If you somehow managed to get the glide power-up in the first section, you can get the 1-up that appears after the pyramid.

The second section starts with a bottomless pit and some oil pipes. In the oil pipe area, there are some flames. Some simply move left and right, but some of them jump towards you in an attempt to set you on fire. Thankfully, they all have a limited range, so don't worry about the ones that jump around chasing you around the level.

The third section has a red scorpion and two Sphinx heads that spit at you in an attempt to stop you from entering a sacred pyramid. That's it, really.

The fourth section takes place indoors and has that awesome music again. You'll come across a 100 ton weight that tries to drop on you near the beginning, but if you keep going it won't hit you. Some of the statues here will crush you with their heads, while one of them has a head that you can stand on and use as a platform. Other than that, there's nothing more than red scorpions and Sphinx heads.

Just past the door leading to the fifth section is another one up. Avoid those weights and you should come out of it unscathed.

The fifth section leads you out of the pyramid and into the boss. It's pretty short.

Boss - #6 Army Surplus Special - Sergeant Blast and Private Meekly

For once the quicksand is useful: you can stay below these guys and hit them from below with the bombs while they're moving around the screen shooting their cannon.

For their second form, they'll shoot bullets that move in strange patterns. Sometimes they'll fire straight, sometimes they'll move in a square pattern before going forward, sometimes they'll bounce around like rabbits. It's square, bounce, straight for those wondering what the bullets' modus operandi are. Once again, you can take them down from below with bombs.

Hip Hop : A-3

South Africa has ostriches? Didn't know that.

In the first section, you'll meet ostriches that run around and jump, gorillas that stand in place and throw rocks at you. The little cobras just jump around, while the porcupines (hedgehogs?) walk around hoping you'll land on their spines from above. They can't be killed with the bomb, so if you don't have the bark attack, avoid them.

The second section moves from a grassland to a more European-looking forest. The gorillas here move back and forth without throwing rocks this time, and it looks like they're moving on little conveyor belts situated under their feet where you can't see them. New enemies include owls that fly around (once again, Atlus thinks there are European forests in South Africa); baboons that can jump great distances, throwing your movement for a slight loop; and white spiked things that move up and down blocking your progress. Thankfully, you can jump on the branches sticking out of the trees. That's a good thing, since you'll have to use those as platforms across those treacherous bottomless pits.

The third section takes us back into a pyramid. Apparently Atlus knows nothing about South Africa. This one is pretty short.

Boss - #10 Buzzwagon - Rufus Ruffcut and Sawtooth

The spaces near the center of the room can be used to duck under Rufus Ruffcut, keeping you from getting run over. If you have the Bomb, this comes in handy as you can get him to run straight into your weaponry. Whenever Rufus levitates slowly into the air, be ready to dodge a ball. He'll only levitate upwards at the spaces near the center, and the ball only drops straight down.

For his second form, he'll stay on one side and send a ball rolling across the floor before he starts jumping up and down throwing balls at you faster than before. Use this time to throw bombs and bark attacks at the floor. He'll eventually go to the other side of the screen and do the same thing, but if you're careful and aggressive enough, he won't be able to do even that.

You've saved Dick Dastardly, but you still have to catch that pigeon. With that, World A ends.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Felix The Cat NES Commercial

There's a commercial for Felix the Cat on NES! Well, not really a commercial, more like a brief thing you'd see in a game store telling you "Hey, buy this game." Seems that way, anyway. Had no idea this existed until now.

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - Part 3 of 6

We're back in the mountains, and we're also flying again. If only the jumping didn't feel as stiff as it did.

Round 3-1

The Tank is best for this level, since you can attack some enemies from a higher distance. Of course, there may be some times where the motorcycle is better.

Watch out with those snails. They'll jump up and down whenever they keep landing in those bottomless pits. Also, you may remember the cannons from Level 2-1. They're back with a vengeance, and they're a little harder to avoid since you're not in a floating level.

You may be better off with the Motorbike instead of the Tank, since you'll be able to attack straight in front of you, at least.

Overall, the game is still pretty easy.

Round 3-2

We're flying again!

We finally get to see the Airplane in action. For once, attacking in a straight line is a bona-fide privilege, and the energy ball attack you get with it is really good.

There are a lot of walls here. You're better off staying at the lower half of the level, if only to avoid the cannons. At least you'll find a magic bag portal in that half.

The boss here is Master Cylinder. Move around so that whenever he fires his laser, he'll automatically miss. Just stay in close and keep moving up and down and you'll take him out with no problems.

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - The Longplay


First | Previous

Level 1

One night, Mickey and Donald were practicing for their big magic act. One of the magic tricks surprised Donald, and he fell backwards, tripping over some scenery. Behind the scenery was a mysterious magic box with a drawn curtain.

"Oh, Boy! If it works, we can use this in our magic act!" said Donald.

"Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea...." replied Mickey, noticing a strange glow behind the curtain.

But he was too late. Donald had already stepped inside. Poof! The curtain fluttered and Donald disappeared!

Mickey stepped inside to inspect the box and...Poof!, he disappeared too.

Booming laughter echoed as Mickey and Donald fell through the darkness, and an evil voice said, "You are good magicians in your world, but here in my world of magic, you'll have to learn many more tricks to find your way home. If you can find and defeat me, I will show you a way out of this magic box."

At the main menu, you can choose between Mickey and Donald, and you can also input a password, check out the sound test and even change the controls between four different configuration. I will be using Control Type 1. Left and Right let you move around, A lets you run when held down, B lets you attack and C lets you jump. Also, holding Down and pressing C lets you crawl. Honestly, I wish you could double tap Left or Right to run rather than hold a button down, as it is more awkward on one of Sega's controllers from that era as opposed to the NES or Super NES controllers to hold down a button to do that, and it forces you to use two fingers.

You'll start in the forest. Attack the guards when they charge at you, and make sure your magic cloth touches them completely. If the sparkles touch them, they will simply stun them, but it will help defeat them or other enemies if you can't get close enough. When the leaf enemies wake up, hit them, too.

If you crawl under the branch at the start by holding Down and pressing C (under default controls), you'll get the question mark bag that you can't normally get. These bags contain either a card you can grab to get closer to a 1-Up, a piece of candy that refills one hit or a cake that refills all your hits. In this case, it's the cake. You start with five hit points, but you can go all the way up to eight, and if you lose all your hits, you'll lose a life, or as the game calls it, a try.

The mosquitoes will dive at you when close enough. Hit them or avoid them as they dive.

The log seesaws will launch you into the air when you jump on the high end.

Enemies will spawn behind you sometimes. Watch your back.

The tulips will launch you into the air, and orange flowers will spawn multiple leaf platforms if you jump on them enough times.

If you take the low road, you'll find fireworks in a bag. Fireworks will clear out all on-screen enemies, and your character will react to them in delight. Sadly, you won't see them very often.

You'll soon enter a cave. Go up at the start for one unit of health, and avoid the holes in the web platforms, as you will fall straight down into a bottomless pit with no way to control your character.

The spiders near the web walls act much like the block snakes from Super Mario World, as its web trail is like a moving platform that you can take to get to the other side. Thankfully, the spider producing it does not hurt you.

The boss here is a giant spider. It just moves around. When its back is visible, hit it with the cloth. If you see its underside, wait for it to leave the screen before attacking again. Interestingly, this boss doesn't attack you; he just moves around. After six hits, you'll beat the boss and get the ability to produce and ride a flying carpet.

In the next level, when you approach the cliff, Mickey will try his new magic. When he extends his arms and says "Alakazam," press A, B or C. You'll produce a magic carpet.

Level 2

When you approach the cliff, Mickey will try his new magic. When he says "Alakazam," press A, B or C. You'll produce a magic carpet.

From here, keep pressing C to stay afloat, and hold Left on the Control Pad to keep yourself from moving as fast, or advance further with Right. You cannot attack while flying, so avoid everything except the question mark bags. 

On the cliffs with the thunder and lightning, you'll need to keep moving to advance over a gap, and you'll need to attack to destroy the flame men.

In the next room, avoid the bouncing rock and hold the run button while making small hops to get to the other end.

From there, walk further on the bridge and stand on the third block to drop to the exit. You'll then be jumping from cloud platform to cloud platform. The cloud platforms with all the curves on them will break apart when you stand on them (the others don't), and the clouds with the faces will move forward. If you see birds, attack or avoid them before they attack you, and watch out for those tornadoes.

The cloud pianos produce notes as you move around, and the notes will sometimes turn into top hats that give you 1-Ups, candy for health or even cards.Sometimes, they will turn into bombs. The bombs damage you. Don't run into bombs.

The boss here is a statue with six blocks. When you approach the exit, the wheel will start turning, and one by one, the block that is on top will turn into a gray dragon that looks like Puff the Magic Dragon. Avoid the fireballs by jumping over them, then attack when they leap forward.

You'll then learn how to make a magic bubble. Interestingly, you activate it much like you did the magic carpet, and from here, you can use Left and Right on the Control Pad to move and press the jump button continuously to stay afloat. You'll then be using your magic to create a magic bubble immediately.

Level 3

In the third level, you'll be using the Control Pad in conjunction with the jump button, which you'll need to press repeatedly, to swim. You won't be able to attack while underwater, so your best bet is to avoid enemies at all costs, especially the small black sea urchins on the floors and ceilings.

If you see a wall of bubbles, there will be a clam nearby. Face away from the clam in order to get the clam to approach you. It will stop at the wall of bubbles and neutralize it.

You'll soon enter a cave. Climb underneath the blocks to continue. Watch out for the stuff that drops down from the ceiling, attack the starfish with your magic cloth, and use the geysers to reach higher areas.

Wait for the clams to close up before standing on them, and use them to avoid the cone-shaped rocks that act as spikes.

The blue card gives you temporary invincibility against enemies, and it will last only for a short time. If you can ride all the geysers to the other side near the end, you can get some health.

You'll soon have to use your magic to enter a sunken ship. Aside from the starfish, you'll have to dodge some tridents. Some will drop down when you get under them; others will drop down a tad sooner. You'll also have sawfish coming out of the floor. They are like swordfish, but their bills are saws. Hit them when they pop up, and go slowly when you hear them pop up.

You'll have to run across the narrow area near the end to avoid drowning in the water that fills the corridor up.

The boss here is a shark. The shark is harmless when you only see its fin, but when it surfaces and comes after you, that is when you want to attack and avoid. After a second pass where you can only see its fin, the shark will dive down, leap at you and then chase after you for a second again. You can hit it while it is in the air.

You'll then learn how to teleport to another box. When you head left after this, you'll be sucked out of the water and you'll end up in an over-sized library.

Level 4

We're back in the over-sized library! Castle of Illusion introduces this level theme, but this game revisits it a bit. The ink stamps will walk towards you, the fountain pens will fly at you, and the protractors will pounce on you.

The tubes of green paint squirts out green paint that slows you down if you walk into it, and the tiny green staples act as trampolines when you jump on them.

Be careful getting that 1-Up, you'll have to move quickly in mid-air to get that extra life. Also, when going up the cork board with the pins that act as platforms, watch out for that flying fountain pen.

You'll soon drop into a jar of sugar cubes. Go to the other end, and be ready to stun the cubes that leap back and forth. If you want, you can go back for the extra life to get another one.

After the jar of sugar cubes, you can enter a door that takes you to another area. If you can ride the measuring tapes that leads back and forth, you can get some more health. After a few more doors, you'll enter a cookie tin that leads to the candy world. Once again, this game revisits some 

The gummy planes will fly at you, and the gingerbread men will throw candy canes at you. The wafer enemies take two hits to defeat and just move back and forth.

The cloud platforms will move forward when you stay on them. Use them to get over the collapsible bridge and continue with the level.

The green plants will twist you around if you land on them, but they don't hurt you. They only stun you.

Eventually, you'll have to leap onto the cork of a bottle to launch yourself into space. Use Up and Down on the Control Pad to slowly move up and down. Avoid the spiky stars and get as many things as you can; there is also a cake at the end that fully refills your health.

Once you come back down, you can go left of the bottle for an invincibility card. The jello blocks are soft and you will sink through them; you'll want to do that to rech the boss.

The boss is an evil witch who will fly around, dive at you and cast magic. Her patterns are really easy, and you can easily tank hits while absolutely decimating her. Beating her will give you the magic to command cards.

Before you enter the door, jump left over it for two cards and a piece of candy for health, then enter the door to enter an Alice In Wonderland-esque level for the final level of the game.

Level 5

If a card guard is throwing hearts at you, it is an enemy you can defeat; otherwise, be ready to walk up to it and press the jump button when Mickey extends his arms towards it.

The Mad Hatter chess pieces jump around. The black ones hop in place, while the white ones jump towards.

The bells on the trees will slide you around when you get them moving by leaping on them, so be ready to get where you want to go.

For the moving card platforms that you'll need to make, be careful when you jump, as you can get carried a little further than you would like and you risk falling into the bottomless pit.

At the end of the first section, you'll have to jump one of six dies. The correct one is the three, but if you jump on the five, you'll go to a bell tree for some hidden power-ups.

The next section has you walking to the right and jumping into a mirror. Once you jump into the mirror, you'll be in an auto-scrolling section. Jump completely over the holes, and watch out for the Mad Hatter chess pieces with the croquet mallets.

The chandeliers will fall when you get close. Duck down to avoid the plates. Use your attack to get rid of the candles that shoot out of the candelabras like Roman candles. Be ready to jump onto the tables, too. The second table is the last.

You'll then be in the final section. When the witch in front of you at the start creates holes in the floor, be ready to run and jump over where the circles they drop to form the holes with land. There will be some Mad-Hatter looking enemies, but they can be easily defeated.

Go right after the first set of stairs for a hidden passage in the wall that leads to a cake.

Hit the button near the curtains to illuminate the area where the curtains are. This allows you to see the enemies behind them and see where you are going when behind them.

After the second set of stairs, wait for the carriages to meet before jumping forward and attacking in mid-air to take out the witches. The third will come at you from behind on the stairs.

Jump in the box. Hold Right on the elevator so you can land on solid ground when the elevator breaks off and drops.

From here, you'll be fighting more card guards and other enemies. For best results, duck when fighting the card guards. Some of them will come from behind, so be on your guard. Crawl under the platform with the bag under it for a 1-Up. Be careful at the stained glass windows; enemies will show up near them.

You'll then face a giant Pete whose eyes will follow you around as the platforms in the center go up and down. Don't touch the white clouds below, and watch out for the Pete reapers as you attack the face. After enough hits, you'll beat Pete and you'll leave the World of Illusion to perform a magic show. You've won!

Sunday, September 27, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - Part 2 of 6

Round 2 takes us to the Pyramids, where we take on one of the game's few flying levels before facing Rock Bottom on the small screen.

Round 2-1

Welcome to the first floating stage of the game. Here, whenever you're in the air, Felix will be airborne in some fashion.

Notice you don't have your magic here. The game resets your magic when you enter different types of stages. There are three levels of magic in the floating stages. The first is an umbrella and a punch glove, the second is a hot air balloon with frisbees, and the third is an airplane with an energy ball.

This one's not too hard. Just fly all the way to the right and try not to hit anything.

The smiling blocks can't hurt you, in case you're wondering. They act as platforms, and you'll see them more often in the later levels.

Round 2-2

We're back to manning a tank. Awesome. We're also inside a pyramid.

As long as you hold A on the platforms, you'll always get a high bounce off of them.

The bats fly around in a circular pattern that's easy to avoid. Other than that, the enemies still shouldn't give you too much trouble.

At the end of the stage, you'll fight Rock Bottom. He's pretty easy to fight as well. Just hit him and avoid the bullets he shoots out of his gun. That's it, really.

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat (Game Boy) - Part 1 of 6

Felix the Cat had a Game Boy game based on the NES one. It's fine, but you're better off playing the NES game.

Round 1-1

The controls are pretty simple. The Control Pad lets you move, pressing A lets you jump, and pressing B lets you use a punch glove, but you'll be able to get stronger attacks. This version of the game plays much like the NES version, but platforming feels a tad more stiff.

The Felix Heads give you an extra life every time you collect 100, but in the meantime you'll get other power-ups from them as well. 

When you reach a total that ends in 0, you'll get a magic heart. This gives you a magical power that lasts for a limited time, as signified by the ten hearts on the lower-left corner of the screen. If you keep collecting magic hearts while you have magic, you'll be able to power your attack ability up. It goes from Normal Felix to Magician Felix to a motorbike to a tank. Sadly, if you're at the last possible attack form you can reach, you won't be able to get hearts again until you power down. This means that you won't be able to farm hearts for hearts. That's a bummer, as this makes lives hard to come by and makes this version of the game a lot more difficult.

You also get extra lives for getting 100,000 and reaching every subsequent 200,000 points on the scoreboard.

When you reach a total that ends in a five, a milk bottles will appear. You'll get 500 points, but if you have a magic attack on hand, you'll refill the hearts on the timer, making the Felix heads you'll find throughout the game essential. 

If you find a giant magic bag, jump into it. You'll find yourself in a room that usually contains Felix Heads and other power-ups. You won't be able to leave the room until you collect all the heads...which is a good thing.

Anyway, this is a pretty simple level. Feel free to get a grasp on the basics here.

Unlike the NES version, you won't be able to shoot at Professor heads in the sky multiple times to get if lives weren't hard enough to obtain in this game to begin with.

Round 1-2

The fish leap up and down out of bottomless pits

More stuff to mention here.

If you get hit while you have magic, you'll go down one magic level. If you have no magic, you'll die.

Just like in the NES version, there are slopes with blocks that break when you stand on them.

At the end of the level, you'll take on Poindexter. He's really not that hard, especially if you have the tank. Stay close to him and his balls shouldn't hit you at all. The more powerful your magic, the less hits it takes to destroy him. Unlike the NES version, there are no pre-world or post-world cutscenes.

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - Part 5 of 5

It's time for the final battle with the one in charge of the World of Illusion! If we can beat him, we can get back home!

First | Previous | End

If a card guard is throwing hearts at you, it is an enemy you can defeat; otherwise, be ready to walk up to it and press the jump button when Mickey extends his arms towards it.

The Mad Hatter chess pieces jump around. The black ones hop in place, while the white ones jump towards.

The bells on the trees will slide you around when you get them moving by leaping on them, so be ready to get where you want to go.

For the moving card platforms that you'll need to make, be careful when you jump, as you can get carried a little further than you would like and you risk falling into the bottomless pit.

At the end of the first section, you'll have to jump one of six dies. The correct one is the three, but if you jump on the five, you'll go to a bell tree for some hidden power-ups.

The next section has you walking to the right and jumping into a mirror. Once you jump into the mirror, you'll be in an auto-scrolling section. Jump completely over the holes, and watch out for the Mad Hatter chess pieces with the croquet mallets.

The chandeliers will fall when you get close. Duck down to avoid the plates. Use your attack to get rid of the candles that shoot out of the candelabras like Roman candles. Be ready to jump onto the tables, too. The second table is the last.

You'll then be in the final section. When the witch in front of you at the start creates holes in the floor, be ready to run and jump over where the circles they drop to form the holes with land. There will be some Mad-Hatter looking enemies, but they can be easily defeated.

Go right after the first set of stairs for a hidden passage in the wall that leads to a cake.

Hit the button near the curtains to illuminate the area where the curtains are. This allows you to see the enemies behind them and see where you are going when behind them.

After the second set of stairs, wait for the carriages to meet before jumping forward and attacking in mid-air to take out the witches. The third will come at you from behind on the stairs.

Jump in the box. Hold Right on the elevator so you can land on solid ground when the elevator breaks off and drops.

From here, you'll be fighting more card guards and other enemies. For best results, duck when fighting the card guards. Some of them will come from behind, so be on your guard. Crawl under the platform with the bag under it for a 1-Up. Be careful at the stained glass windows; enemies will show up near them.

You'll then face a giant Pete whose eyes will follow you around as the platforms in the center go up and down. Don't touch the white clouds below, and watch out for the Pete reapers as you attack the face. After enough hits, you'll beat Pete and you'll leave the World of Illusion to perform a magic show. You've won!

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Robert Palmer's Final Interview

Robert Palmer passed away seventeen years ago today, so here's his final interview from two days before he died.

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 8 of 8

It's now time for the final battle with El Diablo...and it's easier than the game itself. Well, that was something.

First | Previous

The boss is a giant drill. To beat the boss, stay on the move and run under the boss. When it comes down, shoot at it. You'll want to keep moving back and forth while shooting this guy. Eventually, he'll go down.

When he does, you'll see another guy with an extendable buzzsaw. When the buzzsaw extends, jump over it and shoot the boss in the face, then jump over the saw when it makes it way back. Always keep the saw on-screen, so you can make this battle easier. You'll have to do a bit of leaping back and forth in-between attacks, but this is another easy battle (when you know what to do).

You'll then have to deal with a guy who hops around on a giant needle. Stay on the move and keep shooting the guy, and when he stays in the air, run completely under him and shoot him as he comes down while making sure he doesn't drop on you. You'll soon have your other guitar player back before heading to the final level.

Level 5: Penthouse

In the first room, you'll have to take out a multitude of red demons. They are just like the ones from the diner kitchen at the hotel. Fight them like you usually do. There will be other variations of the red demon, but they fall like the ones you have seen. There will also be goblins dropping down. Be sure to keep them out of your hair, as well.

After you beat all the red demons, you'll face El Diablo. Shoot him, then run to the other end of the room. If he flies to a corner, he will shoot a three-way shot at you that you can jump over. When he approaches you, run all the way to the other side of the room to avoid being pounded with flames.. If he creates projectiles in the center of the room, stand all the way to the far side and jump.

Shoot him every chance you get, and make sure he stops flashing before you shoot him again. He'll eventually go down, you'll save Anita, and the game is over! You've won!

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - Part 4 of 5

Our next level takes us to terrain introduced in Castle of Illusion, but it's changed a bit since we were last here.

First | Previous | Next | End

We're back in the over-sized library! Castle of Illusion introduces this level theme, but this game revisits it a bit. The ink stamps will walk towards you, the fountain pens will fly at you, and the protractors will pounce on you.

The tubes of green paint squirts out green paint that slows you down if you walk into it, and the tiny green staples act as trampolines when you jump on them.

Be careful getting that 1-Up, you'll have to move quickly in mid-air to get that extra life. Also, when going up the cork board with the pins that act as platforms, watch out for that flying fountain pen.

You'll soon drop into a jar of sugar cubes. Go to the other end, and be ready to stun the cubes that leap back and forth. If you want, you can go back for the extra life to get another one.

After the jar of sugar cubes, you can enter a door that takes you to another area. If you can ride the measuring tapes that leads back and forth, you can get some more health. After a few more doors, you'll enter a cookie tin that leads to the candy world. Once again, this game revisits some 

The gummy planes will fly at you, and the gingerbread men will throw candy canes at you. The wafer enemies take two hits to defeat and just move back and forth.

The cloud platforms will move forward when you stay on them. Use them to get over the collapsible bridge and continue with the level.

The green plants will twist you around if you land on them, but they don't hurt you. They only stun you.

Eventually, you'll have to leap onto the cork of a bottle to launch yourself into space. Use Up and Down on the Control Pad to slowly move up and down. Avoid the spiky stars and get as many things as you can; there is also a cake at the end that fully refills your health.

Once you come back down, you can go left of the bottle for an invincibility card. The jello blocks are soft and you will sink through them; you'll want to do that to rech the boss.

The boss is an evil witch who will fly around, dive at you and cast magic. Her patterns are really easy, and you can easily tank hits while absolutely decimating her. Beating her will give you the magic to command cards.

Before you enter the door, jump left over it for two cards and a piece of candy for health, then enter the door to enter an Alice In Wonderland-esque level for the final level of the game.

Friday, September 25, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 7 of 8

This can be a long and tedious stage if you don't know what to do next.

When you head to the right, there will be more goblins and more nurses. You'll also see three demons - one yellow and orange, one red and blue and one pink and green. You'll need to cure them to get around.

Use the chandeliers to get to an extra life.

You'll need to enter the door to the far right. Climb up the file cabinets when they open up, making sure not to get grabbed by the hands as you do this. The hands pop up briefly before performing their grab animation. When you're near the top, hold the run button and jump straight up to get tot he top of the file cabinet. From here, swing to the right with the ceiling lamps by alternating between Left and Right on the Control Pad while standing on them, and grab the headphones with the Circle button. Keep going right on the ceiling lamps and you'll find a bonus area. Use the celling lamps and your gun hover to get as many things as possible as you head to the exit.

From here, get back to the beginning and check out the ground level. You'll see dead bodies that look like the weirdly-colored demons, as well as a picture of the virus that killed them and made them turn the colors that they were. This is going to be a clue of some sort for later on. (How do demons die from sickness? Especially in the underworld? How does this even work?)

Head back to the left and back to the lobby. Go through the door all the way to the left, and give the big guy in the room the headphones so he won't attack you. Be sure to get the extra life, then go further left to see the "Virus-2-Cure" machine. Now that you have the headphones, you can use this thing.

Go up to the door with the sign saying "Ward 1", then hold Up and press L1. To return, hold Down and press L1 in front of the door. Take out all the enemies at ground level. Along the way, you'll find the pink and green virus. Shoot down the virus and suck it up with Circle. From here, you can go up a set of drawers to get all the power-ups above you. From there, go all the way to the right and jump into the tubes. You'll now be in a wheelchair that is moving in one direction. Be ready to shoot down tubes and jump over (and sometimes duck under) spikes. Be sure to jump at the very edge of a spike pit (you'll tip downwards at the edge) to get past it. The spike pits are instant death, so don't fall into them. Moving into a spinning fan also kills you instantly

You'll have to take advantage of these air ventilation shaft paths to find the three viruses as well as some power-ups. When you find a virus, you'll have to put it in the "Virus-2-Cure" machine to make a cure. Just jump up and put it in the receiving pipe. The pink-and-green virus will give you a pink-and-green pill, and if you give the pill to the pink-and-green demon, you'll cure the demon, but the demon will attack you. Keep shooting at the demon and you will eventually destroy it.

If you run into the virus as they fly around, you won't get hit, but weird things such as moving twice as fast or having reversed controls will happen as long as you're flashing.

By defeating the pink demon, you'll open up Ward 3. Go into the Ward 3 door, and you'll be in another hospital ward. Take out the enemies, and shoot down the orange-and-yellow virus so you can suck it up and put it in the "Virus-2-Cure" machine. Give the pill you get to the orange-and-yellow demon, then shoot it down.

After that, you'll have to explore the hospital for the red-and-blue virus. You'll have to go through the air vents in Ward 3 to find, shoot down and suck up that one. Once you cure the red-and-blue demon, you'll be able to go up the elevator it was standing in front of to the surgery room. This takes you to the boss.

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 6 of 8

We've now gotten through the third level in the game already! Now it's time for the fourth one...and this one is a bit complex.

Now it's time to take care of stuff. Use your gun to push the green gelatin mold all the way to the right, and as you do so, shoot down the flies that fly around. Also, watch out for the candles that shoot flames downwards; you don't want those flames to hit you.

Along the way, you'll see a giant cooked turkey (or something) hopping around. Shoot it down until it burns green, then suck it up with the Circle button. When you reach the stairs where you meet the turkey, bounce on the gelatin mold so it bounces up with you, so you can get it up the stairs. After you get the gelatin mold to the top of the stairs, continue to the right until you see a red demon in a suit with his mouth open. Press Circle in front of him to shoot the turkey at him to make it grow in size. You'll have to do this three times, and on the third feed, he will go into a food coma and you can use his belly as a trampoline.. You may get a roast chicken instead of a turkey, but you will want to feed it to him, nonetheless. Jumping straight up takes you to the next area.

You'll now be in the ventilation shafts. As you explore the paths, you'll be shooting switches to open and close air currents. Along the way, you'll want to be careful, as there will be enemies such as the green goblins and the flying black blobs. Thankfully, finding your ay around here isn't too terribly difficult, and as long as you shoot downwards while falling down long corridors, you won't get suddenly attacked by enemies. Be sure to go left as you make your way up to the exit, so you can get an extra life.

You'll now be in the kitchen. Shoot the switch above the oven door, then jump on the right edge of the mouse trap and shoot at the cheese. You'll be launched onto the countertop. Watch out for green goblins as you go left, and jump on the moving pot lid to go upwards. Head right and take out the goblins from there, then hover jump to the right with you gun. You will want to go as far to the right as possible so you can land on another pot lid. Face left and shot the hamburger patties so you can use them as platforms over the burner plates, then drop down. Go right and shoot the switch above the over door, then launch yourself back up with the mouse trap. Get on the pot lid on the far right, then make a running jump to the left where the wooden spoons are.

Wait for the wooden spoons to move into the background before moving between them, and run past the automatically moving butcher knife. Jump to the egg and shoot it from the left hand side. This will drop it into a pot below. Move past the spoons, and handle the demon dressed like a Roman gladiator with a trident the same way you dealt with the red demons in the hotel. Get to the toaster, shoot down the green gremlin above you, then shoot the switch above the toaster to get shot up to the platform above.

Make your way upwards, avoiding obstacles and shooting down gremlins as you go, and you will soon come across a bag of flour and another egg . Shoot the bag of flour and the egg downwards, then shoot them to the right when you reach the toaster so they both fall into the pot. Make your way back up.

From where the bag of flour and the second egg were, go right past the muffin to get some notes - hopefully while avoiding getting chopped up - then drop down to another bag of flour. Bring it down to the pot. From the second bag of flower, gun hover your way to the right and move past the spoon and butcher knife. Shoot down the two goblins, then jump onto the jar that says "Hot" and press Down. You'll enter it like a Mario pipe. Go down all the cans with a star above them to go into a complete loop while regaining health (if you need to), then go down all the cans that say "Tom" on them. You'll end up at the top. Gun hover to the left, go down on the "Fish" can and you'll be above the pantry.

There will be another egg above you. Shoot it to the right to immediately send it into the big pot below. If you keep going up and left, you'll enter another bonus area where you can get some health and notes, including the Indigo note, assuming you can jump to it.

From the top, gun hover to the right for more stuff. Be sure to get the extra life in the upper-right corner, then shoot the bag of flour you find in this area to the left. It will eventually fall into the big pot and create a mixture. If you jump into that big pot, you'll be launched all the way up and into the next area.

You'll then face the boss. Just stand in the center and keep shooting upwards at the boss' left shoulder. That's it. You've beaten the boss. The boss can cause an earthquake in addition to hurting you, but you'll get your keyboard player back in no time.

Level 4: Hellspital

Shoot down the nurses that comes at you and avoid their projectiles. If you can get them far enough away from you, use your power shot to destroy them instantly.

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - Part 3 of 5

Our magical adventures takes us underwater.

First | Previous | Next | End

In the third level, you'll be using the Control Pad in conjunction with the jump button, which you'll need to press repeatedly, to swim. You won't be able to attack while underwater, so your best bet is to avoid enemies at all costs, especially the small black sea urchins on the floors and ceilings.

If you see a wall of bubbles, there will be a clam nearby. Face away from the clam in order to get the clam to approach you. It will stop at the wall of bubbles and neutralize it.

You'll soon enter a cave. Climb underneath the blocks to continue. Watch out for the stuff that drops down from the ceiling, attack the starfish with your magic cloth, and use the geysers to reach higher areas.

Wait for the clams to close up before standing on them, and use them to avoid the cone-shaped rocks that act as spikes.

The blue card gives you temporary invincibility against enemies, and it will last only for a short time. If you can ride all the geysers to the other side near the end, you can get some health.

You'll soon have to use your magic to enter a sunken ship. Aside from the starfish, you'll have to dodge some tridents. Some will drop down when you get under them; others will drop down a tad sooner. You'll also have sawfish coming out of the floor. They are like swordfish, but their bills are saws. Hit them when they pop up, and go slowly when you hear them pop up.

You'll have to run across the narrow area near the end to avoid drowning in the water that fills the corridor up.

The boss here is a shark. The shark is harmless when you only see its fin, but when it surfaces and comes after you, that is when you want to attack and avoid. After a second pass where you can only see its fin, the shark will dive down, leap at you and then chase after you for a second again. You can hit it while it is in the air.

You'll then learn how to teleport to another box. When you head left after this, you'll be sucked out of the water and you'll end up in an over-sized library.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 5 of 8

In this entry, we finally get out of the hotel and head to the nearby restaurant. This game really isn't getting any easier.

Before we do that, we need to go back to the "twin mattress" room and grab the soap. From here, we need to jump on the mattresses, take the left door at the top and go back to the guy who throws sinks at you. You'll need to shoot the soap at him to get rid of him, then shoot the nearby generator until the switch on it goes all the way up. If the elevator cable winch below is moving, you've done it right. Go ahead and get out of this area; you've powered the elevators and the "out of order" signs will be gone.

From here, you can use the cauldrons to move to the last location in the teleport chain and finally bounce off that briefcase to the left and get the dance club pass. Enter the Disco-A-Go-Go. The bouncer will let you in. Move past him to the right.

You'll then face a boss. You'll have to jump off the dancers who are spinning off the dance floor and shoot at the stuck-up guy who follows you around from above. In order to do that, you'll have to aim upwards and destroy the disco balls first. Once you do that, you'll be able to float back and forth and shoot the boss in the head. Eventually, you'll defeat the boss and you'll free your lead singer, then you'll get another password.

Level 3: Diablo's Diner

You can leap into the fish tank in the beginning of the level. If you do that, you'll be floating around in the water. Use the ability to shoot downwards in the air to move yourself in the air, but watch out for sea urchins and others enemies that are in your way such as giant pearl-spitting clams and hermit crabs that shoot themselves upwards like missiles. If you need to, you can shoot the sea urchins to get them out of your way and open other areas of the fish tank. Sometimes, bubbles will shoot up from the ground and push you up, but they are few and far between. There is also a fairy you can collect at the end, although I do not know what it does.

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - Part 2 of 5

We head to the cliffs and the clouds for the next leg of our journey in the World of Illusion.

First | Next | End

When you approach the cliff, Mickey will try his new magic. When he says "Alakazam," press A, B or C. You'll produce a magic carpet.

From here, keep pressing C to stay afloat, and hold Left on the Control Pad to keep yourself from moving as fast, or advance further with Right. You cannot attack while flying, so avoid everything except the question mark bags. 

On the cliffs with the thunder and lightning, you'll need to keep moving to advance over a gap, and you'll need to attack to destroy the flame men.

In the next room, avoid the bouncing rock and hold the run button while making small hops to get to the other end.

From there, walk further on the bridge and stand on the third block to drop to the exit. You'll then be jumping from cloud platform to cloud platform. The cloud platforms with all the curves on them will break apart when you stand on them (the others don't), and the clouds with the faces will move forward. If you see birds, attack or avoid them before they attack you, and watch out for those tornadoes.

The cloud pianos produce notes as you move around, and the notes will sometimes turn into top hats that give you 1-Ups, candy for health or even cards.Sometimes, they will turn into bombs. The bombs damage you. Don't run into bombs.

The boss here is a statue with six blocks. When you approach the exit, the wheel will start turning, and one by one, the block that is on top will turn into a gray dragon that looks like Puff the Magic Dragon. Avoid the fireballs by jumping over them, then attack when they leap forward.

You'll then learn how to make a magic bubble. Interestingly, you activate it much like you did the magic carpet, and from here, you can use Left and Right on the Control Pad to move and press the jump button continuously to stay afloat. You'll then be using your magic to create a magic bubble immediately.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 4 of 8

There is a bit of stuff to do here...and this game isn't getting any easier.

So now that you're above ground level, you'll have to use the chandeliers to get yourself to higher floors. As you explore, you'll find cauldrons, and if you leap into them, you'll teleport to other parts of the hotel. Keep jumping into the cauldron to go through all the areas you can teleport to, and you'll find out that there is a briefcase you'll have to shoot to the right to get past a bramble wall. Do that, then use the chandeliers to get to the top.

There is a bonus area in the upper-right corner, but it is really hard to get to and I don't even attempt it because I can't get to it. Here, you can shoot a bunch of portraits for pick-ups and power-ups. Thankfully, there is an area to the left of that above a chandelier, and if you enter that one, you'll enter a brand new area.

To get around in this area, you'll have to hold the run area and jump between the two mattresses. There is also a bar of soap you can use as an item, but I leave it alone for now. As you do this, your jump gets higher and higher, and this will allow you to enter one of two doors. For best results, do not float with the gun; just keep jumping while holding the run button and you'll eventually get high enough to reach the doors.

The door on the left takes you a rooftop area where you will fight a guy throwing kitchen sinks at you in an area with brambles, elevator cables and a generator. Unfortunately, we have no idea how to deal with him yet, since the game is not very intuitive.

The door on the right leads to the Hotel Demonique sign and a load of treble clefs to collect, making it easier to get a 1-Up. Other than that, there's nothing else in that area.

From the chandelier, you can jump left to the other half of the higher floors. One of them is where the briefcase and the bramble wall is. Once the briefcase is far away enough from the bramble wall, you can shoot the briefcase off the edge of the platform and down to ground level. From there, you can take it to the check-in desk, position it carefully, and make it easier to jump to the ticket for the dance club. 

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 3 of 8

We're FINALLY out of the first level. Of course, that leads to another level where we need to figure a slew of new things out.

The final section of the first level is the River Styx. You have to shoot the fish down to get a coin, then suck up the coin and give it to Charon so you can get around on his paddle boat. Given that the fish jump out of the river at random points, it can be a pain in the butt, though it is possible to shoot a fish down so that the coin lands on Charon and Charon automatically takes it.

If you jump into the River Styx, it's instant death. So don't do it. More importantly, make sure you don't get knocked into it, either. If you die in any part of this section, you're starting the pedal boat ride over from the beginning.

You can get on platforms during the ride for notes and such, but I choose to stay on the paddle boat. It makes it easier to shoot down the fish. During the ride, the fish leap to the side rather than straight up, and if you shoot any down, they will drop a treble clef. 

Eventually, Charon will stop. When that happens, you'll have to get him another coin from the fish.

You'll eventually see one of your bandmates in a cage as well as an entrance to a hotel. Stay on the boat and keep riding it while fighting fish off until the screen fades to black. You'll get a cutscene where you free your band's saxophone player, then you'll get bonus points and a password. Welcome to the next level!

Sometimes, you can get a bonus level with a black and white spiral background and a ton of black blobs flying around. This happens if you get all the rainbow notes - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - from left to right. You'll have to survive for sixty seconds - with a timer at the bottom of the screen, and shoot down as many enemies as you can. 

Level 2: Hotel Demonique

The path of notes at the beginning are a place to leave something. Also, you can jump to the top of the check-in desk to get 

To take out the red demons with the guns, you'll have to use the power-up shot...from a distance. If he shoots at you, you're not far away enough. If you're too close, however, there is still a way to kill them. Keep shooting them with your normal rapid fire until they keep flashing white, then let go of the fire button and press it again after about half a second. If the red demon shakes, you did it right. Keep going with this pattern, and you'll eventually kill them.

By running on the red velvet seats that you see afterwards, you can get them to spin upwards if you're going in the right direction.

The ferns don't hurt you, but the gold pots with the brambles don't run into the brambles.

The chest acts as a trampoline, as does the briefcase on the floor. By shooting at the briefcase, you can move it to the right. If you move it to the right, jump off the table and onto the briefcase, you can jump onto the entrance of the "Disco-a-Go-Go" and bounce upwards to the next level, assuming the briefcase is positioned properly.

If you enter the Disco-a-Go-Go, you won't be able to do anything yet. As a matter of fact, the bouncer will bounce you out of the club.

You'll have to avoid the incense burning pots, as you cannot destroy them. However, if you hit them with a regular shot, you can briefly stun them.

By walking on the chandeliers with the brambles, you can walk your way to higher areas.

PrinceWatercress plays World of Illusion (Mickey's Path) - Part 1 of 5

After the success of Castle of Illusion, Disney and Sega went back to the Genesis and Mega Drive and to the Illusion universe.

Next | End

One night, Mickey and Donald were practicing for their big magic act. One of the magic tricks surprised Donald, and he fell backwards, tripping over some scenery. Behind the scenery was a mysterious magic box with a drawn curtain.

"Oh, Boy! If it works, we can use this in our magic act!" said Donald.

"Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea...." replied Mickey, noticing a strange glow behind the curtain.

But he was too late. Donald had already stepped inside. Poof! The curtain fluttered and Donald disappeared!

Mickey stepped inside to inspect the box and...Poof!, he disappeared too.

Booming laughter echoed as Mickey and Donald fell through the darkness, and an evil voice said, "You are good magicians in your world, but here in my world of magic, you'll have to learn many more tricks to find your way home. If you can find and defeat me, I will show you a way out of this magic box."

At the main menu, you can choose between Mickey and Donald, and you can also input a password, check out the sound test and even change the controls between four different configuration. I will be using Control Type 1. Left and Right let you move around, A lets you run when held down, B lets you attack and C lets you jump. Also, holding Down and pressing C lets you crawl. Honestly, I wish you could double tap Left or Right to run rather than hold a button down, as it is more awkward on one of Sega's controllers from that era as opposed to the NES or Super NES controllers to hold down a button to do that, and it forces you to use two fingers.

You'll start in the forest. Attack the guards when they charge at you, and make sure your magic cloth touches them completely. If the sparkles touch them, they will simply stun them, but it will help defeat them or other enemies if you can't get close enough. When the leaf enemies wake up, hit them, too.

If you crawl under the branch at the start by holding Down and pressing C (under default controls), you'll get the question mark bag that you can't normally get. These bags contain either a card you can grab to get closer to a 1-Up, a piece of candy that refills one hit or a cake that refills all your hits. In this case, it's the cake. You start with five hit points, but you can go all the way up to eight, and if you lose all your hits, you'll lose a life, or as the game calls it, a try.

The mosquitoes will dive at you when close enough. Hit them or avoid them as they dive.

The log seesaws will launch you into the air when you jump on the high end.

Enemies will spawn behind you sometimes. Watch your back.

The tulips will launch you into the air, and orange flowers will spawn multiple leaf platforms if you jump on them enough times.

If you take the low road, you'll find fireworks in a bag. Fireworks will clear out all on-screen enemies, and your character will react to them in delight. Sadly, you won't see them very often.

You'll soon enter a cave. Go up at the start for one unit of health, and avoid the holes in the web platforms, as you will fall straight down into a bottomless pit with no way to control your character.

The spiders near the web walls act much like the block snakes from [i]Super Mario World[/i], as its web trail is like a moving platform that you can take to get to the other side. Thankfully, the spider producing it does not hurt you.

The boss here is a giant spider. It just moves around. When its back is visible, hit it with the cloth. If you see its underside, wait for it to leave the screen before attacking again. Interestingly, this boss doesn't attack you; he just moves around. After six hits, you'll beat the boss and get the ability to produce and ride a flying carpet.

In the next level, when you approach the cliff, Mickey will try his new magic. When he extends his arms and says "Alakazam," press A, B or C. You'll produce a magic carpet.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Johnny Bazookatone - Part 2 of 8

You'd think we'd be out of the first level by now. Nope.

This next section is one long vertical climb. Go all the way to the right at the start to get a gold star if you need health.

There will be fall-away floors, and if you have to backtrack, remember to make a running jump, then hold down and forward while holding X to shoot-float your way on over to the other side.

Different colored keys - black, red, and gold - unlock different colored doors. To grab one, walk up to it and press Circle to suck it up. If it goes into Johnny's guitar gun, you've done it right. To unlock a door, just press Circle to spit the key back out when standing in front of a door. If it opens up when the key hits the door, you've done it right and you've used the right key in the process.

Jump onto the stairs in order to walk up them.

The black spheres are perhaps the worst enemy in this section, as it shoots multiple smaller clones of itself out of its own body. Thankfully, you can get rid of them easily by off-screening them. If you can shoot them down, however, you can get yourself some notes.

The mattresses can be used as trampolines, and the height you get from jumping off of them is directly proportional from how high you drop down from before successfully landing on the mattress.

At the top, there is a ten ton weight. You will have to jump onto it for the last of the notes in this section, then leap into the rope holding the weight itself to get the rope to break, dropping the weight downwards and breaking a hole in the floor, sending you into the next section.