
Monday, November 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 5 of 5

Stage 5 is without a doubt the hardest stage in the game. You'll have to work to get to The Joker and take him down once and for all.

Stage 5

Here we are: the cathedral. Be ready to deal with gears, a ton of enemies, tough jumps and even a little bit of slowdown.

At a few points, you'll have to drop down at the edge of a platform, then leap off the side of the platform to get somewhere. If the last stage wasn't a true enough test of holding the Control Pad towards the wall behind you as you fall so you wall jump forward off of it to get to some area unscathed, this stage will be. 

The first boss is Firebug. Stay all the way to the left and throw Batarangs. He will jump around and throw fireballs, but you can easily jump over all the fireballs and you won't have to deal with his punches and kicks. As soon as you see him throw the fireball, you want to hold A to make the highest jump you can. This will take a while to get the timing down, but it can be accomplished.

After this, you'll get one more cutscene with The Joker, then you'll fight The Joker. Get close and punch him, and step back a bit to avoid the lighting strikes he summons when he raises his hand. If he shoots, jump over the bullet. Do not crouch, because you will get hit and you will lose three units of health, which is more damage than anything else in the game deals. He will shoot up to three bullets on either side of the screen before running to the other side; if he runs to the other side before the third bullet, there is a chance that he will shoot at you again as soon as he turns around. If you keep punching him while he summons the lightning (which he sometimes does twice), he won't be able to hurt you when he charges at you (which is true of any enemy; if you keep hitting them, they can't damage you while they're flashing).

If you lose all your lives during the boss battles, you'll have to do all of Stage 5 over again...all the platforming...all the get back to The Joker. That hurts.

There is an alternate strategy (sort of). For best results, jump towards The Joker and punch when he moves his hand back before summoning the lightning, then keep punching him while in a crouching state. If he runs to the other side, follow him immediately. It is better to take damage from touching The Joker himself than from being shot by him.

You'll eventually beat The Joker, then you'll get the ending. You've beaten Batman on NES!

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 4 of 5

This is the point where the game throws a whole lot of obstacles at you as well as a roll call of enemies you've seen throughout the game. Also, in case it still hasn't been mentioned yet, this is a good-looking game.

Stage 4

Gotta love the monitors with The Joker on them. Sunsoft really knew how to do graphics on the NES at times.

The floors made out of rotating ears are like spikes, so you want to stay above them on the platforms. You'll also see them on ceilings, sometimes above sets of spinning gears on floor, so you'll have to be careful with your jumps at times.

To get past the last two jumps over the gear spikes, you have to jump to the corner of the gray wall, then leap off that wall to the right. You'll be right on the corner, and you'll have to hold the jump button to clear it. Never mind the fact that the first jump has a drone dropper on the ceiling, you'll still be able to make it. Just watch out for those three blue spike robots when you're at this point and be ready to punch them all or hit them all with the Batarang.

The orange robots can destroyed, but you're better off avoiding them as well as the nearby electric barriers that zap in and out from time to time. Also, you have a flame pit and small, square-shaped conveyor belt platforms in the third section. Oh, my.

The two tanks in the third section can be destroyed. Get on the step to the left of them, shoot at them with the gun and duck when they are about to shoot.

There are very few new enemies in Stage 4, and the majority of them are going to be enemies you've seen before.

The fourth boss is the Dual-Container Alarm. For this one, stay to the far left, face right and keep crouch-punching so that when the cubes come your way, they can't damage you. You may take damage. That's all right. 

Both boxes have individual health bars, and if one box gets destroyed, the other one speeds up, changes form to have a red circle in the center and shoots fireballs across the room. Stay where you are and don't jump so the three pairs of fireballs that go across the screen don't hurt you. Even though those fireballs will touch Batman's feet, they won't hurt him. Apparently his feet are not part of his hitbox. When the cube moves away, throw shurikens. When it moves forward, get back. Repeat until it dies.

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 8 of 18

In this entry, we do a little exploring in the weird and wacky town of Falderal.

If you go into the china shop, you will meet a bull in a china shop, who is the proprietor. If you talk to him, you will find out his name is Fernando and that his treasure - a china bird named Treasure - has just suddenly disappeared. If you talk to him again, he says that anybody in town could have taken Treasure. If you talk to him a third time, he says Treasure was taken a few days ago and that Treasure is afraid of anyone but him.

If you click on anything in the display cases, Valanice will note how fragile everything under display. If you click on Treasure's cage, Fernando will tell you that Treasure was taken right under his nose.

There is also a mask here, but you won't be able to get it yet. There is nothing else you can do here.

When you leave the China Shop, Chicken Little will show up again and make a big deal about the sky falling before giving Valanice a hard time. If you talk to Chicken Little, she will start running around again.

If you click on the note on the door of Town Hall, you will learn that it is closed and that the Archduke's birthday party and masquerade ball will be taking place there later on.

The black bird sitting in the nest in the nearby tree is a mockingbird. If you talk to the mockingbird, he will mock you. Amazingly, the mockingbird has a lot of lines if you keep clicking on him.

If you talk to this salesman, he will try to sell you the most useless things imaginable, such as a gullibility potion that will make you believe anything. Valanice won't buy anything what he is selling.

Near the salesman is the faux shop. If you click on the sign, you will find out that it is indeed a shop that is filled with synthetic, false and unnatural treasures. If you click on the note, you will learn the proprietor is busy uncrating a pack of lies and will ask you to come back soon.

Near the salesman is a caged bird. It's Treasure! If you have not talked to Fernando yet, Treasure will not trust you, but if you have, she will, and you'll be able to carry her in your inventory. From there, head back to the china shop and give Treasure (called the China Bird in the inventory) back to Fernando. Fernando will thank you and give you the mask for your efforts, then leave. 

When you leave the china shop, you will see a guard allow two masked guests into the town hall. Now is the time to go in, now that you have the mask. If you don't have the mask on when you click on the door, the guard will turn you away.

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 3 of 5

In this stage, we face rotating blades and tanks before taking on The Electrocutioner, one of the more annoying bosses in the game.

Stage 3

The big jumping guy can be easily passed by, but in case you can't get him out of your hair, be ready to throw Batarangs at him. If you pay attention, you can tell where he's going to land when he jumps. You may have to fight these guys, so be ready.

The second to last big jumping guy can be killed with the gun if you just get him on-screen and don't move any further forward.

The rotating blades on some walls and ceilings will hurt you if you run into them.

The second area has you dropping down for a bit before making your way up to the exit to the third section. Watch where you leap...where you land might hurt you. 

The tanks in the third section will shoot fireballs downwards. Shoot at them with the gun. You can farm for power-ups and whatnot near where the first tank is with the spike tanks. For the second tank, go all the way to the left edge of the cliff and duck down between jump shots. For the third tank, just hang out near the wall below the tank.

The green turrets on the ceilings will drop bombs that go after you.

The gears on the pipe wall will damage you if you touch them, so try not to jump into them.

The boss here is The Electrocutioner. He will jump to the left and slash, then throw huge energy blasts to the left and right. He will also jump not only straight up, but also to the other side of the room. You will want to stay on the two platforms above and stay close, but not too close. Shoot at him with the gun, and when he jumps towards you, jump away from him and wall jump back to the platform. If you have a lot of ammo and you can keep the pattern going, you can beat him. If you run out of ammo, you'll have to position yourself just right so that you can punch The Electrocutioner in the head as he jumps around.

Basically, it works like this. Get on the left platform at the start of the battle and wait for the boss to unsheathe his weapon. Do not attack him immediately at the start of the battle or else it will not end well. When he jumps at you, jump to the left wall, then get back on the platform. Move to the right edge of the platform, face left, duck down and shoot The Electrocutioner with the gun when he jumps straight up. From there, jump to the right platform, make your way to the right edge, jump to the wall when he jumps at you, then wall back to the platform. Stay on the center of the platform, face right, and duck down. When The Electrocutioner jumps straight up, shoot him with the gun from a ducking position. From there, go back to the left platform. Repeat the sequence. The timing will take some getting used to, as well as some trial and error, and while this battle will be a bit long in the tooth if you can keep this movement pattern going, this battle can be won.

After another cutscene with The Joker, you'll be in Stage 4.

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 7 of 18

Chapter 3 begins with a journey through the forest and into the wackiest place we've seen in the entire King's Quest series.

From here, continue towards the forest. You'll be in a brand new area. When you arrive, there bridge will be broken and the river will be completely dry. If you click on the flowers on the upper-right corner, Valanice will notice they smell heavenly. You can also interact with the statue nearby to get Valanice to look at it, and you can also do the same with the bridge.

You can try to cross the river, but if you do, you will learn it is very deep mud and Valanice will sink. YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DO THIS.

Heading west from here will take you to a big tree where a stag sleeps. The stag will get up and tell you to turn back, as the woods have now been cursed and nobody is safe. By talking to the stag, Valanice will start a conversation with it. You will learn that the stag's name is Attus, Lord of the Hunt, and that the tree he is sleeping in front of is his wife Ceres, who has been turned into a tree much like he has been turned into a stag. He says only a noble from the high court of Etheria could be able to do it, but it is unthinkable. Before Valanice leaves, he tells her about the woods of the unfriendly, hungry were-folk to the west, and advises her not to go there.

If you click on Attus again, he tells you that there may be something to break the spell, and that Feldspar the rock spirit would be able to help you if he were only awake. He also tells you that he becomes more and more like a stag with each passing day and that he is losing his humanity.

If you look at the tree, you will notice that there is a stake jammed into it, causing some sort of sap to stream out. Attus will tell you that the same entity who turned Ceres into a tree also may have done this, and fears that Ceres may die of that wound. If you click on it again, Valanice will try to remove the stake, but fail. Attus will tell you that the stake is the darkest of evil magic, and that he is not sure if anyone can remove it. He also feels that the woods will die if Ceres dies.

To the west is a fork in the road. If you go further west, you will be in the woods of the were-folk, and if you encounter the beast there by trying to go further west, YOU WILL DIE. Go north instead.

There will be a spiderweb with a trapped hummingbird into the distance. To get there, you will have to click on the rocks in the river to get over the mud. There, you will meet a giant red spider who plans on eating the hummingbird and also sounds like Peter Lorre (or Ziggy from Laura Bow: The Dagger of Amon Ra, if you prefer). If you click on the hummingbird, it will tell you the spider's venomous poison is deadly. If you click on the hummingbird again, THE SPIDER WILL BITE YOU AND YOU WILL DIE.

Instead, use the basket on the spider. This will knock the spider off his web, and Valanice will toss the basket in the bushes. Click on the hummingbird, and the hummingbird will be free while the spider web disappears. After offering you help in the future, the hummingbird will leave.

If you go east from here, you will be on the other side of the river. Going east will take you to Feldspar, while going south takes you to the other side of the bridge.

The snoring rock face is Feldspar. Sadly, you won't be able to wake him up yet. Going to the south from Feldspar will also take you to the other end of the river.

Head back to where the spider web was and go north. You will come across the giant wall with an even bigger door. When you approach, the peephole on the giant purple door is opened, and asks for Valanice's identity. The guard tells Valanice that he will only let her enter if she brings him the Holy One-Ton Tomato of Antioch. Valanice says there is no such thing, and the guard makes it pretty obvious that it doesn't.

Now, you could try to do that - or knock on the big purple door - and go absolutely nowhere, or you could go through the tiny red door next to where the big purple one is. The guard will see you do this and tell you there is a giant rabid chicken on the other side, but Valanice tells him he will take her chances. Valanice will enter, anyway, and the guard says the Archduke will hear of this.

When you enter Falderal, you will meet a poodle in a pink suit. This is Archdude Fifi le Yip Yap, and he tells you that you have no business in Falderal. If you talk to Falderal, he will refuse to listen to you. Use the Golden Comb on the Archduke, and Valanice will cry her eyes out before telling him about Rosella. The Archduke will start crying his eyes out before telling you to "take the faux shop with a grain of salt." He then hopes Valanice finds Rosella, then heads back to Town Hall as Chicken Little shows up screaming that the sky is falling. Fifi tells Valanice to pay Chicken Little no mind.

If you head east, you'll see Chicken Little screaming about the sky falling in front of a booth, and someone will try to sell her some glue. Chicken Little asks why nobody listens to her, and the vendor says that she is not getting their attention before trying to sell a shillelagh to hit other people with. Chicken Little runs away after this.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 2 of 5

It's now time to head into the Axis Chemical Factory. Interestingly, you don't face Jack Napier here; you fight an advanced security system. This game loves throwing out-of-the-ordinary as well as obscure characters into the action as bosses.

Stage 2

The stage starts with the Batmobile shooting a hole into a metal door to allow the Batmobile in. Once Batman is inside, it's time to get into the Axis Chemical Factory.

The green guys with the claws will stop to slash at you if you're close enough. Be ready to punch them multiple times so they don't do that. 

Your jumping skills will soon be put to the test. Watch out for the acid droplets that drop from the ceilings and the underside of some platforms; they will hurt you.

The wires with the electricity coursing through them will zap you if you touch them.

To perform a wall jump, jump into a wall, and when you run into a wall, hold forward and press A again. You'll leap off the wall in the other direction, and by switching directions and remembering to jump towards the wall to do the wall jump, you can get to higher places. You can also hold the Control Pad towards a wall behind you and leap off of it at times. A light tap of the A will give a short hop, while pressing or holding the button gives you a big leap.

The machines with the tridents on them will extend their tridents out a little bit if you get close enough. Prepare to learn how to wall jump...and fast.

The conveyor belts will move Batman around, and the circular saw blades on the walls, floors and ceilings will hurt you if you touch them.

To drop down the shaft with the walls laden with circular saw blades, walk off the edge. Otherwise, you're taking damage.

The area near the end with the two human enemies is a great place to farm on ammo and health, provided you are paying attention to what you are doing.

The second boss is the Machine Intelligence System of the Axis Chemical Factory. Switch to the gun and shoot at the twin turret directly across from where Batman starts. Duck every time you shoot. The upper turret fires twice, followed by the lower turret always firing twice before the pattern repeats. From there, move to the upper conveyor belt and shoot at the blue light on the left wall with Batarangs. When you destroy that, the electric barrier near the last part will go down. Avoid the last part's three way shot and attack the blue light when it opens up. To do that, you'll have to get close - but not too close - and punch the blue light. Duck to avoid the three-way shot. If you don't take any damage, you're in the right position. This one's over.

You'll then see a cutscene with The Joker, then you'll be in the sewers.

PrinceWatercress plays Batman (NES) - Part 1 of 5

I can't believe I played this. Part of me still finds it unbelievable that I beat this one.

This game is pretty short but pretty hard. Like in the movie, you have to stop The Joker from terrorizing Gotham City. However, the game takes liberties with the story of the movie, and as a result, you meet enemies - and bosses - who are not in the movie.

Left and Right allow you to move, Down lets you crouch, A lets you jump, B lets you attack/shoot, Select lets you pause the game, and Start lets you switch between your fists, the Batarangs, and a gun. If you hold A while jumping, you'll be able to glide. If you press A while jumping towards a wall, you'll be able to perform a wall jump.

The game begins with Batman coming out of the Batmobile. He then drops down when you reach the gameplay screen (Why? I dunno), and then you'll have control of Batman.

Stage 1

When you beat up enemies, you may get little blue squares. The B squares are bonus points, the missile squares give you ammunition for your weapons, and the heart will restore one unit of health. Your health is on the upper-left corner of the screen.

The guys running at you can easily be punched. The blue, spike tank-like enemies can be easily jumped over, but if you're on their level, they get faster, like that one enemy in the Mega Man series.

Wait for the flamethrower guys to stop shooting fire before walking up to them and hitting them.

Wait for the orange guys who stand still and fire to shoot their bullets, then jump over their bullets and hit them.

The blue mines will move towards you when you get close enough, then explode. Be ready to jump over them once you get next to them 

The jetpack enemies can be taken out with one or two Batarangs, but you can easily hit them with punches if they stop in front of you.

The ninja who leans on the background wall can easily be punched to death or pelted with Batarangs as long as you don't walk past him and don't keep him on-screen for too long. Otherwise, he attacks.

The boss here is Flame Moth. Equip the Batarang, then stay on the left or right side of the screen to avoid his dive and spread shot attacks. When he dives at you and gets close, hit him.

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 6 of 18

We turn back into a human again, but now we need to get out of here and get away from Malicia before we can get out of the Vulcanix Underground.

From here, head back to the crystal dragon. You can click on the dragon a few times, but Rosella will not be able to grab a scale with her bare hands or wake her up. Use the hammer and chisel on her tail to get the crystal dragon scale. This time around, she will be sleeping instead of snoring. You now have all the ingredients necessary to change back into a human! Go see Mathilda in the center of the Vulcanix Underground!

In earlier versions of the game, you had to wait for the tail to stop moving around before getting the crystal scale, or else you would get crushed, killing Rosella. This was removed in Version 2.0.

Take one of the ingredients from the inventory and click on Mathilda with it to get the handing off of the ingredients started, then give her the rest. Rosella's head will turn invisible, but then Mathilda remembers that a troll hair is needed. She plucks one of her own hairs out and places it in the concoction, then Rosella transforms again, this time into a human. Upon becoming a human again, Rosella notices that the silver spoon has melted, and she will keep it as a momento. It will be in the inventory as the Silver Pellet.

All of a sudden, King Otar will suddenly teleport into the room and will be stunned not only by her intelligence, but also her beauty, courage and joi de vivre. Suddenly, Malicia teleports into the area and finally notices Rosella, getting angry at her for supposedly distracting King Otar. Rosella confronts her, but Malicia teleports behind her and teleports her back into the bedroom, much to the protest of King Otar. Upon being returned to the bedroom, the door is heard locking. It looks like Rosella won't be leaving that way. Malicia then tells Rosella that she will be back to take care of her before she knows it, then her evil laughter echoes across the room.

The eyes in the picture of King Otar on the wall now have smoke coming out of them. There could be a way out of here from there, but how do we get there?

If you look at the mirror, Rosella will admire her human form. If you click on the door, you will find out it is indeed locked.

If you look at the portrait of King Otar on the wall, you'll notice smoking coming out, and so will Rosella. This will be your way out.

First things first: if you take too long to get out of the bedroom, YOU WILL DIE. So don't do that. Instead, you will need to use the assorted footstools. Click on the big stool first and place it underneath the portrait, then take the green stool and place it on the big wooden. Finally, place the pillow on the floor on top of the green stool. Click on the makeshift ladder, and you'll be able to move the portrait and get into a crawlspace that Rosella can amazingly fit through. Turns out, it's a ventilation duct.

If you set the pile of footstools up any other way, they will tumble over when Rosella gets on them.

When Rosella climbs into the seemingly convenient ventilation duct, she will overhear a discussion between Malicia and King Otar in another nearby room. Malicia will tell Otar that he will dispose of him if he keeps getting involved with Rosella, then asks him if he was learned to work the volcano mechanism yet. Otar asks if what they are doing is necessary and says it could harm the land of Eldritch, but Malicia obviously does not care and is doing it solely to destroy Etheria. She then leaves, and a confused Otar doesn't know exactly what to do about whatever situation he appears to be in. He also says that he does not know what is right or what is real, and wishes that he could remember something.

Rosella, knowing what Malicia is planning to do to the land, crawls through the shaft and ends up in the central area of the Vulcanix Underground in front of the throne. When she lands on the ground, something green pops up out of the floor. Go grab it. If you look at it, you will learn it is a dragon toad: a toad with dragon-like features.

Head back to the bedroom. You will overhear Mathilda confronting Malicia over King Otar. Malicia tells Mathilda that what she has in store for Otar is none of her business, that her old nerves couldn't take it and that it is much nicer that what she has in store for Mathilda. Mathilda comes out of the bedroom, then heads back to the chair and table after telling Mathilda she is not scared of her (and getting zapped afterwards). She also wraps herself in a blanket.

If you talk to Mathilda afterwards, she will tell you that she will do anything to find out what Malicia has done to King Otar. She also tells you it is hopeless to deal with Malicia, as she is far too powerful. From here, give her the Dragon Toad. She will tell you that the Dragon Toad was Otar's magical guardian who watched over him and would have the power to run home in case something happened to him. She says that it has been dormant for years, and after using some magcical powder on it, the Dragon Toad will tell you that Otar has been imprisoned far away in the land of Ooga-Booga, and Mathilda comes to the conclusion that the Otar we have seen is an imposter.

Rosella then tells Mathilda and the fake Otar's plan to make a volcano erupt. Mathilda will mention that the Vulcanix Underground is one big volcano, and that the trolls have been its keepers for 100 generations. If Malicia were to make the volcano erupt, Eldritch would blow up. She tells you to find the real King Otar, as he is the one with the knowledge to shut the volcano down, then hands you the magic rope to use with the elevator to get to Ooga Booga above ground.

After that, Malicia will re-appear and begin looking for Rosella. As this happens, a bat will fly around and mess with Malicia, who admits her hatred for vermin as well as her desire to get rid of every bat, rat and snake in the world by making them all explode at once.

From this point, head towards the lift. Malicia will appear before you can escape. Before she can find you, use the toy rat on Malicia. This will cause her to freak out and disappear. From here, you can now head to the lift and use the magic rope on it. As Rosella makes her way up, the lift suddenly becomes unstable. This ends Chapter 2.

Chapter 3: "The sky is falling!"

When we last left off, Valanice had made her way out of the seemingly endless desert that she ended up in while attempting to follow Rosella. All of a sudden, she came face-to-face with a giant lizard!

At the start of the chapter, take the prickly pair from the inventory and click on the lizard. This will cause the lizard to eat the prickly pair from your hand and go back into the hole in the wall. It won't be bothering you again. Thankfully, you can go back into the desert and get it if you haven't gotten it yet.

Friday, November 27, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Astal - Part 5 of 5

It's time for the final battle with Jerado, and we'll have to overcome a slew of challenges in order to get to that point before it can happen.

The Plains of Destiny

You'll be dealing with Jerado's forces as you cross this long desert, but the main enemy you'll be taking on is the huge centipedes that move back and forth. Be sure its jaw doesn't touch you as you approach its body. You'll have to go back and forth with them in order to get past the first one, and the trick is doing that without either touching or getting crushed by the legs. Walking instead of dashing while you're under them works best here. When you have an out, for of it.

The second insect will stand in place and stomp their numerous feet. The ones that twitch are the ones that are going to hit the ground, so stand under one that doesn't, then dash to the nearest, non-moving foot. These are the easier of the two.

That centipede isn't going to have it, and it will chase after you. Run to the right, and when you reach the green jumping gem creatures, hide behind the rock in the background. A huge gem will collide into the ground, wiping not only the rock out so you don't get killed but also the worm that's chasing after you.

From here, take cover against the gems. Turns out, Geist has arrived, and he knows you're getting close. His gems are dark matter, and he'll toss them at you in an attempt to get rid of you once and for all. Hide behind the small rock formations that jut out of the ground to keep from getting hit. 

If you can get on top of the platform under the fruit in time, you'll be able to grab it in case you've taken damage from Geist's assault. When you make it to the end, Geist will disappear and you'll enter the next level.

Destiny Unfolds


Astal finally meets Geist. Geist explains that all of the bosses were actually parts of Jerado's body. By destroying them, Astal only made Jerado stronger instead of destroying him. Now that Jerado is reborn, Geist can finally do away with Astal and help Jerado take over Quartilia.

Geist's dark matter blasts will take up one of the two halves of the screen. Watch where each shot goes, and stay away from that area.

When Geist snaps his fingers, he'll summon orbs.

The two orbs shoot out bolts of lightning between each other a few times before coming straight at you. They then return to Geist, who kicks them at you (which he does with the orbs if you can't get to him in time).

The triad of orbs that revolve in a circle shoot down a prism of light before returning to Geist, who will then kick them at you.

The four orbs shoot lightning straight down towards the platform a few times before returning to Geist.

When Geist appears at one of the two sides of the platform, run up to him and grab him to throw him. This is how you're going to damage him. If you can't reach him, go ahead and use your breath attack on him.

After two hits, Geist becomes infuriated. The platform will rise towards the sky and towards Jerado's fortress. The platform also starts rocking back and forth.

When Geist flies right above you, he does a kick that drives his foot straight towards the platform. If you can get to him in time, you can hit him with a mid-air smash attack if you can time it right.

When he appears in the background and snaps his fingers here, he'll send five orbs out that surround you in a semi-circle. You can run past them and straight towards Geist to do some damage, but you'd better be ready to smash and/or grab some of the orbs to keep from swapping hits!

When you beat Geist, he'll teleport to the castle.

In the following cutscene, Jerado destroys Geist after getting angry with his inability to destroy Astal. He then kidnaps the bird and tries to destroy Astal, but Astal fights back and frees the bird.

The Fight For The Future

Jerado's first attack is to send crystal dragons after you. Jump over them and press B to extend your hangtime just enough the mid-air smash attack.

Whenever Jerado throws a crystal towards you, it will land on the ground and spawn a tree. Grab it and throw it at Jerado when he's visible in the background to damage him. Wait for him to appear on the same third of the screen as you are, so you won't have to carry it and get hit by one of Jerado's many dragons. Sometimes, it will turn into a rock, which you can't pick up. You have to wait for the crystal to turn into a tree to attack him. If you can stay in the center and pick up the tree from there, hitting him with the trees will be very, very simple.

After two hits, he'll appear right in front of you and try to punch you. If you can move out of the way and grab his hand, you'll throw him to the side and do some more damage. You can also hit his fist with the mid-air smash, but you'll have to pretty crafty to do that. It's still worth it just to see the wince of pain in Jerado's face.

Once you beat the game, it's all over. The bird transforms into Leda (whodathunkit?), and Antowas congratulates Astal by handing the world over to him and Leda, and giving them the power of creation. Her last command: bring happiness to the world of Quartilia.

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 5 of 18

The real work begins. It's time to put the plan into action and get those ingredients for the spell to turn back into a human again.

Take the doorway to the upper-right. Here, you will meet the cook. As the cook makes a meal fit for a troll - and dumps a fly he kills with his hands in the stew - he notices Rosella and throws her out of the kitchen.

Go back into the kitchen and use the toy rat on the cook. The toy rat will race around the room and send the cook flying into the room in the back before returning to Rosella. Now the cook won't be able to bother you again.

If you click on the stew, Rosella won't think highly of it. If you click on the oven, Rosella will think that they could cook a moose in there, and the sound of a moose plays afterwards.

There are two bowls on the shelves. Be sure to look at the bowl you pick up with the eye, as it is possible to pick up a bronze bowl by mistake. If the bottom of the bowl says "16K GOLD," you got the gold bowl, which should be on the bottom shelf. Next to the shelf with the two bowls is a baked beetle dispenser. Click on it, and Rosella will get some baked beetles out of the dispenser. Sadly, you will have to look elsewhere for a silver spoon.

You can click on the door that the cook is trapped behind, but Rosella will refuse to let him out.

If you go back to the hot springs, two troll women will be at the springs instead of two men. These two women are the wives of the two men at the springs you talked to earlier. One of them mentions that she puts a lump of wet sulfur in the fireplace to send herself to sleep so that she does not have to hear her husband snoring. She also mentions that she sleeps so soundly that her husband has to wake her with a flower under the nose, which trolls think is "nasty and smelly." Remember these two things for later. If you talk to the two women, they will recognize you as King Otar's bride and focus on that rather than tell you anything about Malicia.

Leave the hot springs and enter the area to the lower-left. You'll be in the blacksmith's area. If you talk to the guy on the right, he will try to hit on Rosella. Rosella uses his unwanted engagement to King Otar against him to get him to leave him alone, but he still kisses her anyway.

There is a bucket of water that you can interact with it, but you can't do anything with it yet. You can interact with the tools, but the guy won't let you borrow the tongs and will still try to hit on you.

If you talk to the guy on the left, he will be pleased to see you in a more polite way than others as he does not like the company of other trolls. He introduces himself as Oppy Goldsworth, master jeweler, and says that he would do anything to leave the Vulcanix Underground, make a name for himself and even become court jeweler of Etheria. The only reason he can't is because he has no money and all he has to his name is an old chipped hammer and chisel. 

From the smithy's area, head into the opening to the north. Rosella will notice it smells like rotten eggs when you enter. There will be sulfur on the other side, but you have to jump onto platforms on a cavern to get there. There will be a lantern to the north, which you will want to take, and there is also "water of emerald" in the stalagmite craters on the ground, which you will want to scoop up with the gold bowl as one of the ingredients. Sadly, you cannot light the torch without an external flame.

To get across the chasm, you will want to jump to the lower platform and then jump to the cliff by clicking on the ground in those areas with the jewel of the wand cursor clearly on them. If you aren't very accurate, or if you take any other path, YOU WILL DIE. From here, you can click on the sulfur to take it, and then you can take the same path you jumped here from to get back and exit.

When you return to the smithy's forge, you will notice the smithy pouring hot metal into a mold in the shape of a spoon before going back to work. If you click on it, the smithy will tell you about the mold and how the metal cools down inside to give him a spoon. He will not give it to you, so you'll have to get it through some other means.

If you use the lantern on the fire to put it in the lantern. If you look at the lantern with the eye now, it will be called "Lantern with spark." Go back to the dragon, and use the lantern on her. You will give her a spark to brighten up her spirits. She will allow you to take one of the gems she is guarding, then she will allow you to take a crystal scale when she comes back before flying up into the opening in the sky. Gotta love that mid-1990s 3D on the dragon; there wasn't much like it in the series or in general at the time.

Head back to the blacksmith's and the gem over to Oppy. He will now have the money to strike out on his own now that you have given him the gem, and he will hand you the hammer and chisel in exchange before he leaves. Now it's time to get the silver spoon.

This is where the wet sulfur comes on. Take the wet sulfur from the inventory and place it in the fire, and when the smithy gets close to the fire, he will be put to sleep by the smoke of the sulfur in a rather hilarious in-game animation. If you click on the smithy, you'll get another hilarious moment. At least the seventh game's version of Rosella has more sass than Tab.

Grab the tongs from the wall, then click on the casting mold. From there, click on the bucket of water, and the spoon will be cooled down. From there, put the tongs back on the wall, since the game will not let you put them in your inventory.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Astal - Part 4 of 5

Welcome to ice physics, zoomed-out cameras and the one time in one-player mode where you play as the bird.

Glacial Rift

This is the first level in which you'll face the jumping gem monsters one-on-one without the aid of a giant turtle that swims across water. Thankfully, they're not any harder than any of the other normal enemies that you've had to face throughout the game. If you blow on them with your breath attack, their bodies just spin around, leaving them stunned.

The avalanches of snow that fall every few seconds in parts of the level don't hurt you, but they freeze you in place temporarily. This can be a bad thing if there are enemies nearby. Interestingly, if any enemies get hit by the snow, they'll be frozen for a second or two before they shatter.

There are also icy floors, and yes, they do have ice physics.

The rock beetles will come at you whenever you're close to them. They're pretty fast, and you'll spend more time jumping over them than trying to destroy them (which is possible). If you pound the ground, however, it will get rid of 

The Crystal Palace

You'll meet green variations of the normal flying enemies and the gem soldiers from the very first level here, but they're not any different. The green variations of the normal flying enemies still divebomb towards you when you're in range like the red versions do, though.

The spikes hurt you when you touch them. You'll be able to get past them with the numerous platforms in this stage. Speaking of which, the light blue ones topple when you stand on them. Use their momentum to get to the next platform!

The huge collapsing platforms shortly after the beginning are really hard to cross, but if you know what you're doing and you can make it to the other side without having to deal with everything at the bottom and making your forward from down there (which isn't any harder), that's great.

In case you haven't noticed it already, the mosquito-like enemies dart down at you when you're under them. They have to be close enough to you for that to happen, though, so there is a gap in their vertical tracking abilities.

Your next obstacle are the large icicles that go up and down. Time your movements to get past each one, and watch out for those flying creatures with the huge hands. Believe it or not, if you jump up and hit the icicles, you can stop them for a few seconds, giving you time to cross.

Use the Yellow Gem near the end to get the bird to kick the icicles off the ceiling and into the lava, so you can use them as platforms.


For this boss, you'll be playing as the bird. Astal will be frozen into a crystal, and a disgusting creature will hold him hostage in said crystal.

Your health bar will be on the bottom right instead of the bottom left, since you're playing as the bird. Take a minute to get used to the flying controls for the bird and get used to flying around, dashing and attacking. The bird has the same commands as Astal, even though you the divebomb you have for the dash attack actually hits instead of grabs. The bird has a multiple-hit combo that you can use simply by whacking the enemy multiple times. The bird isn't that bad of a fighter after all!

Once you deplete some energy off the boss's health once, the boss will finally start fighting back. He'll swing to the other side, and if you can catch up with him with that dash attack of yours and hit him in the eye, that'll be some more easy damage that you can tack on. Wait for the boss to hop backwards before hitting him for the first two hits.

After two hits, the boss will start spinning around like a tornado. Keep on the move and stay away from him, and he'll eventually stop spinning. When he does, whack him again. You can also hold Down-Left and Down-Right to crawl.

If sparkles come out of the boss, a few gems will eventually rain down from above. One of them will turn into a gem soldier that can easily be done away with.

Once you beat the boss, you'll free Astal. He'll figure out that the bird reminds him of Leda, then tells the bird not to follow him as he doesn't want anything to happen to the bird...yet the bird follows him anyway.

The cutscene shows that Astal can be emotional after all...

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 4 of 18

Now that Chapter 2 has begun, it's time to explore the Vulcanix Underground and become a human again.

You are now in a bedroom. There is a picture of King Otar on the wall. Rosella will be sitting on the bed when you are here for the first time, but if you click anywhere, she will stand up.

At this point, you'll be playing as Valanice for the odd-numbered chapters and Rosella for the even-numbered ones. As you go through the game, you will notice that both Valanice and Rosella seem out of character compared to previous games; Valanice bawls at the sight of Rosella's golden comb and comes off as a weaker protagonist compared to previous games even though this is the only time in the series you ever play as her, while Rosella comes off as spoiled and prissy compared to how mature she was in the fourth game. It's like Roberta Williams and Lorelei Shannon forgot who they had as the main protagonists and changed the characters completely.

If you look into the mirror, Rosella will not exactly like her appearance. If you click on the bed, Rosella won't much like it, either.

Go ahead and leave the room through the door. The woman in the background from earlier confronts Rosella, knowing that she is really a human and not a troll and accuses her of trying to usurp the throne of the Vulcanix underground. Rosella cries (to be fair, she did this in the beginning of the fourth game), and the female quickly apologizes and tells her that King Otar has been acting strange lately and that an evil woman has been snooping around.

The female troll introduces herself as Mathilda, nursemaid of King Otar back when the king was young. She tells Rosella that she has a way of turning her back into a human again, but she has to do something for her: go up to the kingdom of Ooga-Booga above ground and investigate why the civil relationship between Ooga-Booga and the Vulcanix underground has been threatened with anyone above ground threatening to attack anyone from the underground. Mathilda thinks the old woman that has been snooping around is the cause of it, but she does not know for sure.

Mathilda then asks Rosella to bring her baked beetles, a crystal dragon's scale, water of emerald, a silver spoon and a gold bowl. (She will repeat the ingredients if you click on her.) With these ingredients, Mathilda can turn Rosella back into a human. After this, a girl troll shows up and shows disappointment with her new toy: a wind-up toy rat. When her mother calls for her, the girl troll discards it before leaving. Go pick it up; this will be your first item and it will prove to be useful later on.

To the left of the throne is a shield, which you can pick up. If you look at it with the eye, you can click on the spike and remove it from the shield.

The red area to the left of the shield is the lava baths. If you head over there, you'll meet two male trolls bathing it what looks like lava. If you talk to them at this point, they will be asleep. Guess you'll have to come back later.

Go through the cavern in the lower-right corner. This leads to a bridge. In the background is a mine cart that you can use, and nearby is a lift that leads to above-ground that you cannot use yet, as Rosella says it is not very stable when you click on it. If you try to cross the bridge, a huge troll will block your path and will not cross you give him a thousand pieces of lead and a rat-on-a-stick. If you click on the troll again, Rosella will try to use her royal power in Daventry to try to get him to move, but to no avail. The troll will also identify himself as Brutus Bonecrusher. IF YOU TRY TO WALK THROUGH HIM TWICE, THE TROLL WILL THROW YOU INTO THE LAVA AND YOU WILL DIE.

To get past the troll, you will have to use the mine cart. Click on the cart to get a closer look, and use the shield on the mine cart in place of the missing wheel. When you do this, be sure to look at the shield with the eye and remove the spike from the center of the shield if you have not yet done so, then put the shield on the cart before putting the spike on the shield itself. IF YOU DO NOT PLACE THE SPIKE, YOU WILL FALL INTO THE STREAM OF LAVA NEARBY AND DIE. YOU WILL ALSO DIE IF YOU CLICK "RIDE" WITHOUT ADDING A WHEEL. YES, YOU DESERVE TO HAVE THE TROLL LAUGH AT YOU. You can then click on the "Ride" button, and Rosella will ride on the mine cart, knocking the troll into the lava and freeing the path to the right, The cart will be destroyed, but you don't need it anymore.

In the next area, follow the path. You will hear a constant sighing. At the end of the path is a crystal dragon guarding a large pile of red jewels. If you talk to the crystal dragon, you will find out that the dragon is depressed and fearful of never becoming happy again because she has lost her spark. If you click on the dragon again, she says that she has said exactly what she meant and that her world has grown cold. This is a clue for what to do.

When you come back to the starting point of this chapter, the game will act like walls and accurate pathfinding doesn't exist, then an older woman in pink and black shows up at the central hub of the level and heads towards the lava baths. Well, it's later. Head back to the lava baths, and Rosella will eavesdrop as this woman calls one of the trolls a revolting beast before leaving. Both of the male trolls in the lava will make fun of her after she leaves.

Now that the trolls at the lava bath are awake, you can talk to them. You will learn the nasty woman's name is Malicia, and that all that is supposedly known about her is that she is an evil fairy cast out of the kingdom of Etheria in the clouds and that she now hangs out in the Vulcanix Underground all of the time. It also becomes apparent that everyone is afraid of her.

If you click on the throne, Rosella will fool around and pretend to be King Otar. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Astal - Part 3 of 5

The heat gets turned up on this adventure, both figuratively and literally! Not only do you have two bosses in this part, but you have one of the hardest stages in the game in the Sea of Clouds!

Volcanic Valley

Blow on the pig enemies that are on fire so you can grab them. They'll be totally invincible to your attacks otherwise.

The fire dragons can easily be blown away.

It should be noted that the sounds the fire dragons make come straight from Panzer Dragoon. It's blatantly obvious, since the sound they make is the same one you hear when you get hit in the other game.

When the camera zooms out, you've reached the halfway point. Pound the ground for a star that will refill your entire power meter for the bird.

Midway into the level, you'll be dealing with fiery rocks spewing out of the volcano in the background. They cover a wide amount of space, but it's easy to get between two rocks. There's also a little nook in the ground you can hide halfway through this part. You'll eventually find a huge rock that you can pick up. Throw it, and Astal will instantly throw it into the background and plug up the volcano. The goal is at the end of this section.

Guardian of Fire

To beat this boss, you'll have to blow on the dragon to cool its body down. The head will separate and start blowing its fire breath in a spiral around its own face, but it's easy to avoid if you just go straight for the now-skeletal body and toss it into the ground. The head will relight its body up and become one whole dragon again after each hit. This spinning attack also gets faster the more you damage the boss.

The dragon will then fly into the foreground and come at you from there, breathing fire as it flies into the background. Keep an eye on which side of the screen its flies off to, as that's where it will re-appear when its attack pattern repeats.

After the third hit, the body dies and the head just goes crazy. Just use your breath attack on the head and it's all over. You can also make it easier on yourself and just use the yellow gem to sic the bird on it.

The boss also makes the same sounds as the Dark Dragon from Panzer Dragoon.

Sea of Clouds

This is probably one of the nastiest levels in the entire game. Even the invincibility cheat that the game has won't be able to send you back up to the platforms. If you fall into the pits, you're going down. It's instant death from there.

You'll start seeing some new enemies here, such as red and yellow variations of the blue flying enemies you've seen all game. These will stop and divebomb straight ahead, much like the bird's dash attack. You'll also see teal, mosquito-like flying enemies that can only be taken down with the breath attack or with the bird attack.

Using the Yellow Gem in certain spots will allow you to send the bird to a platform and have it beat the crap out of it and stop it from moving temporarily. Use this as an opportunity to get free passage onto one of the level's many moving pink crystal platforms that you'll be seeing. This can be a good thing, since the momentum of the platforms also affects the momentum of your jump. If they're moving forward, you will be pushed forward; if they're moving back, your jump will be pushed back quite a bit. Just bide your time and know when to make your move.

The Behemoth

Grab the boss's head when it rears its horns back and tries to attack you with them. It's pretty easy for all but the last hit. Just wait for it to jump over you at the beginning, then dash towards it and grab him when it rears its horns up to attack. You'll be doing this for the first four hits. You can wait for him to stop doing those last-ditch maneuvers it does and try to attack you before grabbing him, but it's easier to land the coup de grace with the bird. Once you beat him, he'll change into a dark orb and travel straight to Jerado.

PrinceWatercress plays Astal - Part 2 of 5

The difficulty heats up as we cross the nearby waters in our quest to rescue Leda. All the while, Jerado is watching...

The Deep Forest

Love how both the water and the background cycle through the color spectrum.

Anyway, the water hurts you if you jump into it, but thankfully jumping over the pits isn't really that hard, especially since controlling your jump while bouncing off enemies is easy. Take it slow, as running has the potential to steer you into trouble.

The brown creature with the huge hand that flies around will try to grab the bird and kill it. Thankfully, you can hear it coming, and whacking it in midair will cause it to fly away immediately. If it keeps the bird for too long, however, you'll lose the bird...and a life!

You'll have to use some of the enemies here as stepping stones. To do that, simply jump on them.

The River Of Dreams

Jump on the giant turtle in the water (I'm guessing that's what it is), then pound the ground on it to get it going. Use it again whenever you need to reach things and get over obstacles that you won't able to jump over otherwise.

You'll see gem-shaped creatures jumping up and down on platforms. The turtle will eat these platforms automatically, and you can attack the gem creatures if you want.

The flowers will hurt you. Some of them can be jumped over, while others can be ducked under.

After a while, the turtle will be trying to lunge at a fish. There is a rhythm to how he lunges, and you'll need to recognize it as you will be sent flying into the air when his head returns. When you reach the end, the turtle will stop lunging...but he never gets the fish! Dammit!

The Forest Fiend

The boss here is a giant flower that you'll have to smash with your fists.

At the beginning of the battle, the flower spits out pods that turn into platforms that you can jump onto. Get one on, then whack the flower's head when it lowers itself. From this point, the seeds he spits will grow plants that spit two spores upward as an attack before dying. You can grab and toss the plants to get rid of them, and from there, whack the flower's head when it lowers.

After three hits, the flower will rise out of the ground and start moving around. It will keep creating those plants, but you can still wait for it to lower its head and whack its head in midair when it comes your way. Another easy boss when you know what to do, but using the bird to land the coup de grace makes it even easier at the end.

After you beat the flower, its head turns into a grey sphere and floats off. We finally find out what's going on with these grey spheres in the cutscene: they actually make Jerado even more powerful, and the more you look for Leda (who isn't there, according to our antagonist), the more powerful we unintentionally make him.

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 3 of 18

We've made some headway in this it's time to take the final steps and get out of here. I wonder what Rosella's up to...?

As mentioned earlier, use the hunting horn once to get the dirt out of it, so you can use it when you need it.

Use the hunting horn on where the jackalope is hiding. This will scare the jackalope out of his wits and cause the glasses he stole to fall off his face. You'll also notice that the jackalope has gotten some of his fur stuck on the nearby cactus. Grab that along with the glasses.

If you got the rope, you can tie it to two cacti in the starting area on the path where you first met Rodrigo and the jackalope. From there, the jackalope will will run out and get caught on the rope. Not only will the glasses fall off the jackalope's face as he stumbles off, but the jackalope fur will be stuck on one of the cacti. Again, be sure to grab the fur and the glasses.

From there, knock on Rodrigo's door and hand him his glasses. From this point on, you can finally trade with him.

If you use the golden comb on Rodrigo, Valanice will ask Rodrigo if he has seen Rosella. Sadly, he hasn't, but he has heard that the troll king in a land to the west is planning to wed a foreign princess. To find out more, Valanice will have to go into the woods and then underground.

If you give Rodrigo the gourd seed, he will give you a turquoise bead. If you try to trade anything else, Rodrigo will try to trade something completely useless (which Valanice will automatically decline).

To the east of the chapter's starting point is a temple, and inside is a scorpion. If you try to move past it, the scorpion will kill you. You can combine the piece of broken petticoat with the stick to make it a flag, then use the flag on the scorpion to distract it. However, if you take too long in this room, the scorpion will turn around and kill you. If you use the bug reducing powder, however, the scorpion will shrink and run away, and it won't be able to bother you again.

Interestingly, you can't use the flag and then the bug powder; you can only use one or the other. Use the powder first thing so the scorpion doesn't get to you.

Now that we have the turquoise bead, it is time to head back to the pool and drain the water again by moving the statue head so the sun rays come out and turning the bowl upside down. After that, go down the stairs and place the turquoise bead in the offering bowl. The statue will shake its head. Take the piece on the right, as the left one will not work. If you take the left one, put it back and take the one on the right. IF YOU TAKE BOTH, THE CHAMBER WILL RE-FLOOD AND YOU WILL DIE.

I now go back to the temple and use the bug reducing powder on the scorpion.

If you click on the face in the wall, Valanice will notice that one of the eyes on the face is able to open further.

If you move onto the altar near it, you'll be able to take a closer look at it. There is an upside-down water droplet shape in the center of the base, and if you click on it, it will turn around. Three gems will rise up, two from the sides and one from the base. The eye on the face you looked at earlier will open up, and a thin beam of light will shoot out onto one of the hands of the small statue in the center.

Placing the gems in the beam of light will make it change color. Take the yellow and blue gems and place them on the hands, then place the red one on the circular area to the right of the statue. The tile that the beam of light is shining on will lower, then rise back up with an arrow-shaped turquoise block. You now have a way of opening the portal out of the desert! Take it!

Combine the two pieces of turquoise by placing one on the other, then take it to the portal door and place it in the arrow underneath the door. The door will sink into the sand. Go in, and you will encounter a giant lizard. This ends Champter 1.

Chapter Two: "A troll is as a troll does."

Chapter Two starts off elsewhere. As Rosella is pulled to the other side of the portal, she is suddenly transformed. The big green guy who pulled her through the portal is King Otar Fenris the Third, ruler of the Vulcanix underground, and for some reason, he knows Princess Rosella already.

Princess Rosella asks about the castle she saw, but King Otar tells her that the castle is a dull place and that she would not like it. King Otar then says "Gee...I wasn't expecting this," and when Rosella asks what "this" is, Otar tries to lie and say that he did not expecting Rosella to look so lovely before saying she will be the most radiant bride in all the world. Rosella, not liking the idea of a marriage, brushes Otar off only to bump into the mirror she has just been pulled out of and learn that she has been transformed into a troll. Otar escorts her to a nearby bedroom. Nearby, an older female troll is seen watching in the background.

Rosella will then be in a bedroom, complete with a footstool, a mirror and a bed.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Astal - Part 1 of 5

This was an interesting game to me on the Saturn as a kid, but I never beat it legitimately until years later. Fun game, too, even if it's still a bit hard at points.

The game takes place on a planet known as Quartilia, where everything is made from gems by the goddess Antowas, including our hero Astal and his female human friend Leda. An evil being known as Jerado created his own human, Geist, to kidnap Leda. Astal freed Leda, but Astal was banished to the moon by Antowas - who was awoken from her slumber - after he broke the bottom of the sea to free Leda, and was chained to it for all eternity. Jerado may have been banished from the world and defeated by Antowas, but Geist is trying to bring Jerado back. When Geist kidnaps Leda again, Astal hears Leda's cries for help and breaks free. He makes his way back to Quartilia and hunts her down.

The Journey Begins

You can already tell this is a good looking game. The level environments are not only pre-rendered, they're seemingly hand-drawn!

Your main attack (B) is your grab. When you grab an enemy, you can hold them with the B button and toss them behind you whenever you let go.

You have three fruits which act as your health. You can have up to five if you find a specific power-up. A red fruit refills one unit while a green one refills the whole shebang.

Your blow attack (Up+B) stuns enemies and changes them into gems. From there, you can defeat them. You can jump off the tops of their heads to stun them for a second if you need to.

Down+B lets you pound the ground with your fist. This lets you shake the ground and also stun enemies.

Pressing B in the air lets you smash things in mid-air. When you perform this attack, you'll stop falling as you perform it. This can be used to your advantage at times, as you'll see later in the game.

If you press B while running, you'll do a grab that has even longer range than if you're just standing.

To get rid of the trees blocking your path, just walk up to them and pick them up with B. With tree in hand, you can slowly amble forward and clear a whole line of foes.

The gem enemies that you see are pretty easy. Some of them leap out from both the foreground and background, but they're still not that hard.

Midway through the level, you'll come across a gold version of the enemies you've seen before as well as some of his gold henchmen. They've held a bird hostage in a cave. Get rid of the henchmen, then get rid of the captain (who just stands there and strikes every couple of seconds). When you finish these guys off, you'll free the bird...which follows you around, much to Astal's chagrin. 

This is where the purple bar comes into play. The more you fill it up, the more you can get the bird to do things with the gems. The blue gems allows the bird to search for power-ups, and can be activated with X. (You may get a 1-up sometimes, so try it out in certain areas.) The red gem allows for the bird to attack around the screen, and you can press Z to activate it. When this purple bar is glowing, it's completely filled. You can get energy from any enemy that has small, yellow flashing spheres of light surrounding it. (I shall refer to this purple energy meter as the "bird meter" to keep from confusing the heck out of everybody.) (You can also perform bird actions by selecting between them with L and R and pressing the A button to perform the action you want, though X, Y and Z are easier.)

If you have a friend and a second controller, you can play two-player simultaneous. The "1P" will change into a "2P" as soon as the other player presses Start. The bird can go in any direction and also strike at enemies with a variety of moves that is as wide as Astal's, too. Heck, the bird has dashing attacks and can also divebomb! The bird can also rest on Astal's shoulder and regain health from Astal. If the bird rests too long, the game reverts back to one-player mode, but the second player can still rejoin at anytime.

While you're in two-player mode, the bird has its own health meter. The health meters will act as a scale, and if they're not balanced, somebody has less health than the other. If the bird dies, you lose a life just like if Astal died, so be very careful.

There is a team attack that involves one of the bird's attack and Astal's breath, but it takes practice to time perfectly. If you pull it off right, the bird flies around furiously and takes out everything on screen.

There is one point in every level where you can pound the ground and cause a white sparkle to show up. Picking this up fills your power meter completely. 

The enemy carrying the jewel underneath has a red fruit, though this enemy can carry other things. The red fruit refills one hit. Later on, you'll find green fruit that refill all your health.

Near the end, you'll meet archers. Avoid the arrows and make it to the end. You'll also meet the default flying enemies as well as the flying creature carrying a gem under it (which can leave power-ups sometimes).

Into The Darkness

The pig enemies slowly amble back and forth. They're pretty easy as well. They jump back a bit and rear back before attack, but you can see this a mile away.

Some enemies will have lights rotating around them. If you defeat these enemies, you'll get power for the power meter.

Throughout the level, you'll see bats flying across the ceiling. They'll run across the screen like a crushing ceiling, so at some point you'll have to duck in a low area and let them pass and rise up before you can continue on.

Sometimes, as you make your way through a level, you'll get the yellow gem in the center to show up. When this happens, you can press Y and use it to perform a level-specific action, such as lighting a dark cave or attacking a boss. Here, you can use it temporarily clear all the bats from above your head. The bats do come back, though. It should be noted that the bats can take out other enemies.

There's a red fruit hidden behind the foreground. The sparkles from the fruit are a sort of clue.

The Evil Eye

We're now going to take on our first boss!

This one is a giant version of the bats that we saw in the last level. This one has a big yellow eye and wants us dead, sadly.

The boss health meter is in the upper-right corner, and it shows up in the form of a purple crystal. As you damage the boss, the crystal shrinks and changes color. When it starts flashing, he's nearly dead. Kill him to shatter the crystal.

Whenever you see the boss flying around, smash him. He'll fly around in the background before flying out into the battlefield. As you fight him, his bat minions will show up in the background, and after a while, they'll attack you. If you use the yellow gem here, the bird will help you take them out while you concentrate on the boss.

Stay on the move when the bats attack. You know this is about to happen when the background starts warping quite a bit. As long as you're running (double tap left or right on the Control Pad), you should be fine and their attempts to lock on to you will be useless.

If you send the bird to fetch an item here, you may get a 1-up, signified by a small glowing statuette of Astal that cycles through a color spectrum. It also refills your health, so go ahead and take satisfaction in that as well.

It takes three measly hits to take down the Evil Eye. After that, you'll take on his second form. He'll have no wings and he'll just bounce around the screen. Three more easy hits and it's done.

When you leave, Geist shows up behind you. He steals the life force of the boss you just beat and then teleports away. You'll then get a cutscene involving Astal being ticked off with the bird, then it's on to the next level.

PrinceWatercress plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 2 of 18

Now that we've ended up in this strange desert, we might as well do some more exploration on top of what we've already done.

If you look at the pool of water, Valanice will look down and notice a statue at the bottom.

Let's go back north. Near the face carved in the statue, you can use the stick on the prickly pear to get it off the cactus and put it in your inventory. 

In the nearby cave, there is a woven basket as well as four jars. The woven basket can be picked up and placed in the inventory. If you use it on the eye and rotate the basket, you'll find a kernel of corn, which you can click on to place in your inventory. As for the four pots, you'll have to pick up all four pots just to pick up one, as each jar up until the very last will break apart when Valanice touches them. It is a tad funny to see Valanice get irritated when the third one breaks, honestly. Once you grab one, though, it will prove useful for a few things you can do here.

Leave the cave. then head to the west. There will be some water droplets dropping onto the sand. If you click on the sand, Valanice will notice the sand is damp. Click on the corn kernel, then lock on the sand to place the kernel there. A cornstalk will grow as if by magic. From there, you can take an ear of corn from it.

If you go south, west or east of the starting area, you'll be in the desert. You'll also be able to meet what looks like an undead man dressed like some sort of drifter, and if you can talk to him, he will tell Valanice that she is far away from life, love and hope, and that she is surrounded by dust and that dust is what she shall become. He will also tell you that he lost his life in the desert and must walk the desert forever, tormented by everlasting, burning thirst. He tells Valanice to leave while she still can by means of a portal through the mountains, and mentions that the giant stone head was closed by an evil enchantress, and while legend says it can be opened, he does not know how. He then tells Valanice to go before the thirst drives him into madness.

Go back to the pool of water. Put the clay jar in the water to fill it up. If you use it on Valanice, she will pour it out. Don't do that. If you click on the pool of water a second time after looking in it on the first click, Valanice will mention it is salty. Use the Golden Comb on the bowl, then pour the jar of water into the bowl. Place the ear of corn on the hand above the bowl. The bowl will glow, and if you use the jar on it, you'll find out the water is fresh.

If you go back to the corn stalk, you'll find out that the nearby gourd split in the sun. If you click on the gourd, you can get a gourd seed. As for the nearby painting to the east, it tells you to move the beads on the necklace to the third row and turn the bowl over to empty the pool of water so you can get to what is below.

Go back to the pool and the statue. Move all the blue beads on the necklace to the third column, then turn the bowl upside down and turn the head of the statue so it is in the "sun" position. The water of the pool will drain and reveal the stairs. Go down, and you will be at the offering bowl. There are two pieces of turquoise stone here, and the one you want is on the right. DO NOT TAKE IT YET OR ELSE YOU WILL DIE. Instead, you have to place something on there in exchange for a turquoise stone piece, and you don't have it yet. Go back upstairs.

Go back to the desert and look for the traveler. Click on him first to talk to him, then give him the fresh water. He will take you to his remains. The dust devil will disappear, and you can get the treasure nearby: a hunting horn and a pouch. He also tells you that he was once known as the adventurer Colin Farwalker. He thanks you for giving him peace. (If you go into the desert and hand the salt water to the ghost, he will spit it out and become irritated with you, and asks you not to give him false hope. He also throws the pot away, and you have to go get it back yourself. Also, there is a dust devil in the desert near some remains and a strange object, and the dust devil won't let you get anywhere near it. It is better to give the fresh water to the traveler and have him take it to you.)

There are two things in the pouch: a can of bug reducing powder and a rope. However, you can take only one of the two items. The bug reducing powder can be used against the scorpion you met earlier, while the rope can be used for something a little later. You'll also be able to take the hunting horn if you get the bug reducing powder. Be sure to use it once to clean out all the sand clogging it, so you can use it in the future. As for how to get back to the starting area, just keep going two screens to the north. That's all you have to do.

If you continue to walk through the desert in any other direction for enough screens, Valanice WILL EVENTUALLY KEEL OVER AND DIE. Thankfully, you can always retry instanly without the whole "restore game" thing from the first six games. IF YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD AVOID ALL CAPS IN BOLD AFTER ME NOT COVERING THIS SERIES SO MANY TIMES, YOU ARE MISTAKEN. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Power Blade - Part 7 of 7

We've got all the tape units! Now it's time to take on who is responsible for all of this mess!

Sector 7

There's no contact here, so just make your way to the top of the tower and enter the sector door. So much for the main defense.

The white robots that jump around are pretty fast. They'll follow you around and try to run into you.

The boss here looks a lot like Lenin. He has two forms. The first has him popping in and out, shooting a fireball directly at you. Keep your energy tanks equipped and be ready to use them, because you're probably going to get hit...a lot.

The second form is the Master Computer itself. Fire rockets out of its exhausts below the sides. This boss moves for a bit, then shoots a fireball upwards that splits into several small flames. Stay below the Master Computer, between the exhaust flames, and avoid the fireballs as you do so, throwing the boomerang upwards as much as possible. Be ready to use your energy tanks here, too.

When you beat the second boss, congratulations! You did it!

PrinceWatercress plays Power Blade - Part 6 of 7

The contact is in an easy place this time around. Would be nice if the sewers were a little easier to get out of once when you find them, though. Also, Mega Man platforms. Yeah, those are nice.

Sector 6

For once, the contact has long hair. Finally, they didn't dump the same set of tiles for the contact in the last normal level. You'll see her near the beginning in the sewers. She's not that hard to find. It's a bummer that the game always brings you back to where you found the contact upwards; I'd rather start back at the beginning due to the jumping you have to do. When you make your way back out of the sewers after finding the contact, you'll find invisible platforms that pop back in and out every few seconds. Once again, the game is being unoriginal and taking a page from Mega Man.

The white humanoid robots that crumble when you hit them make a return appearance here.

The flying blue robots will get in your way and fire at you, and will even drop down on top of you if you're going too fast. If you see them, take them out as soon as possible.

The boss here is a giant walking robot. Hit him in the upper half of his body with the boomerangs, and use the platforms that fade in and out of existence to get over him when necessary. When he does a cannonball jump, be ready to run under him. The Power Blade makes this battle much easier and faster.